Sep 12, 2024  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

 The department offers selected courses from this catalog as warranted by student needs and availability of faculty. Specific offerings for each term may be found in the Schedule of Classes.

Course Renumbering Project

Effective the Fall 2017 semester, all undergraduate and graduate courses at Oakland University were renumbered from 3 digits to 4 digits.

Most subject codes will remain the same, but the new four-digit course numbers may in some cases be similar to the previous three-digit course numbers and in other cases be different because academic departments have resequenced their course numbers.

Follow this link to the conversion list.

This searchable PDF is a guide to see how the course numbers have changed. Each row represents a course, and the columns represent: the subject code, the previous three-digit course number,and the new four-digit course number for that course, beginning in Fall 2017.

To search this PDF for a specific course using the old number, you can just hit “Control” (or “Command” if on Mac) and “F,” then type in a specific course (e.g. “WRT 160”) to find the new course number .

The following subject codes have changed:

  • Studio Art (SA) changed to (ART)
  • Some English (ENG) courses changed to Creative Writing (CW)
  • Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and Computer and Information Technology (CIT) changed to Computer Science and Informatics (CSI)
  • Music Theory and Composition (MUT) changed to either Applied Music (MUA) or Musicology and Music Education (MUS)
  • (MLS) changed to (CDS)
  • Some (JRN) courses changed to (PR)

For more information, please contact your academic adviser. Graduate students, please contact your academic department for advising.

NOTE: If you enrolled or transferred after fall 2014 please be sure to search the 2017-18 catalog courses and review the 3 to 4 digit conversions list.



Skill enrichment courses: MTH 0661 and MTH 0662

MTH 0661 and MTH 0662 are academic skill enrichment courses specially designed to aid incoming students who need additional preparation prior to entering one of the university’s standard mathematical sciences sequences.

*Note that when a student exercises the repeat option and takes MTH 0661 or 0662 to replace a grade previously earned in MTH 011, 012, 102, 103, 111, 112, 061 or 062 the grade earned in MTH 0661 or 0662 will replace the former grade.

  • MTH 2775 - Linear Algebra

    Study of general vector spaces, linear systems of equations, linear transformations and compositions, Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, diagonalization, modeling and orthogonality. Provides a transition to formal mathematics.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 1555  with a grade of (C) or higher.
  • MTH 2905 - Special Topics

    (2 OR 4)
    Intermediate study of a selected topic in mathematics. May be repeated for additional credit.
  • MTH 2996 - Independent Study

    (2 OR 4)
    Reading or research on some mathematical topic. May be repeated for additional credit.
    Prerequisite(s): permission of department.
  • MTH 3001 - Putnam Seminar

    This seminar meets one evening per week. Students solve and present solutions to challenging mathematical problems in preparation for the William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition, a national undergraduate mathematics competition. May be repeated three times for additional credit.
    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
  • MTH 3002 - Introduction to Advanced Mathematical Thinking

    The propositional and predicate calculus, set theory, methods of mathematical proof, inductive and recursive thinking, relations and functions, infinity. Emphasis is on rigorous proofs of mathematical statements. Offered every fall.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 2775  with a grade of (C) or higher or APM 2663  with a grade of (C) or higher or permission of department.
  • MTH 3552 - Complex Variables

    A study of analytic functions of a complex variable including differentiation and integration, series representations, the theory of residues and applications.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 2554  with a grade of (C) or higher.
  • MTH 4114 - History of Mathematics

    Mathematics from ancient to modern times, its growth, development and place in human culture. Offered every winter. Satisfies the university general education requirement for the capstone experience. Satisfies the university general education requirement for a writing intensive course in the major. Prerequisite for writing intensive: completion of the university writing foundation requirement.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 3002  with a grade of (C) or higher.
  • MTH 4115 - Foundations of Mathematics: Mathematical Logic and Set Theory

    An examination of the logical foundations of mathematics including analysis of the axiomatic method, basic set theory, cardinal and ordinal numbers, and the axiom of theory.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 3002  with a grade of (C) or higher.
  • MTH 4552 - Advanced Calculus I

    The topology of the real number line and of n-dimensional Euclidean space, continuity and uniform continuity, derivatives, the Riemann integral, sequences and series, uniform convergence. Offered every fall.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 2554 , MTH 2775  and MTH 3002  with a grade of (C) or higher in each course, or permission of department.
  • MTH 4553 - Advanced Calculus II

    Improper integrals, derivatives and integrals in n-dimensional Euclidean space, implicit and inverse function theorems, differential geometry and vector calculus, and Fourier series. Offered every winter.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 4552  with a grade of (C) or higher.
  • MTH 4661 - General Topology

    A study of topological spaces and continuous functions.  Separation and countability properties, connectedness, compactness and local properties.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 3002  with a grade of (C) or higher.
  • MTH 4662 - Geometric Structures

    A study of topics from Euclidean geometry, projective geometry, non-Euclidean geometry and transformation geometry. Offered every fall.
    Pre/Corequisite(s): MTH 3002  with grade of (C) or higher or permission of department.
  • MTH 4665 - Differential Geometry

    Theory of curves and surfaces in Euclidean space with an introduction to the theory of matrix Lie groups.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 4553  with a grade of (C) or higher.
  • MTH 4772 - Number Theory with Cryptography

    Structure of the integers, prime factorization, congruences, multiplicative functions, primitive roots and quadratic reciprocity, and selected applications including cryptography.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 3002  with a grade of (C) or higher.
  • MTH 4775 - Abstract Algebra I

    Groups, subgroups, cosets, homomorphisms, quotient groups, rings and ideals; field extensions and geometric constructions.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 2775  and MTH 3002  with a grade of (C) or higher or permission of department.
  • MTH 4776 - Abstract Algebra II

    Polynomial rings, irreducibility of polynomials, field theory, solving polynomial equations, introduction to Galois theory and applications.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 4775  with a grade of (C) or higher.
  • MTH 4905 - Special Topics

    (2 OR 4)
    Advanced study of a selected topic in mathematics. May be repeated for additional credit.
    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor
  • MTH 4996 - Independent Study

    (2 OR 4)
    Reading or research on some mathematical topic. May be repeated for additional credit.
    Prerequisite(s): permission of department.
  • MTH 4997 - Apprentice College Teaching

    (2 OR 4)
    Open to any well-qualified junior or senior who obtains consent of a faculty member to assist in presenting a regular college course. The apprentice should be capable of assuming limited classroom teaching duties. May be repeated for additional credit. Graded S/U.
    Prerequisite(s): permission of department.

Mathematics for Elementary Education Majors

  • MTE 2110 - Mathematics for Elementary Education I

    Mathematical problem solving; logic and sets; whole numbers and operations, number theory, extensions to integers, fractions, decimals, percents, real numbers; proportional reasoning.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 0662  with a grade of (C) or higher or placement.
  • MTE 2111 - Mathematics for Elementary Education II

    Introduction to probability and statistics; concepts from two- and three-dimensional geometry, constructions, geometric reasoning, congruence, similarity, area, volume, isometries, size transformations. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the formal reasoning knowledge foundation area.
    Prerequisite(s): MTE 2110  with a grade of (C) or higher.
  • MTE 3118 - Advanced Topics in Mathematics for Elementary Education

    Advanced study of topics in MTE 2110  and MTE 2111 , with an emphasis on the Common Core Standards of Mathematical Practice.
    Prerequisite(s): MTE 2111  and (MTH 1441  or [MTH 1331  and MTH 1332 ]), each with a grade of (C) or higher.
  • MTE 4110 - Elementary School Mathematics and the Computer

    An introduction to creative uses of computers in teaching mathematics in the elementary school, including program design, machine architecture, and the BASIC and LOGO computing languages. Enrollment is limited to elementary education majors.
    Prerequisite(s): MTE 2111  and STA 2220  with a grade of (C) or higher.
  • MTE 4905 - Special Topics

    (2 OR 4)
    Study of mathematical topics particularly relevant for prospective teachers of elementary and middle school mathematics. May be repeated for additional credit.
    Prerequisite(s): MTE 2111  with a grade of (C) or higher or permission of instructor.

Mechanical Engineering

  • ME 3200 - Engineering Mechanics

    Dynamics of particles and rigid bodies: kinematics, Newton’s Second Law, work and energy, linear and angular impulse and momentum. With laboratory. Offered fall and winter.
    Prerequisite(s): EGR 2800  with a grade of (C) or higher and major standing.
  • ME 3250 - Mechanics of Materials

    Introduction to the mechanics of deformable bodies: distribution of stress and strain in beams, shafts, columns, pressure vessels and other structural elements, factor of safety, yield criteria of materials with applications to design. With laboratory. Offered fall and winter.
    Prerequisite(s): EGR 2800  with a grade of (C) or higher and major standing.
  • ME 3300 - Computer-Aided Design

    Use of engineering software in design and analysis such as: solid modeling of machine parts, projection views layout, parametric and knowledge-based design, assembly design, sheet and metal design, bill of materials, structure design, introduction of finite element method, engineering optimization, space analysis and clash detection, mechanism and kinematics of assemblies. Offered fall and winter.
    Pre/Corequisite(s): ME 3250  and major standing
  • ME 3500 - Introduction to Fluid and Thermal Energy Transport

    The fundamentals of fluid mechanics and heat transfer; fluid statics, conservation of mass and momentum; inviscid flow; internal viscous flow analysis; introduction to boundary layer theory; heat diffusion equation; dimensionless correlations of convection heat transfer, applications to engineering problems. With laboratory; includes experiment design. Offered fall and winter.
    Prerequisite(s): EGR 2500  with a grade of (C) or higher, MTH 2554  and major standing.
    Pre/Corequisite(s): EGR 2800 
  • ME 3700 - Properties of Materials

    The atomic, molecular and crystalline structure of solids, including a description of x-ray analysis, metallography and other methods of determining structure; correlation of structure with the electric, magnetic and mechanical properties of solids. With laboratory. Offered fall and winter.
    Prerequisite(s): CHM 1430  or CHM 1440  and PHY 1620  or PHY 1520  and major standing.
  • ME 4200 - Vibrations and Controls

    Linear free and forced response of one- and multiple-degree freedom systems. Equations of motion of discrete systems. Vibration isolation, rotating imbalance and vibration absorbers. Transfer function and state-space approaches to modeling dynamic systems. Time and frequency domain and analysis and design of control systems. Use of MATLAB. Offered fall and winter.
    Prerequisite(s): ME 3200 , MTH 2554 , APM 2555  and major standing.
  • ME 4210 - Analysis and Design of Mechanical Structures

    Methods of advanced mechanics of materials applied to the design of mechanical structures. Topics include stress and strain analysis, force equilibrium, deformation compatibility, torsion of non-circular cross-sections, torsion of thick-walled tubes, shear centers, non- symmetric binding, curved and composite beams and thick-walled cylinders. Generally offered Fall.
    Prerequisite(s): ME 3250  and major standing.
  • ME 4220 - Vehicle Dynamics

    Vehicle dynamics analyses including: governing equation of motion, road loads, gradeability, aerodynamic forces and moments, longitudinal acceleration and braking performance prediction, lateral handling characteristics, vertical comfortability criteria, vehicle ride evaluation, and operating fuel economy analysis. Generally offered winter.
    Prerequisite(s): ME 3200  and major standing.
  • ME 4260 - Acoustics and Noise Control

    Introduction to vibrations and waves; plane and spherical acoustic waves; sound generation, transmission and propagation; sound intensity and power; principles and definitions of noise control; sound and hearing; hearing conservation; community, building and industrial noise control; measurement of sound. Generally offered fall.
    Prerequisite(s): ME 3200 , MTH 2554 , APM 2555 ,and major standing.
  • ME 4300 - Mechanical Systems Design

    Study of systems involving mechanical elements. Includes safety, stress, strength, deflection economic and social considerations, optimization criteria and strategies. Analysis and design of fasteners, springs, welds, bearings, power transmitting elements and complex structures subjected to static and/or dynamic loads. With project. Offered fall and winter.
    Prerequisite(s): ME 3300 , ME 3700 , ME 3250  and major standing.
  • ME 4350 - Mechanical Computer-Aided Engineering

    Introduction to the use of state-of-the-art finite element technology in mechanical engineering analysis. Fundamentals of computer graphics, solid modeling, finite element modeling and interactive design. Analysis and evaluation of linear static and dynamic mechanical systems. With project. Generally offered fall.
    Prerequisite(s): ME 3300 , ME 3250 , and major standing.
  • ME 4360 - Mechanical Computer-Aided Manufacturing

    Use of CAM software in various aspects of manufacturing processes. GDT and tolerance analysis; surface design, managing cloud points and reverse engineering; simulation of kinematics of machine tools; 3-axis surface machining; mold tooling design; CMM and measurement data analysis; assembly simulation and structural analysis, rapid-prototyping. With project. Generally offered winter.
    Prerequisite(s): ME 3300 , ME 3250  and major standing.
  • ME 4500 - Energy Systems Analysis and Design

    The analysis and design of thermodynamic systems. Applications include thermodynamic cycles for power; thermodynamics of non-reacting mixtures including psychrometry; concepts of available energy and application to process/system optimization; the thermodynamics of reacting mixtures, including chemical equilibrium concepts, applied to combustion systems. With project. Offered fall and winter.
    Prerequisite(s): EGR 2500   with a grade of (C) or higher and major standing.
  • ME 4510 - Fluid Transport

    Continued study of the fundamentals of fluid mechanics and their applications, angular momentum principle; generalized study of turbo-machines, potential flow of inviscid fluids, laminar and turbulent boundary layer theory, dimensional analysis and similitude, compressible flow. With laboratory. Generally offered fall.
    Prerequisite(s): ME 3500  and major standing.
  • ME 4520 - Thermal Energy Transport

    Continued study of properties and descriptions of conduction, convection and thermal radiation heat transfer; thermal boundary layer theory; forced and natural convection, heat transfer correlations. Thermodynamics of thermal radiation, radiation intensity, surface properties and energy exchange. Laboratory emphasizes experimental design and development of empirical relationships. Generally offered winter.
    Prerequisite(s): ME 3500  and major standing.
  • ME 4530 - Alternative Energy Systems

    The analysis and design of alternative energy conversion systems. Primary topics include biomass energy conversion, including biofuels, solar and wind power will be primary topics. Other topics include fuel cells, geothermal energy and hydroelectric power. With project. Generally offered winter.
    Prerequisite(s): ME 3500  and major standing.
  • ME 4540 - Internal Combustion Engines I

    Introduction to thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and performance of internal combustion engines including: introduction to engine types and their operation, engine design and operating parameters, ideal thermodynamic cycles, thermodynamics of actual working fluids and actual cycles, gas exchange processes, heat losses, performance, exhaust gas analysis and air pollution. Generally offered fall.
    Prerequisite(s): ME 3500  and major standing.
  • ME 4550 - Fluid and Thermal Systems Design

    Applications of fluid and thermal transport and energy conversion concepts. Component and system analyses and design refinement using integral, differential and lumped-parameter modeling techniques. The course focuses on the design process using design-oriented projects. Generally offered fall.
    Prerequisite(s): ME 3500  and major standing.
  • ME 4580 - Fundamentals of Nuclear Engineering

    Fundamental concepts of atomic and nuclear physics; interaction of radiation with matter; nuclear reactors and nuclear power; neutron diffusion and moderation; heat removal from nuclear reactors; radiation protection and shielding; reactor licensing, safety and the environment; applications in power generation and medicine. Generally offered fall.
    Prerequisite(s): ME 3500 , ME 3700  and major standing.
  • ME 4585 - Nuclear Reactors and Power Plants

    The study of various nuclear power plant types and systems; Rankine Cycle thermodynamics; BWR, ESBWR and PWR power plants; engineered safety systems; nuclear regulations, codes and standards; reactor safety fundamentals; economic and environmental issues. Generally offered winter.
    Prerequisite(s): ME 4500 , ME 4580 , and major standing.
  • ME 4600 - Materials Properties and Processes

    Study of mechanical behavior of real engineering materials and how they influence mechanical design. True stress/strain properties of materials, plastic deformation and fracture of materials, failure theories, fatigue damage under cyclic loading, creep and high temperature applications. Material properties of engineering metals, ceramics and composites. Behavior of materials during and after manufacturing processes such as stamping, drawing, extrusion, etc. Generally offered winter.
    Prerequisite(s): ME 3250 , ME 3700  and major standing.
  • ME 4610 - Polymeric Materials

    Terminology and nomenclature for plastics. General topics dealing with plastics, such as structure, morphology, properties, etc. Focus on mechanical and physical properties and mechanical behavior of plastics. Technology related to plastics processing, testing, designing and recycling is introduced. Generally offered winter.
    Prerequisite(s): ME 3700  and major standing.
  • ME 4620 - Plastics Product Design

    Design of plastic/composite products based on strength, stiffness, creeping, impacting, chemical and environmental deterioration. Effects of processing on part quality and performance. Design of plastic parts for manufacturability. Prototyping plastic parts. Design of plastic parts for joining and assembly. Use of CAD/CAM/CAE software for structural analysis and design optimization.
    Prerequisite(s): ME 4610  and major standing.
  • ME 4630 - Lubrication, Friction, and Wear

    Study of fundamental wear mechanisms including: adhesive, abrasive, corrosive and surface fatigue; boundary and hydrodynamic lubrication; friction theories; surface topography characterization. Applications: journal and ball bearings, gears and engine components. Major standing required. Generally offered fall. 
    Prerequisite(s): ME 3700  
    Pre/Corequisite(s): ME 3500  
  • ME 4700 - Manufacturing Processes

    Fundamentals and technology of machining, forming, casting and welding. Mechanics of cutting. Molding of polymers. Tolerancing and surface topography. Manufacturing considerations in design. Economics of manufacturing. Process assembly and product engineering. Lab to be arranged. Generally offered fall.
    Prerequisite(s): ME 3700  and major standing.
  • ME 4710 - Flexible and Lean Manufacturing Systems

    Flexible manufacturing concepts and tools such as: material transport and automated warehousing (AS/RS); Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC); Design for Assembly; Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing (GD&T); group technology. Lean concepts and tools such as: 5S; visual management; 7 wastes; one-piece flow; Toyota Production System (TPS); Total Quality Management (TQM); Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED). With laboratory.
  • ME 4720 - Product and Process Development

    Topics include traditional and nontraditional approaches in product and process development and optimization, including conventional experimental mechanics and acoustic test methods. The Taguchi approach and other methods for design of experiments are used to study the interaction of variables and to attain optimization.
    Prerequisite(s): ME 3250  and major standing.
  • ME 4730 - Fasteners and Bolted Joints

    Analysis, design, and reliability of bolted joint systems under static and dynamic loads. Topics include torque-tension-turn formulation, process control, service and environmental loads, fatigue, elastic interaction, vibration loosening, creep relaxation, and corrosion. With laboratory experiments. Generally offered fall.
    Prerequisite(s): ME 4300  and major standing.
  • ME 4740 - Robotic Systems

    Overview of industrial robotic manipulators, their components and typical applications. Kinematics of robots and solution of kinematic equations. Trajectory planning and the Jacobian matrix. Robot programming languages and task planning. Laboratory experience in the development and implementation of a kinematic controller using a reconfigurable industrial manipulator. Demonstrations and application using industrial robots. Generally offered fall. Credit cannot be received for both ISE 4422  and ME 4740.
    Prerequisite(s): ME 3200  and major standing.
  • ME 4750 - Optical Measurement and Quality Inspection

    State-of-the art optical methods including TV-holography/electronic speckle pattern interferometry, shearography, digital image correlation, three-dimensional computer vision, and laser triangulation; with applications to measurement of displacement, strain/stress, vibrational mode, material properties, three-dimensional shape, quality inspection and nondestructive testing. With laboratory. Generally offered fall and winter.
    Prerequisite(s): ME 3250  and major standing.
  • ME 4900 - Special Topics

    (2 TO 4)
    Advanced study of special topics in engineering. May be taken more than once.
    Prerequisite(s): major standing and senior standing.
  • ME 4995 - Directed Research

    Directed undergraduate design or research project under the direction of a mechanical engineering faculty. Topic must be approved by the faculty mentor and by the department prior to registration.
    Prerequisite(s): ME 3300 , ME 3500 , ME 3250 , ME 3700 , and major standing. Approval of project or research proposal by Mechanical Engineering Department.
  • ME 4996 - Independent Study

    (1 TO 4)
    Advanced individual study in a special area. Topic must be approved prior to registration. May be taken more than once.
    Prerequisite(s): major standing and senior standing.
  • ME 4998 - Senior Project

    (3 TO 4)
    Work on an advanced design project under the direction of a mechanical engineering faculty member as an alternative to ME 4999 . Project proposal must be approved by the faculty member and department prior to registration. Student must work as part of a team of at least two people.
    Prerequisite(s): ME 3250 , ME 3300 , ME 3500 , ME 3700 , and major standing. Approval of project proposal by Mechanical Engineering Department.
  • ME 4999 - Senior Mechanical Engineering Design Project

    Multi-disciplinary team experience in engineering design, emphasizing realistic constraints such as safety, economic factors, reliability, aesthetics, ethics and societal impact. Projects will be supervised by engineering faculty. Generally offered fall, winter. Satisfies the university general education requirement for the capstone experience. Satisfies the university general education requirement for a writing intensive course in the major. Prerequisite for writing intensive: completion of the university writing foundation requirement.
    Prerequisite(s): ME 3250 ME 3300 ME 3500 ME 3700  and major standing.

Modern Language

  • ML 1910 - Study Abroad - Tutorial in Foreign Language

    (3 TO 4)
    Instruction in the elements of a spoken or written foreign language such as Bengali, Czech, Sanskrit, Catalan, etc. for which no regular course sequence exists at Oakland University. May be repeated for credit in a different language each time. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the foreign language and culture knowledge exploration area.
    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
  • ML 1912 - Study Abroad in Foreign Language

    (3 TO 4)
    Instruction in the elements of a spoken or written foreign language such as Bengali, Czech, Sanskrit, Catalan, etc. for which no regular course sequence exists at Oakland University. May be repeated for credit in a different language each time. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the foreign language and culture knowledge exploration area.
    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
  • ML 2900 - Topics Related to Foreign Language Study

    (2 OR 4)
    Topics explored in areas not normally a part of regular offerings in language or literature. May be repeated.
    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
  • ML 2905 - Intermediate Tutorial in Foreign Language

    Intermediate work in a language and literature not normally taught at Oakland University. May be repeated for credit.
    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
  • ML 2908 - Intermediate Tutorial in Foreign Language

    Intermediate work in a language and literature not normally taught at Oakland University. May be repeated for credit.
    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
  • ML 3900 - Advanced Study of Topics Related to Foreign Languages and Cultures

    (2 OR 4)
    Topics are explored in areas not normally a part of regular offerings in language, culture or literature. May be repeated.
    Prerequisite(s): permission of department.
  • ML 3905 - Advanced Tutorial in Foreign Language

    Advanced work in a language not normally taught at Oakland University. May be repeated for credit.
    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
  • ML 3908 - Advanced Tutorial in Foreign Language

    Advanced work in a language not normally taught at Oakland University. May be repeated for credit.
    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
  • ML 3939 - Field Experience in a Modern Language

    Field experience in an appropriate employment setting correlated with directed study assignments relating the experience to the knowledge and skills developed by the foreign language student. May not be repeated for credit.
    Prerequisite(s): junior/senior standing. Minimum of 16 credits in the major including FRH 3140 , or SPN 3140  and SPN 3170 , or GRM 3160  and GRM 3180  
  • ML 4400 - Interactive Technology: Computers in Foreign Language Teaching

    The course will develop competency in creating supplementary computer software for foreign language classes in the schools. It will include designing and field-testing interactive computer programs, proficiency-based units, and programs for “housekeeping chores”. In addition, students will learn to evaluate commercial material.
    Prerequisite(s): B.A. or B.S. or completion of EED 4240  or equivalent (methodology of teaching foreign languages) or permission of the instructor. Major or minor in a foreign language or English as a second language. Prior experience with computers highly recommended.

Music Ensembles

  • MUE 3001 - University Chorus

    (0 OR 1)
    Performance of a wide range of the large-group choral repertoire. No audition required.
  • MUE 3004 - Oakland Chorale

    (0 OR 1)
    Performance of a wide range of choral chamber repertoire from Renaissance to the present.
    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
  • MUE 3015 - Oakland Jazz Singers

    (0 OR 1)
    Ensemble performance of complex vocal jazz works. Development of jazz style and blend, scat-singing, solo production and microphone technique.
    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
  • MUE 3019 - Chamber Orchestra

    (0 OR 1)
    Performance of chamber orchestra repertoire. Membership by audition.
    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
  • MUE 3020 - Oakland Symphony

    (0 OR 1)
    Orchestral performance of repertoire from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. Several concerts per year, on- and off-campus. Accompaniments for solo concertos and university choral groups. Membership by audition. Graded S/U.
    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
  • MUE 3029 - Symphonic Band

    (0 OR 1)
    A non-auditioned instrumental ensemble designed to offer performance opportunities for non-majors and laboratory experiences for music majors.
  • MUE 3031 - Wind Symphony

    (0 OR 1)
    An ensemble of wind instruments performing standard concert band literature.
    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
  • MUE 3032 - Golden Grizzly Athletic Band

    (0 OR 1)
    An instrumental ensemble that performs at various Oakland university campus and athletic events.
  • MUE 3035 - Brass Band

    (0 OR 1)
    Ensemble of brass and percussion instruments performing standard brass band literature.
  • MUE 3040 - Oakland University Jazz Band

    (0 OR 1)
    A big band jazz ensemble performing traditional and contemporary jazz literature. Experience will be gained in ensemble and improvisational performance. Audition required.
  • MUE 3041 - Jazz Improvisation Combos

    (0 OR 1)
    Performance based ensemble environment designed to provide the student with jazz improvisational understanding and skills. Study and performance of traditional and progressive instrumental and vocal repertoire.
  • MUE 3042 - Creative Jazz Ensemble

    (0 OR 1)
    Study and performance of traditional and progressive jazz repertoire. Ensemble is designed for, but not limited to, music students who play instruments not typically found in a jazz ensemble. May be repeated for additional credit.
  • MUE 3045 - African Ensemble

    (0 OR 1)
    Study and performance of drumming and xylophone traditions as related to African oral culture using authentic Ghanaian and Ugandan instruments.
  • MUE 3046 - Steel Band

    (0 OR 1)
    Study and performance of various Trinidadian and Caribbean styles using handcrafted steel drums.
  • MUE 3048 - World Percussion Ensemble

    (0 OR 1)
    Advanced study and performance of world percussion traditions.
    Prerequisite(s): permission of the instructor. MUE 3045  and or MUE 3046  recommended.
  • MUE 3050 - Opera Workshop

    (0 OR 1)
    Study and experience in various forms of operatic music theatre.
    Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing.
  • MUE 3055 - Opera

    (0 OR 2)
    Production and performance of a full-scale opera. Cast by audition.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.
  • MUE 3065 - Contemporary Music Ensemble

    (0 OR 1)
    Study and performance of recent music, focusing on newly composed music, alternative repertoire, and non-jazz improvisation.
    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
  • MUE 3070 - Guitar Ensemble

    (0 OR 1)
    Performance practice and techniques of guitar literature involving two or more players. Students must be concurrently registered for applied lessons in guitar to enroll in guitar ensemble.
  • MUE 3071 - Saxophone Chamber Music

    (0 OR 1)
    Performance, practice and techniques of saxophone literature involving two or more players. Students must be concurrently registered for applied lessons in saxophone to enroll in saxophone ensemble.
  • MUE 3072 - Flute Ensemble

    (0 OR 1)
    Performance, practice and techniques of flute literature involving two or more players. Students must be concurrently registered for applied lessons in flute to enroll in flute ensemble.
  • MUE 3073 - Percussion Ensemble

    (0 OR 1)
    Performance of music for various combinations of percussion instruments. Students must be concurrently registered for applied lessons in percussion to enroll in percussion ensemble.
    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor
  • MUE 3074 - Brass Ensemble

    (0 OR 1)
    Performance, practice and techniques of brass literature involving two or more players. Students must be concurrently registered for applied lessons in a brass instrument to enroll in brass ensemble.
  • MUE 3075 - Piano Ensemble

    (0 OR 1)
    Class instruction in performance and repertory of multiple keyboard literature. Students must be concurrently registered for applied lessons in piano to enroll in piano ensemble.
    Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
  • MUE 3076 - String Ensemble

    (0 OR 1)
    Performance, practice and techniques of string literature involving two or more players. Students must be concurrently registered for applied lessons in a string instrument to enroll in string ensemble.
  • MUE 3080 - Chamber Music

    (0 TO 2)
    Performing ensemble of various instrumentations. A spectrum of appropriate music literature, medieval through contemporary.

Music History, Literature, Appreciation and Education

  • MUS 1000 - An Introduction to Music

    An introduction to Western art music and its traditions, with emphasis on music listening as an active and intellectual experience. No prior knowledge of music notation or theory is required. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the arts knowledge exploration area.
  • MUS 1001 - What’s On Your Playlist? Music Listening and the Self

    Examination of culturally and historically diverse music as aesthetic expression of experience. Emphasis on relationships in sound as vehicles for deeper understanding of ourselves and others. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the arts knowledge exploration area.
  • MUS 1002 - Exploring Technology in Music

    Explore ways technology has transformed and continues to transform how people create, perform, listen to, and share music with others. Listen to, reflect on, and create music in an online setting to deepen understanding of the various dimensions of music and the ways technology shapes musicians’ engagement with them. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the arts knowledge exploration area.
  • MUS 1003 - Music, Culture and Western Civilization

    Examines selected historical events and developments in ideas and institutions through music as cultural expression. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the western civilization knowledge exploration area.
  • MUS 1005 - Foundations of Rock

    A study of rock music rooted in African and African-American cultures as the result of social upheavals and economics and as a continuous and overwhelming influence on today’s American society. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the arts knowledge exploration area. Satisfies the university general education requirement in U.S. diversity.

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