Jan 22, 2025  
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog 
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

 The department offers selected courses from this catalog as warranted by student needs and availability of faculty. Specific offerings for each term may be found in the Schedule of Classes.

Course Renumbering Project

Effective the Fall 2017 semester, all undergraduate and graduate courses at Oakland University were renumbered from 3 digits to 4 digits.

Most subject codes will remain the same, but the new four-digit course numbers may in some cases be similar to the previous three-digit course numbers and in other cases be different because academic departments have resequenced their course numbers.

Follow this link to the conversion list.

This searchable PDF is a guide to see how the course numbers have changed. Each row represents a course, and the columns represent: the subject code, the previous three-digit course number,and the new four-digit course number for that course, beginning in Fall 2017.

To search this PDF for a specific course using the old number, you can just hit “Control” (or “Command” if on Mac) and “F,” then type in a specific course (e.g. “WRT 160”) to find the new course number .

The following subject codes have changed:

  • Studio Art (SA) changed to (ART)
  • Some English (ENG) courses changed to Creative Writing (CW)
  • Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and Computer and Information Technology (CIT) changed to Computer Science and Informatics (CSI)
  • Music Theory and Composition (MUT) changed to either Applied Music (MUA) or Musicology and Music Education (MUS)
  • (MLS) changed to (CDS)
  • Some (JRN) courses changed to (PR)

For more information, please contact your academic adviser. Graduate students, please contact your academic department for advising.

NOTE: If you enrolled or transferred after fall 2014 please be sure to search the 2017-18 catalog courses and review the 3 to 4 digit conversions list.


Environmental Sciences

  • ENV 3730 - Water Resources

    Analysis of natural water systems, introductory hydrology, the chemistry of eutrophication, and wastewater systems. Emphasis is on applications, including water pollution abatement and management strategies.
    Prerequisite(s):  and  and sophomore standing.
  • ENV 3750 - Introduction to Apiculture and Sustainability

    Beekeeping, bee biology, and bee biochemistry, general hive maintenance, and the use of apiculture in sustainable agricultural practices. Field work accompanies lecture.
    Prerequisite(s): with a grade of (C) or greater.
  • ENV 3860 - Principles of Occupational Health

    Recognition, evaluation and control of chemical and physical stresses in the workplace that may adversely affect human health.
    Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing; , , Physics is desirable.
  • ENV 3870 - Industrial Hygiene Field Survey

    Selected subjects of current interest in occupational and environmental health and review of occupational health programs at local industrial companies through site visits.
    Prerequisite(s): recommended.
  • ENV 3890 - African Environmental History

    Identical with .
  • ENV 3900 - Selected Topics

    (1 TO 4)
    Technical studies in special areas; topics vary with semester. May be repeated for credit.
    Prerequisite(s): junior standing and permission of instructor.
  • ENV 3920 - Directed Studies

    (1 TO 6)
    Studies in special areas, often individually arranged. May be repeated for credit. Preparation of study plan and instructor’s approval are required before registration. Graded S/U.
    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
  • ENV 4460 - Industrial and Environmental Toxicology

    Introduction to the basic concepts and techniques of toxicology with special attention given to the industrial environment. Evaluation of the toxic effects of substances and toxic responses to various substances. Principles of toxicology applied to biological systems: exposure, biotransformations, mechanisms of toxicity, dose-response relationships and factors influencing toxicity. Identical with . Satisfies the university general education requirement for a writing intensive course in the major. Prerequisite(s) for writing intensive: completion of the university writing foundation requirement.
    Prerequisite(s): or permission of instructor.
  • ENV 4520 - Geographic Information System Analysis for Sustainability

    Identical with .
  • ENV 4521 - Environmental Management Systems

    Problems of air and water pollution, solid waste management, hazardous material handling, life cycle analyses and pollution control examined from several viewpoints. Solutions to pollution problems, control technologies, practical aspects and compliance with regulations.
    Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing,  and
  • ENV 4610 - Environmental Law and Policies

    Legislative and legal perspectives on environmental and occupational health issues. Special emphasis on current laws and regulations, as well as their impact on the groups regulated.
    Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing.
  • ENV 4740 - Industrial Hygiene Monitoring Methods

    Sampling and analysis of occupational health hazards and evaluation of the effectiveness of industrial hygiene control methods in laboratory and field locations.
    Prerequisite(s): recommended.
  • ENV 4800 - Biogeochemical Cycling

    Nutrient cycle, environmental contamination, remediation, sustainable agriculture, land use and management.
  • ENV 4850 - Environmental Fate and Transport

    Distribution and transformation of chemical pollutants in air, water and soil. Topics include chemical equilibrium and mass transport processes, biotic and abiotic transformations, hydrology, and physiochemical properties of chemical pollutants that affect transport, accumulation and degradation.
  • ENV 4860 - Toxic Substance Control

    Quantification and management of toxic substances, including production, use, distribution, exposure and control. Risk assessment and regulatory strategies will be emphasized.
    Prerequisite(s): , ;
  • ENV 4870 - Natural Resource Management

    Oil, gas and metallic ore exploration and exploitation. Contamination issues and remediation strategies. Special emphasis on real data analysis. Students will produce and present a comprehensive management plan production based on these data.
  • ENV 4950 - Environmental Science Internship

    Supervised practical experiences in an environmental health setting. Weekly journal and a written paper required. Satisfies the university general education requirement for the capstone experience. Satisfies the university general education requirement for a writing intensive course in the major. Prerequisite for writing intensive: completion of the university writing foundation requirement.
    Prerequisite(s): junior standing. Permission of instructor.

Exercise Science

  • EXS 1000 - Exercise (Strength Training) and Health Enhancement

    Examination of lifestyle factors related to disease prevention and improved quality of life. Combines regular strength training exercise and health enhancement lectures. Offered all semesters.
  • EXS 1100 - Cardiovascular Fitness Training

    Examination of lifestyle factors related to disease prevention and improved quality of life. Combines exposure to walking-jogging exercise, aerobics exercise, standard cardiovascular training equipment, swimming exercise and health enhancement lectures. Offered all semesters.
  • EXS 1200 - Exs(Jogging) Hlth Enhance

  • EXS 1300 - Exs(Swimming) Hlth Enhance




Foundations of Education


French Language



The following courses offered under the geography rubric are available only to students fulfilling requirements for the elementary education teaching minor in social studies.  Students in other programs may register for these courses under the home department rubric as indicated below.


German Language


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