Feb 17, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Requirements for Business Administration Majors

General education requirement

Students in the School of Business Administration must satisfy the General Education Requirements . Students may use one catalog for the general education requirements and another for the specific degree requirements. Students enrolled prior to fall 2021 may choose to satisfy either the general education requirements listed in this catalog or those in the catalog of the academic year in which they were initially admitted to Oakland University (or any catalog during the interim), provided that catalog is not more than six years old at the time of graduation. The general education requirements may be summarized as one course from the approved lists in each of the following categories:

  • Writing: This category includes:
    1. WRT 1060  and its prerequisites;
    2. an intensive writing course in other general education requirements. This category is normally covered for business majors by WRT 3082 - Business Writing  or ECN 3260 ; and
    3. an intensive writing course in the major. This category is normally covered for business majors by MGT 4350 - Management Strategies and Policies , STA 4002  or ECN 4050 .
  • Formal Reasoning: This category is normally covered for SBA majors by the required MTH 1221  or MTH 1222  or MTH 1554 .
  • Knowledge Explorations: The social science requirement in this category is normally covered for SBA majors by (ECN 2000  or ECN 2020 ) or ECN 2010 . The global perspective requirement in this category is normally covered for SBA majors by ECN 2020  or ECN 3260 . The rest of this category is covered by one course each in the arts, foreign language and culture, literature, natural science and technology, and Western civilization.
  • Knowledge Application: This category is normally covered for business majors by QMM 2400  or QMM 2410 .
  • Capstone course: This category is normally covered for business majors by MGT 4350 , ECN 4500 , or ACS 4550 .
  • U.S. diversity: Select a course that meets one of the other knowledge exploration general education requirements and has the required diversity section.

SBA students are encouraged to increase their background in ethics by taking PHL 1300 - Introduction to Ethics , to satisfy the university’s Western Civilization general education knowledge exploration requirement.

Pre-core requirements

As preparation for the various majors of the business administration program, students must complete the following courses in writing, speech communication, mathematics, business modeling with computers, economics, accounting and statistics with minimum grade of C in each course. 

The required writing and pre-core courses are:

WRT 1060 - Composition II  (or complete the writing requirement in another manner) 0-4
COM 2000 - Public Speaking   4
or COM 2403 - Group Dynamics and Communication  or COM 3401 - Communication in Organizations  or COM 3402 - Communication in Leadership  or COM 3403 - Interpersonal Conflict   4
MTH 1221 - Linear Programming Elementary Functions   4
and *MTH 1222 - Calculus for the Social Sciences   4
or ** MTH 1441 - Precalculus  or (MTH 1331 College Algebra and MTH 1332 College Trigonometry)  4
and ***MTH 1554 - Calculus I   4
MIS 1000 - Business Problem Solving with Information Technology   3
ECN 2020 - Principles of Global Macroeconomics   or ECN 2000 - Principles of Macroeconomics   4
and ECN 2010 - Principles of Microeconomics   4
ACC 2000 - Financial Accounting   4
ACC 2100 - Managerial and Cost Accounting I   4
QMM 2400 - Statistical Methods for Business I  or (****STA 2220  or STA 2226 ) 3
QMM 2410 - Statistical Methods for Business II   3
TOTAL 35-41

In addition, students admitted to the SBA as pre-business or undecided business majors are required to meet the 0 credit ACHIEVE courses required for major standing (SBC 1990 SBC 2990 ).

*If a student places into and completes MTH 1222  or MTH 1554  with the required minimum grade, MTH 1221  or MTH 1441  is not required (students who meet this criterion under a previous catalog will be able to waive MTH 1221  or MTH 1441 ). 

*If a student receives transfer credit for MTH 1222  or MTH 1554 MTH 1221  or MTH 1441  is not required (students who meet this criterion under a previous catalog will be able to waive MTH 1221  or MTH 1441 ). 

** MTH 1331  and MTH 1332  can substitute for MTH 1441 . Students who have taken MTH 1331  and MTH 1332  under a previous catalog may use these courses as substitute for MTH 1441 . Even though the math department will allow MTH 1331  to serve as the prerequisite for MTH 1222 , this does not satisfy the SBA prerequisite requirement for MTH 1221  or MTH 1441 .

***If a student does not place into MTH 1222  or MTH 1554 , MTH 1221  and MTH 1222  or MTH 1441  and MTH 1554  or MTH 1441  and MTH 1222  must be completed with the required minimum grade.

****Students who have taken STA 2220  or STA 2226  under a previous catalog may also use these courses as a substitute for QMM 2400 .

The freshman and sophomore years of study for students pursuing the business administration program will be devoted to the writing, general education and pre-core course requirements. Special emphasis should be given during the freshman year to the completion of the university writing requirement and steady progress in the mathematics sequence. Once sophomore status has been achieved (28 credits), students will begin work on the accounting and statistics requirements. The student’s specific mathematics and statistics sequence will depend on the student’s math placement results but can include MTH 0661 , MTH 0662 , MTH 1221 , MTH 1222 , QMM 2400  and QMM 2410 ). Steady progress in the mathematics and statistics sequence is defined as one course in the sequence in each fall and winter semester until the sequence is completed. 

Admission to Major Standing in Business Administration

Students are strongly recommended to apply for major standing during the semester they are completing their pre-core classes and have the minimum grade-point average. Major Standing is required to complete MGT 4350 , may be required for some 3000 and 4000 level courses within a student’s major and is required in order to be awarded an undergraduate business degree. Applications are available on line and can be filed with the Undergraduate Advising Office, 232 Elliott Hall.

Students who do not apply for major standing during the semester that they are completing the pre-core requirements run a high risk of registration and major completion difficulties. To be eligible to take 3000 and 4000 level business courses for which major standing is a pre-requisite, business majors must be admitted to major standing in the School of Business Administration. Admission to major standing is selective. The minimum requirements for consideration are:

  1. Student’s admissibility to and retention in the university;
  2. Completion of the writing requirement;
  3. A minimum grade-point average of 2.6 in all courses taken at Oakland University (with a minimum of six credits completed at Oakland University);
  4. A minimum grade of C in each of the following pre-core courses or their equivalents: ACC 2000 , ACC 2100 ; COM 2000  or COM 2403  or COM 3401  or COM 3402  or COM 3403 ,((ECN 2010  and (ECN 2000  or ECN 2020 )*; MIS 1000 ; (MTH 0661 , MTH 0662  if required by the math placement); MTH 1221 , MTH 1222 ; QMM 2400  and QMM 2410 ;
    *Students cannot receive credit for both (ECN 2000  or ECN 2020 ) or ECN 2010 .
  5. Submission of an “Application for Major Standing” for the desired major;
  6. Completion of SBC 1990 , SBC 2990  and Major 3990 for all SBA students admitted to Oakland University after 2008-2009 for First Time in Any College (FTIAC) students and after 2009-2010 for transfer students.  Students who entered under a previous catalog should follow these requirements.

A student is classified as pre-business upon admission to Oakland University if they have a cumulative GPA of 2.80 or above and four years of college preparatory math. Transfer students are classified as pre-business if they have a cumulative transfer GPA of 2.80 or above and math through intermediate algebra. A student is classified as Direct admit into their business major if they have a high school cumulative GPA of 3.7 or higher. All other students are classified as undecided business and these students cannot register for most 3000- and 4000-level courses until they obtain pre-business or major standing status within the SBA. Undecided business students may register for all SBA pre-core courses and general education requirements.

To maintain pre-business status before obtaining major standing within the SBA, an OU student must maintain a cumulative GPA set by the SBA. Any pre-business student (SBA students not yet having major standing) who does not maintain an OU cumulative GPA (as set by the SBA) at the end of any term is classified as an undecided business student. During the 2022-2023 academic year, the GPA set by the SBA for pre-business status is 2.6.

Core Program

Each of the business major programs require the completion of a common core of courses introducing students to the functional areas of business. Most of the 3000-4000 level business courses in the core program (i.e., MKT 3020 , ORG 3300 , MIS 3000 , POM 3430 , FIN 3220 , ORG 3310 , and MGT 3500 ) require a student to be coded as pre-business or be in major standing (see Admission to Major Standing in Business Administration for requirements to be coded as pre-business).  All core courses require a minimum grade of C.

WRT 3082 - Business Writing   (or ENG 3110  )*   4
MKT 3020 - Marketing     3
ORG 3300 - Introduction to Organizational Behavior     3
MIS 3000 - Management Information Systems     3
ECN 3030 - Managerial Economics     3
POM 3430 - Operations Management     3
FIN 3220 - Managerial Finance I     3
ORG 3310 - Introduction to the Management of Human Resources     3
MGT 3500 - Legal Environment of Business     3
**MGT 4350 - Management Strategies and Policies     3


 *Students who have taken this course under a previous catalog will be able to use this course to satisfy WRT 3082 .  

**MGT 4350  requires major standing and only business majors may take this course.

Major Programs

Students take 15-24 additional credits specified in their major area. The junior and senior years will be devoted to the successful completion of the requirements of the core and major. Majors from which business administration students may choose are detailed below. Certificates of additional majors are permitted in all areas except general management. No more than four credits of independent study (4996) courses may be used to meet the major elective requirement. Courses numbered 3800 and 4900 may be repeated for up to eight credits provided the topics are different. Students will be required to complete ACC 3990  or ACS 3990  or ECN 3990  or FIN 3990  or  MGT 3990  or MIS 3990  or MKT 3990  or ORG 3990  or POM 3990  as part of their major program. (These courses require major standing and are interchangeable if a change of major occurs).  All major courses require a 2.6 GPA or better or major standing to take these courses (excludes Economics and non-SBA major courses).

Free Electives

Students complete their program by taking a course or courses of their choice to yield a total of 124 credits. While the General Education Requirements  of the degree program provides students with the range of knowledge that is the essence of an educated person, the free elective portion of the program allows students to make choices concerning coursework that responds to their individual interests and/or needs.