Jul 31, 2024  
2012-2013 Graduate Catalog 
2012-2013 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduate Course Descriptions


Early Education Intervention

  • EEI 701 - Child Development I

    (4 credits)

    This course addresses theories and principles of motor, adaptive, and socio-emotional development in young children. The course reviews states of development, variability in special needs and implications for child, family, community and curriculum.

    Prerequisite(s): Students must be admitted to the Education Specialist in Early Education and Intervention degree program or have permission of the instructor. Students must meet the prerequisite (EEI 700).

  • EEI 702 - Child Development II

    (4 credits)

    This course addresses theories and principles of cognitive and language development in young children. The course reviews stages of development, variability in special needs, and implications for the child, family, community and curriculum.

    Prerequisite(s): Students must be admitted to the Education Specialist in Early Education and Intervention degree program or have instructor permission. Students must meet prerequisites (EEI 700 and EEI 701).

  • EEI 703 - Collaboration and Consultation in Early Intervention

    (4 credits)

    This course blends theory, research and practice to investigate topics of inclusion, collaboration and consultation. Students will develop communicative, interactive and collaborative problem-solving skills for working with families, school personnel, and community agencies.

    Prerequisite(s): Students must be admitted to the Education Specialist in Early Education and Intervention degree program or have permission of the instructor. Students must meet prerequisites (EEI 700, EEI 701, and EEI 702).

  • EEI 704 - Law, Policy and Practice Issues in the Education of Young Children with Special Needs

    (4 credits)

    Students will explore the interplay among, law, policy and practice in the context of early childhood education and special education programs. Students will review special education law and processes, examine current standards for ECSE programs and teachers, and explore the range of ECSE programs and practices.

    Prerequisite(s): Students must be admitted to the Education Specialist in Early Education and Intervention degree program or have permission of the instructor. Students must meet prerequisites (EEI 700, EEI 701, EEI 702, and EEI 703).

  • EEI 705 - Intervention Strategies and Inclusion Practices I: Birth to 5 years

    (4 credits)

    Students will examine contemporary practices in programs for children birth to age 5. Students will investigate child and environmental assessment tools in order to use information to support children in settings including home, community, special education and general education settings. Features of physical, temporal, and interpersonal environments will be studied.

    Prerequisite(s): Students must be admitted to the Education Specialist in Early Education and Intervention degree program or have permission of the instructor. Students must meet prerequisites (EEI 700, EEI 701, EEI 702, EEI 703, and EEI 704). EEI 706 may be taken simultaneously.

  • EEI 706 - Intervention Strategies and Inclusion Practices II: Early Elementary Programs

    (4 credits)

    Students will examine contemporary practices in elementary school settings; investigate how student achievement is evaluated and how children with special needs are identified; and explore strategies for implementing interventions with children in the home, community, special education and general education settings.

    Prerequisite(s): Students must be admitted to the Education Specialist in Early Education and Intervention degree program or have permission of the instructor. Students must meet prerequisites (EEI 700, EEI 701, EEI 702, EEI 703, and EEI 704). EEI 705 may be taken simultaneously.

  • EEI 707 - Applied Research and Leadership in Early Education and Intervention

    (4 credits)

    This course provides students with opportunity to demonstrate leadership in planning, implementing and evaluating an action research project in early education and intervention. Projects may focus on a wide range of topics and can be implemented in a variety of educational settings with diverse constituents.

    Prerequisite(s): Students must be admitted to the Education Specialist in Early Education and Intervention degree program or have permission of the instructor. Students must meet prerequisites (EEI 700, EEI 701, EEI 702, EEI 703, EEI 704, EEI 705, and EEI 706).

    Prerequisite or Corequisite: EEI 706


  • ECN 521 - Economics for Managers

    (3 credits)

    Explores microeconomic and macroeconomic topics of importance to managerial decision-making. Topics include: constrained decision making, demand analysis, cost analysis, alternative market structures, determinants of inflation and unemployment, economic indicators and the business cycle, and the role of monetary and fiscal policy in an open and closed economy.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must meet the prerequisite (QMM 510) and have completed a course in microeconomics and a course in macroeconomics.

  • ECN 550 - Risk Management

    (3 credits)

    Course reviews interest rate theory, Poisson, exponential and probability models and then develops and uses a variety of actuarial and risk models such as contingent payment models, and frequency, severity and aggregate claims models.

    Prerequisite(s): Students must meet the prerequisites (FIN 533 or equivalent and QMM 510 or equivalent).

  • ECN 605 - Econometrics

    (3 credits)

    Estimation and testing of economic models using regression techniques. Includes experience with violations of regression assumptions, binary variables, autoregression and distributive lag models and the structure of “large” simultaneous equation models.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must meet prerequisite (ECN 521) or its equivalent.

  • ECN 618 - Seminar in Economic Policy

    (3 credits)

    Analysis of economic policy. Topics vary but may include resource allocation, macroeconomic stability, economic growth, energy, public choice, global economic interdependence and the environment.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must meet the prerequisite (ECN 521) or its equivalent.

  • ECN 620 - Money, Financial Institutions and Markets

    (3 credits)

    This course provides an analytical foundation for the understanding of the way money and capital markets serve as a conduit through which economic policies and internal and external shocks affect the multitude of financial instruments and the overall economy. The role of financial intermediaries within the context of the saving/investment process and the supply of money and credit is discussed. The asset/liability management process of various financial institutions is investigated. Finally, the regulatory environment under which U.S. financial institutions operate is examined. Generally offered fall semester of odd years and spring semester of even years.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must meet the prerequisite (FIN 533) or its equivalent.

  • ECN 656 - Public Finance

    (3 credits)

    The course studies the role and impact of the public sector in a market economy. It examines government spending programs and taxes within the context of efficiency and equity. There is a strong emphasis on current policy issues. Generally offered winter semester of odd years.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must meet prerequisite (ECN 521) or its equivalent.

  • ECN 667 - Economics of Health Care

    (3 credits)

    The course explores application of tools of economic analysis to the health care industry and government health care policy. It examines the impact of the special characteristics of health care and the medical services industry on the pattern of health care produced, its distribution and resource allocation within the industry. Generally offered winter semester of even years.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must meet the prerequisite (ECN 521) or its equivalent.

  • ECN 673 - International Trade and Finance

    (3 credits)

    Examination of the theory of international trade, international monetary mechanisms, exchange-rate regimes, the balance of payments and economic interdependence. Generally offered winter semester of odd years.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must meet the prerequisite (ECN 521) or its equivalent.

  • ECN 680 - Special Topics in Economics

    (3 credits)

    An in-depth study of the application of economic theory to a specialized economics topic. Topics vary. See Schedule of Classes for current offering. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits. Same topic cannot be repeated.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must meet the prerequisite (ECN 521) or its equivalent.

  • ECN 685 - Economics of Industries

    (3 credits)

    The course studies the structure of American industry and the factors affecting it, with emphasis on economies of scale; barriers to entry; structure-behavior relationships, including pricing, product differentiation and technical change; evaluation of performance, antitrust and regulation. Generally offered fall semester of even years.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must meet the prerequisite (ECN 521) or its equivalent.

  • ECN 690 - Independent Study in Economics

    (3 credits)

    Independent individual research on a topic chosen by the student. A written contract must be prepared and approved by Department Chair and Office of Graduate Business Programs before registration is permitted.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must have completed ACC 690 and have permission of instructor.


  • ED 730 - Professional Seminar I

    (2 credits)

    Provides a forum for advanced level inquiry, discussion and analysis of leadership issues in human services and education from a multi-disciplinary perspective. The seminar will examine issues such as human development, knowledge base of education, multiculturalism and diversity, as well as the implication and applications of technology to the study of these topics.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must be admitted to Ph.D. program.

  • ED 731 - Professional Seminar II

    (2 credits)

    Provides a forum for additional advanced level inquiry, discussion and analysis of leadership issues in human services and education from multi-disciplinary perspective. The seminar will examine issues such as human development, knowledge base of education, multi-culturalism and diversity, as well as the implication and applications of technology to the study of these topics.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must be admitted to Ph.D. program.

  • ED 732 - Research Methodology

    (4 credits)

    Considers various modes of human science inquiry appropriate to the fields of education and human services. Examines a range of conceptions and strategies in light of students’ emerging research interests. Studies tools of research, research planning and design, research methodologies and communication of results of research.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must be admitted to Ph.D. program.

  • ED 733 - Analytical Methods

    (4 credits)

    Offers a variety of research methods for analyzing empirical data. Considers the appropriateness of fit between various analytical procedures and diverse sets of data drawn from a range of settings in education and human services. Examines assumptions underlying different methods of analysis, different statistical designs and procedures, and different ways of interpreting data.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must be admitted to Ph.D. program.

  • ED 799 - Independent Doctoral Studies in Educational Leadership

    (1 to 4 credits)

    Pursues a directed independent study of topics related to leadership at the doctoral level. May be taken more than once, but for no more than a total of 8 credits.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must have permission of adviser/instructor.

  • ED 800 - Foundations of District Leadership

    (4 credits)

    This course will concentrate on the study and analysis of leadership at the district level in the creation of a shared vision for schooling derived from research and real district experience. The knowledge of transforming behaviors and support for instructional leadership will be a major focus.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must be admitted to program.

  • ED 801 - Philosophical and Ethical Issues in Educational Leadership

    (4 credits)

    Investigates classical and contemporary philosophical theories and ethical issues and their influence on educational beliefs and practices.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must be admitted to the Ph.D. program.

  • ED 802 - Advanced Education Politics and Policy

    (4 credits)

    Examines critical policy issues facing contemporary education and the political forces that drive or impede their resolution. A special focus is given to the political and policy issues that surround the improvement of urban education. Students are introduced to techniques for generating, evaluating and revising policy initiatives.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must be admitted to the Ph.D. program.

  • ED 804 - Learning Theories and Psychological Issues in Education

    (4 credits)

    Provides an overview of classical learning theories associated with behavioral, developmental and cognitive schools of thought. Students will explore the application of such theories to issues of leadership, school and community culture, curriculum and staff development.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must be admitted to the Ph.D. program.

  • ED 850 - Internship in District Level Leadership

    (2 credits)

    Designed as a series of three interconnected courses (ED 850, 855, 869) that stretch across the program, the internship experience is intended to help candidates demonstrate both program goals and state leadership standards by linking required course activities to authentic leadership practices. Under the guidance of a mentor team, candidates will have structured and sustained opportunities to increase their skill and competence as central office leaders with a commitment to all students’ learning.  During the internship, successful candidates will demonstrate evidence of increased skill and competence through the design and implementation of a significant district-level systems change project.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must be admitted to program.

    Corequisite(s): ED 800

  • ED 901 - Field-Based Mentorship Issues I

    (2 credits)

    Provides students an opportunity to reflect on their experience in working with a field-based mentor and to apply theory and research in the mentor’s environment. Students will also work to refine a dissertation research proposal, possibly based on a problem identified with the help of the mentor.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must be admitted to the Ph.D. program.

  • ED 902 - Field-Based Mentorship Issues II

    Provides students an opportunity to reflect on their experience in working with a field-based mentor and to apply theory and research in the mentor’s environment. Students will also work to refine a dissertation research proposal, possibly based on a problem identified with the help of the mentor.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must be admitted to the Ph.D. program.

  • ED 903 - Leadership Research Issues and Proposal Development

    (4 credits)

    Provides students with the opportunity to apply research methodology to selected issues in educational leadership. The major focus of the course will be the preparation of dissertation proposal.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must be admitted to the Ph.D. program.

  • ED 911 - Contemporary American Higher Education

    (4 credits)

    Provides students with a broad understanding of contemporary American higher education through an examination of its current status and emerging future. Includes an examination of how higher education is organized, financed and governed at national, state, and local levels. Students will also examine the contemporary issues, policy debates, core values, political forces, and national trends impacting higher education.

    Prerequisite(s): Students must be admitted to the Ph.D. program, the Master’s in Nursing Education, the Post-Master’s Certificate in Higher Education, or have permission of the instructor.

  • ED 912 - Administering the College or University

    (4 credits)

    Provides students with in-depth knowledge of the various divisions within a college or university and of the management and leadership responsibilities of division administrators. The class will visit various university/college programs and services and learn from their respective administrators.

    Prerequisite(s): Students must be admitted to the Ph.D. program, the Master’s in Nursing Education, the Post-Master’s Certificate in Higher Education, or have permission of the instructor.

  • ED 913 - Executive Processes of Leadership and Management

    (4 credits)

    Provides students with the knowledge and skill needed to understand and implement the processes of positive organizational change. The course will focus on successful models and exemplary practices in the use of leadership, management, and power at senior levels of higher education organizations.

    Prerequisite(s): Students must be admitted to the Ph.D. program, the Master’s in Nursing Education, the Post-Master’s Certificate in Higher Education, or have permission of the instructor.

  • ED 914 - Internship in Higher Education

    (4 to 8 credits)

    Supervised second internship in higher education administration designed to give students a working knowledge of higher education practice and the opportunity to develop administrative skills and leadership capacity.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and approval for the cognate in higher education. Coordinator approval of the internship site(s) and site preceptor is also required prior to the start of the internship.

    Recommended prerequisite(s): Completion of at least 4 credit hours of cognate course work prior to beginning the internship is strongly recommended.

    Corequisite(s): Concurrent registration for ED 918 is required, unless exempted by the cognate coordinator.

  • ED 918 - Internship Project in Higher Education

    (4 credits)

    Students will complete an administrative or leadership project of their choosing designed to solve a problem or make a lasting contribution to their higher education internship setting. Students will complete all phases of the project including research, planning and implementation, as well as collaboration and leadership with others in the internship setting to ensure that the project is appropriate to the setting.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must be admitted to the Ph.D. program and be approved for the cognate in higher education.

    Prerequisite or Corequisite: ED 914 or ED 915

  • ED 919 - Student Services Administration in Higher Education

    (4 credits)

    The purpose of this course is to provide students with an overview of the theories, practices, and issues relevant to the administration of student services in a college or university setting. Students will examine administrative processes and functions from a variety of perspectives through readings, writings, and discussion.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must be admitted to the Ph.D. program in Educational Leadership or the Post Master’s Certificate in Higher Education or have permission of instructor.

  • ED 921 - Resource Management in Higher Education

    (4 credits)

    The purpose of this class is to provide students with knowledge and skills for the successful development and management of resources in higher education, including budgeting, financial analysis, fundraising, and grant writing.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Ph.D. in Education, Post Master’s in Higher Education, other Oakland University master’s degree program, or by permission of instructor.

  • ED 925 - Current Topics in Higher Education

    (1 to 4 credits)

    An in-depth study of one or more major current topics or issues of higher education, or of a selected administrative function in higher education institutions (e.g., college faculty development, intercollegiate athletics, fund raising, student financial aid, enrollment and retention, higher education law).

    Prerequisite(s): Students must be admitted into a graduate program in the Department of Educational Leadership or must obtain permission of the instructor and the Higher Education Coordinator.

  • ED 999 - Dissertation Research

    The student will register for course credits consistent with pace of research and writing.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must be admitted to the Ph.D. program.

Education Specialist: School Administration

  • EA 702 - Internship Experience II

    (1 credit)

    The intern’s plan of work will be implemented as an ongoing activity throughout the Ed.S. program.

  • EA 740 - School as a Formal Organization

    (4 credits)

    An introduction to organizational theory and analysis and its application to educational organizations. The required internship and academic portfolio will be initiated.

  • EA 741 - School Business Management

    (4 credits)

    In-depth analysis of financial and business operations of schools, including external and local funding sources, resource allocation issues, school budget, accounting and auditing systems.

  • EA 742 - Educational Law

    (4 credits)

    Analysis of school law through examination of landmark legal cases and legislative statutes. Emphasis on investigation of rights and responsibilities of students, teachers, administrators and parents; school liability issues; current court and legislative trends.

  • EA 743 - Professional Seminar

    (2 credits)

    Examines and synthesizes strategies for leadership and administration through the analysis of real problems facing practicing administrators. In this final course, the Ed.S. academic portfolio, including the internship documents, will be completed and presented.

  • EA 746 - Curriculum and Staff Development

    (4 credits)

    Examines administrative roles and responsibilities for the development of effective instructional programs. Emphasizes methods of staff development, curriculum theory, and design.

  • EA 747 - Program Assessment

    (2 credits)

    Presents the basic theories, techniques and issues in program assessment and planning are presented through lectures and seminars of specific topics related to the field. Students will be expected to participate in individual/group projects.

  • EA 748 - Seminar on School/Community Development

    (2 credits)

    Topics will be selected from a range of school/community relations issues. Major stakeholders will be identified and their roles and potential impact on the school analyzed.

  • EA 749 - Testing, Measurement and Data Analysis Techniques

    (2 credits)

    Introduces history of testing in American public schools, the meaning of individual and group test scores, reliability and validity of tests and measures, test construction and preparation, methods of analysis for test data, and issues of accountability.

  • EA 750 - Action Research I

    (2 credits)

    Reviews differences between quantitative and qualitative research and practices techniques of action research. Explores action research methodology and selects topic for group research project.

  • EA 751 - Action Research II

    (2 credits)

    Explores action research methodology and implements group research projects.

  • EA 754 - Human Resource Management and Supervision

    (4 credits)

    Provides students with the knowledge and skills needed for the implementation of effective and ethical human resources management and personnel supervision.

Educational Leadership

  • EA 701 - Internship Experience I

    (1 credit)

    With the guidance of their mentor and cohort coordinator, students will develop a plan of work consisting of goals and activities intended to provide opportunities to develop a variety of leadership skills and dispositions.

  • EL 500 - Introduction to Educational Leadership

    (4 credits)

    An introduction to educational leadership and preparation for the principalship. Examines current educational research and its use to improve instruction and leadership practices. Explores the role of federal, state, and local governments at elementary, middle, and secondary school settings.

  • EL 505 - Organizational Change Agent

    (4 credits)

    Provides theoretical and practical framework for leading student achievement efforts at building and district levels. Emphasis will be placed on leadership taxonomies and cultural change.

    Prerequisite(s): Students must meet prerequisites (EST 662, EST 663, EST 664, EST 665, EST 666 and EST 667).

  • EL 506 - Collaborative Inquiry III

    (2 credits)

    Allows students to participate in and lead school improvement activities involving the larger school community and external stakeholders.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must meet prerequisites (EST 662, EST 663, EST 664, EST 665, EST 666, and EST 667).

  • EL 515 - Teacher Leaders in the Education Profession

    (4 credits)

    Provides exposure to professional, social, and policy organizations and the labor unions; the course also focuses on the political, legal and fiscal environment of schools.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must meet prerequisites (EST 662, EST 663, EST 664, EST 665, EST 666, EST 667, EL 506, and EL 507).

  • EL 516 - Collaborative Inquiry IV

    (2 credits)

    Applies knowledge gained in companion course in analyzing and participating in educational organizations and the political process at the local, state and national levels.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must meet prerequisites (EST 662, EST 663, EST 664, EST 665, EST 666, EST 667, EL 506 and EL 507).

  • EL 520 - Schools, Students and Educational Equity

    (4 credits)

    Examines curricular, organizational, and resource strategies for achieving educational equity for a wide range of student variability in a variety of school settings.

  • EL 525 - Inquiry to Practice II

    (2 credits)

    Developing a research proposal and presentation with an integrated digital component meeting the needs of the larger educational profession.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must meet the prerequisites (EST 662, EST 663, EST 664, EST 665, EST 666, EST 667, EL 505, EL 506, EL 515, EL 516 and EL 525).

  • EL 530 - Theories and Techniques of Leadership

    (4 credits)

    Examines leadership theories and techniques. Identifies and critiques several theories of leadership and their application to various school environments. Explores major historical, philosophical, ethical, social, and economic influences affecting education in a democratic society.

  • EL 535 - Applied Theory of Teacher Leadership II

    (2 credits)

    Focuses on the culminating Leadership Symposium offered by each student during the summer of Year 2 of the M.Ed. in Teacher Leadership program. Involves students in the planning and participation of professional development activities.

  • EL 540 - Educational Administration

    (4 credits)

    Emphasizes processes and procedures in the management of educational systems, including personnel development. Examines a common core of knowledge gained through study in selected areas of school administration. Prepares students to assume responsibility for school administration with appropriate skill in communication and management skills, evaluation and supervision of staff, respect and value of human diversity.

  • EL 550 - School Finance and Business Administration

    (4 credits)

    Examines the major principles that govern the design and implementation of school funding formulas in relation to concepts of equity and adequacy for all students. Issues related to general business operations such as transportation, maintenance, operations and food service will also be explored.

  • EL 560 - Staff and Curriculum Development for School Improvement

    (4 credits)

    Examines the current areas of curriculum development and research as they relate to local school district planning and implementation. Focuses attention on various indices and paradigms of effective staff training and development from the literature and research as related to practical applications for school improvement.

  • EL 570 - Issues in Educational Leadership

    (1 to 6 credits)

    Studies current issues impacting organization, administration and environment of schools. May be taken more than once, but for no more than 6 credits.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must have permission of adviser.

  • EL 580 - Introduction to American Higher Education

    (4 credits)

    Provides students with an introduction to American higher education, its organization at national, state, local and institutional levels and to the roles and responsibilities of its administration.

  • EL 581 - History of American Higher Education

    (4 credits)

    Explores the history of American higher education as a story of growth and change accompanied by a persistent struggle for definition and identity - from several different perspectives.

  • EL 582 - Current Issues in American Higher Education

    (4 credits)

    This course will strengthen the student’s understanding of the complex issues facing American higher education today.

  • EL 583 - Academic Development and Curriculum

    (4 credits)

    Prepares students for entry and mid-level positions in the academic affairs division of a college or university.

  • EL 584 - Higher Education and Educational Equity

    (4 credits)

    Course will examine the effects of race, gender and socio-economic status on both access and persistence for students in American colleges and universities.

  • EL 585 - Leading Effective Organizations

    (4 credits)

    Examines research and theory on effective leadership strategies and prepares students for informed leadership in higher education organizations.

  • EL 586 - Introduction to Student Services Administration in Higher Education

    (4 credits)

    Provides students with an introduction to the major theories, practices, and issues relevant to the administration of student services in a college or university setting.

  • EL 587 - Capstone internship in Higher Education

    (4 credits)

    Will provide practical opportunities to apply in the workplace the leadership and organizational theory learned in class, to acquire new professional skills, and to test new career directions.

  • EL 590 - Special Studies in Educational Leadership

    (1 to 4 credits)

    Directed readings or independent study of topics related to leadership. May be taken more than once, but for no more than a total of 4 credits.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must have permission of adviser.

  • EL 611 - Contemporary American Higher Education

    (4 credits)

    Provides students with a broad understanding of contemporary American higher education through an examination of its current status and emerging future. Includes an examination of how higher education is organized, financed and governed at national, state, and local levels. Students will also examine the contemporary issues, policy debates, core values, political forces, and national trends impacting higher education.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must have a Master’s degree and be admitted to the Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Higher Education program, the Master of Science in Nursing: Nursing Education program, or by permission of the instructor.

  • EL 612 - Administering the College or University

    (4 credits)

    Provides students with a broad understanding of contemporary American higher education through an examination of its current status and emerging future. Includes an examination of how higher education is organized, financed and governed at national, state and local levels. Students will examine the contemporary issues, policy debates, core values, political forces, and national trends impacting higher education.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must have a Master’s degree and be admitted to the Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Higher Education program.

  • EL 613 - Executive Processes of Leadership and Management

    (4 credits)

    Provides students with the knowledge and skill needed to understand and implement the processes of positive organizational change. The course will focus on successful models and exemplary practices in the use of leadership, management and power at senior levels of higher education organizations. Student must have a Master’s degree and be admitted to the Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Higher Education program or the Master of Science in Nursing: Nursing Education program, or by permission of the instructor.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must have a Master’s degree and be admitted to the Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Higher Education program or the Master of Science in Nursing: Nursing Education program, or by permission of the instructor.

  • EL 619 - Student Services Administration in Higher Education

    (4 credits)

    The purpose of this course is to provide students with an overview of the theories, practices, and issues relevant to the administration of student services in a college or university setting. Students will examine administrative processes and functions from a variety of perspectives through readings, writings, and discussion.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must be admitted into the Post-Master’s Certificate in Higher Education program or have permission of instructor.

  • EL 620 - Law for Teachers and Administrators

    (4 credits)

    Introduces school law, with a unique opportunity to study crucial areas in public/private education that affect all educators. Investigates landmark cases and legislative statutes concerning the rights and responsibilities of teachers, students and parents.

  • EL 621 - Resource Management in Higher Education

    (4 credits)

    The purpose of this class is to provide students with knowledge and skills for the successful development and management of resources in higher education, including budgeting, financial analysis, fundraising, and grant writing.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Ph.D. in Education, Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Higher Education, other OU master’s degree programs, or by permission of instructor.

  • EL 625 - Current Topics in Higher Education

    (1 to 4 credits)

    An in-depth study of one or more major current topics or issues of higher education, or of a selected administrative function in higher education institutions (e.g., college faculty development, intercollegiate athletics, fund raising, student financial aid, enrollment and retention, higher education law).

    Prerequisite(s): Students must be admitted into a graduate program in the Department of Educational Leadership or must obtain permission of the instructor and the Higher Education Coordinator.

  • EL 630 - Internship for School Leaders I

    Internship for School Leaders I is designed to apply the learnings from graduate leadership courses to the school setting. Students explore leadership issues and work under the supervision of a mentor and a university field instructor to develop budgets, construct schedules, and interact with parents, community members, social agencies, and the media. Students spend time each semester in field internship activities, attend seminars, prepare logs, and finalize portfolio sections for culminating presentation.

    Students must enroll in EL 500 in conjunction with EL 630 during the Fall semester. Student must also register for EL 630 during the following Winter semester. Student must enroll in consecutive academic years for the full internship experience: EL 630 Fall semester year 1; EL 630 Winter semester year 1; EL 640 Fall semester year 2; EL 640 Winter semester year 2. EL 630 in conjunction with EL 640 will give the student a two-year internship experience.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must meet prerequisite (2 credits of EL 630).

  • EL 640 - Internship for School Leaders II

    Internship for School Leaders II continues to apply the learnings from graduate leadership courses to the school setting. Students explore leadership issues and work under the supervision of a mentor and a university field instructor to develop budgets, lead curriculum projects, and interact with parents, community members, social agencies, and the media. Students spend time each semester in field internship activities, attend seminars, prepare logs, and finalize portfolio sections for a culminating presentation. Student must enroll in EL 640 during the Fall and Winter term following the previous academic year in which 2 credits of EL 630 were taken. Students must enroll in consecutive academic years for the full internship experience: EL 630 Fall semester year 1; EL 630 Winter semester year 1; EL 640 Fall semester year 2; EL 640 Winter semester year 2. EL 630 in conjunction with EL 640 will give students a two-year internship experience.

  • EL 690 - Culminating Master’s Practicum in Educational Leadership

    (4 credits)

    Synthesizes and applies knowledge and skills gained in the M.Ed. in educational leadership to professional activities in the field. Students prepare professional development workshops, analyze their own professional and personal progress during their master’s program, and complete a professional portfolio as part of a final assessment of the master’s program.

Educational Studies - Teaching

  • EST 500 - Art for the Classroom Teacher

    (4 credits)

    Provides teachers with opportunities to learn about and use various art media and procedures to enhance classroom teaching. Students write a unit plan that shows integration of various media into their curriculum.

  • EST 501 - Visual Culture: Theories in Art Education

    (2 credits)

    EST 501 is intended for persons already holding a professional baccalaureate (BFA), Master’s degree in ART (MFA), or an undergraduate art major equivalent. It is the first course in a sequence of courses providing pedagogical content knowledge and experiences leading to a Master’s degree in Education with a K-12 art education endorsement. EST 501 will meet with AED 301, the undergraduate art education methods course. Additional requirements for EST 501 include increased analysis and discussion expectations, individual presentations and a final synthesis paper. A student receiving credit for AED 301 under most circumstances may not receive credit for EST 501.

    Prerequisite(s): BFA, MFA or equivalent coursework constituting an undergraduate degree in Art.

  • EST 502 - Teaching Art in the Elementary School

    (4 credits)

    EST 502 is intended for persons already holding a professional baccalaureate (BFA), Master’s degree in Art (MFA), or an undergraduate art major equivalent. It is the second course in a 12-credit hour sequence of courses providing pedagogical content knowledge and experiences leading to a Master’s degree in Education with a K-12 art education endorsement. EST 502 will meet with AED 302, the undergraduate elementary art education methods course. Additional requirements for EST 502 include increased analysis and discussion expectations, a performance portfolio and a research paper. A student receiving credit for AED 302 under most circumstances may not receive credit for EST 502.

    Prerequisite(s): BFA, MFA or equivalent coursework constituting an undergraduate degree in Art.

  • EST 503 - Teaching Art in the Middle School

    (2 credits)

    EST 503 is intended for persons already holding a professional baccalaureate (BFA), Master’s degree in Art (MFA), or an undergraduate art major equivalent. It is the third course in a 12-credit hour sequence of courses providing pedagogical content knowledge and experiences leading to a Master’s degree in Education with a K-12 art education endorsement. EST 503 will meet with AED 303, the undergraduate middle school art education methods course. Additional requirements for EST 503 include increased analysis and discussion expectations, individual presentations and grading differentials for course requirements. A student receiving credit for AED 303 under most circumstances may not receive credit for EST 503.

    Prerequisite(s): BFA, MFA or equivalent coursework constituting an undergraduate degree in Art.

  • EST 504 - Teaching Art at the Secondary Level

    (4 credits)

    EST 504 is intended for persons already holding a professional baccalaureate (BFA), Master’s degree in Art (MFA), or an undergraduate art major equivalent. It is the final course in a 12-credit hour sequence of courses providing pedagogical content knowledge and experiences leading to a Master’s Degree in Education with a K-12 art education endorsement. EST 504 will meet with AED 304, the undergraduate secondary level art education methods course. Additional requirements for EST 504 include increased analysis and discussion expectations, individual presentations, a research project and grading differentials for course requirements. A student receiving credit for AED 304 under most circumstances may not receive credit for EST 504.

    Prerequisite(s): BFA, MFA or equivalent coursework constituting an undergraduate degree in art.

  • EST 505 - The Art of Children’s Books

    (1 to 4 credits)

    This course will provide students with an understanding of the process and joy of both writing and illustration of children’s books. Each day, aspects of visual arts education will be explored and the aesthetic of children’s book illustrations examined as students meet contemporary authors and illustrators.

  • EST 510 - Foreign Language Teaching Methods in Elementary and Middle School

    (3 credits)

    This class addresses theories, learning styles, multicultural and value issues, ACTFL’s Standards for Foreign Language Learning, classroom management, professional growth and other topics of interest suggested by class members. Through examination of these conceptual frameworks students will understand that the foreign language classroom fosters creative and communicative language practices.

  • EST 511 - Foreign Language Teaching Methods in the Jr. High and the High School

    (3 credits)

    This class addresses theories, learning styles, multicultural and value issues, ACTFL’s Standards for Foreign Language Learning, classroom management, professional growth and other topics of interest suggested by class members. Through examination of these conceptual frameworks students will understand that the foreign language classroom fosters creative and communicative language practices.

  • EST 520 - Social Theories of Education in Cross-National Contexts

    (4 credits)

    This seminar explores influential ideas from postmodernism, post-structuralism, feminism, critical race theory, educational sociology, globalization studies, and post-colonialism, with a focus on their varied understandings of the ways in which educational phenomenon here and across the globe are deeply rooted in questions of power, resource distribution, inequality, and cultural identity.

  • EST 521 - Cross-National Investigations into Educational Systems and Practices

    (4 credits)

    This course examines educational systems and educational practices through the lenses of culture, societal organization, economic conditions, and historical circumstance. It provides international perspectives on U.S. education. It considers how educational practices change and adapt across cultures, locations and nations.

  • EST 530 - Teaching Mathematics in the Middle School

    (1 to 4 credits)

    Assists prospective and practicing teachers in developing sound pedagogical strategies and instructional techniques for teaching mathematics in the middle school.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must meet prerequisites (EED 302 or SED 428 or EST 601).

  • EST 531 - Focused Technologies in the K-8 Mathematics Curriculum

    (1 to 4 credits)

    This course assists practicing teachers in the integration of technology in K-8 mathematics curriculum.

    Prerequisite(s): Student must meet prerequisites (EST 601 and (EST 530 or EST 532)).

  • EST 532 - Diagnosis and Remediation in Mathematics

    Guides elementary teachers to acquiring skills for determining children’s basic mathematics instructional levels, diagnosing learning difficulties and designing instruction for remediation and follow-up procedures.

  • EST 533 - Number and Operations for Middle School Mathematics Teachers

    (3 credits)

    This course expands certified teachers’ mathematical understandings of number and operations relevant to teaching grades 5-8 within a classroom-based, national and state standards supported, inquiry context. Student must have Teacher Certification.

  • EST 534 - Algebra and Functions for Middle School Mathematics Teachers

    (3 credits)

    This course expands certified teachers’ mathematical understandings of algebra and functions relevant to teaching grades 5-8 within a classroom-based, national and state standards supported, inquiry context. Student must have Teacher Certification.


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