Feb 08, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

General Information

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Advanced Placement (AP)

Course exemption and/or credit toward graduation is granted to students who have official scores sent to the university by the Advanced Placement Program of the College Board. Oakland University grants credit for scores of 5 or 4 in advanced placement examinations, and, in some cases, for scores of 3. Students presenting AP scores for credit should be aware that the content of particular courses may not correspond to that of any university courses. In such cases, the AP credit would count toward graduation but would not satisfy any academic program requirements. An AP Policy regarding credits and exemptions given for particular examinations is available on our website.

College-level Examination Program (CLEP)

The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) is a national program of credit-by-examination that offers a person the opportunity to obtain recognition for college-level achievement. Personal reading, on-the-job experience, adult school or correspondence courses, or television or taped courses may have prepared persons to earn college credit.

Anyone may register and, for a fee, take one or several of the CLEP examinations. CLEP does not directly grant college credit, but more than 2,800 educational institutions in all 50 states offer college credit on the basis of CLEP scores. In essence, credits earned through CLEP examinations are considered transfer credits into Oakland University.

Credit shall be awarded by OU for subject examinations passed with a score of 50 or above. The amount of credit OU awards for subject examinations is indicated after each exam. Credit is awarded for subject examinations only if the following conditions have been met:

  • Students must not previously have taken more advanced work in the field of the examination.
  • No credit will be granted for examinations which cover material comparable to OU courses which do not carry credit toward graduation.

For more information: to learn about individual CLEP tests, study guides and test centers visit their website.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program

Oakland University grants credit and/or course exemptions to students based on their IB scores. Students who participated in the IB program in high school should request their scores be provided to the university for evaluation. An IB Policy regarding credits and exemptions given for particular examinations is available on our website.

DANTES Subject Standardized Test (DSST) Program

The DANTES Subject Standardized Test (DSST) is a national program of credit-by-examination that offers a person the opportunity to obtain recognition for college-level achievement. Personal reading, on-the-job experience, adult school or correspondence courses, or television or taped courses may have prepared persons to earn college credit.

Anyone may register and, for a fee, take one or several of the DSST examinations. DSST does not directly grant college credit, but more than 1,900 educational institutions in all 50 states offer college credit on the basis of DSST scores. In essence, credits earned through DSST examinations are considered transfer credits into Oakland University.

Credit shall be awarded by OU for subject examinations passed with a score of 400 or above.

The amount of credit OU awards for subject examinations is indicated after each exam. Credit is awarded for subject examinations only if the following conditions have been met:

  • Students must not previously have taken more advanced work in the field of the examination.
  • No credit will be granted for examinations which cover material comparable to OU courses which do not carry credit toward graduation.

For more information: to learn about individual DSST tests, study guides and test centers visit their website.

Special Opportunities for Students

Oakland University offers students several unusual opportunities for study both on and off campus. These opportunities are described here, and academic advisers and faculty members are able to assist students interested in pursuing any of them.

Research opportunities

At Oakland University, students are encouraged to join faculty research projects or to propose their own research and scholarly activities under faculty supervision. Student participation in research helps build leadership skills and provides an opportunity to contribute to the development of new knowledge in their chosen field. Undergraduates interested in joining a faculty research project should consult with their advisers or contact an individual faculty member concerning projects in their area of interest. The Center for Undergraduate Research Leadership (CURL), based in The Honors College, also supports undergraduate research leadership initiatives. CURL aims to advance the idea that strong undergraduate research leadership supports the future of higher education, the engine powering the success of our colleges and universities and of the public and private sectors. Research involving the use of humans, animals, biohazardous or radioactive materials must be approved by the appropriate regulatory oversight committee before research activities can be initiated (see Academic Policies and Procedures).

There are various student research funding opportunities available at Oakland University. Currently enrolled students are invited to apply for student research and travel grants under the guidance of a full-time OU faculty member. Visit the research website for details on student funding opportunities.

Computing resources

A wide range of computing resources are available to students at Oakland University. All students can connect to the Internet via Grizznet, a wireless network that spans multiple campus buildings, the residence halls and student apartments. It is recommended that students purchase laptops for use on the Oakland University wireless network, or that students plan to use a personally-owned desktop computer. High quality printing capability is available in several campus locations. Computer facilities are readily accessible in Kresge Library, the Oakland Center and other departmental locations.

Oakland University E-mail

Oakland University provides each student with free e-mail service and an e-mail address. Important notices about official Oakland University business are sent to e-mail accounts, instead of through the United States Postal Service. This information is important to maintaining a student’s relationship with the university and will include notices about financial aid, grades, tuition bills, and other relevant data. The university will hold students accountable for all information sent via e-mail. Therefore, all registered students should check their Oakland University e-mail account regularly at least weekly. The University Technology Services website offers tips and information on how to activate, access and forward your OU e-mail. Oakland University will not sell or give away student e-mail information and will not use e-mail to advertise for third parties.

Residency Classification for Admission and Tuition Purposes

For University purposes, “domicile” is defined as the place where an individual intends his/her true, fixed and permanent home and principal establishment to be. Also, the individual must have intent to return whenever away. Upon admission to the University, a student is classified either as a Michigan resident or a nonresident based upon information relating to the student’s domicile. A determination of Michigan domicile is required for in-state tuition rates to apply, except as stated below. 

An individual whose activities and circumstances, as documented to and found by the University, demonstrate that the individual has established a Michigan domicile will be classified as a resident.  An individual whose presence in the state is based on activities or circumstances that are indeterminate or temporary, such as (but not limited to) educational pursuits, will be presumed not to be domiciled in Michigan and will be classified as a nonresident.  To overcome a presumption of nonresident status, a student must file an Application for Reclassification of Residence Status and document with clear and convincing evidence that a Michigan domicile has been established. The burden of proof is on the applicant.

Evidence of domicile: Certain circumstances, although not controlling, support a claim of domicile. Other circumstances create a presumption against domicile.  Circumstances supporting a claim of domicile include:

  • Students who receive in-state resident classification for any reason that supports their eligibility and later moves to an ineligible student visa will be moved to a nonresident status upon receipt of the visa status change.
  • Dependence upon a parent domiciled in Michigan as demonstrated by permanent employment and establishment of a household in the state;

  • Employment of the student or the student’s spouse in Michigan in a full-time, permanent position, and that employment is the primary purpose for the student’s presence in Michigan;

  • Residence with Michigan relatives who provide more than half of the student’s support including educational costs. This necessarily means that no non-Michigan resident claims the student as a dependent for income tax purposes.

The fact that certain indications of domicile may apply to a student does not mean that the student automatically will be classified as a resident or that the student is relieved of the responsibility for filing an application.  See Residency application process below.

Circumstances that do not in themselves support a claim of domicile include:

  • enrollment in high school, community college or university;
  • employment that is temporary;
  • employment in a position normally held by a student;
  • ownership or lease of property;
  • presence of relatives in the state, except as described above;
  • possession of a Michigan driver’s license or voter’s registration;
  • payment of Michigan income or property taxes;
  • the applicant’s statement of intent to be domiciled in Michigan.

In cases where the University determines that an applicant has not demonstrated establishment of Michigan domicile, unless substantial and new information arises that clearly demonstrates the establishment of domicile, the University will require the applicant to document one year of continuous physical presence in the state as one of the criteria for determining eligibility for resident classification in any subsequent application.  The year of continuous presence is never the only criterion used for determining resident eligibility, and, in itself, will not qualify a student for resident status.  

In documenting the year of continuous physical presence in Michigan, the applicant will be expected to show actual physical presence by means of enrollment, employment, in-person financial transactions, health care appointments, etc.  Having a lease or permanent address in the state does not, in itself, qualify as physical presence. A short-term absence (summer vacation of 21 days or less, spring break and break between fall and winter term), of itself, will not jeopardize compliance with the one-year requirement.  In determining the effect of a short-term absence, the nature of the absence will be assessed to determine whether it is contrary to an intent to be domiciled in Michigan.

Presumption of domicile:  Certain circumstances create a presumption of domicile. However, the presence of such a circumstance does not mean that the student will be classified automatically as a Michigan resident or that the student is relieved of the responsibility to file an application.  These circumstances include:

Dependent students:  A student is presumed to be a dependent of his or her parents if the student is 24 years of age or younger and has been primarily involved in educational pursuits or has not been entirely financially self-supporting through employment.

(a)  Residents:  The following applies only if the student has not taken steps to establish a domicile outside of Michigan or any other action inconsistent with maintaining a Michigan domicile.

  • A dependent student whose parents are domiciled in Michigan is presumed to be eligible for resident classification.
  • A dependent student whose parents are divorced is presumed to be eligible for resident classification purposes if one parent is domiciled in Michigan.
  • A student who is living in Michigan and is permanently domiciled in Michigan does not lose residence status if the parents leave Michigan, provided: (i) that the student has completed at least the junior year of high school prior to the parents’ departure, and (ii) that the student remains in Michigan, enrolled as a full-time student in high school or an institution of higher education.

(b) Non-residents: A dependent student whose parents are domiciled outside the state of Michigan is presumed to be a nonresident.

Absences from the state: Individuals domiciled in Michigan immediately preceding certain types of absences from the state may retain their eligibility for resident classification under the following conditions:

  • An individual domiciled in Michigan for five years just prior to leaving the state for less than one year may return to the University as a resident for admission and tuition purposes.
  • An individual domiciled in Michigan at the time of entry into active missionary work, Peace Corps or similar philanthropic work does not lose eligibility for resident classification as long as he or she is actively and continuously performing philanthropic work and continuously claims Michigan as the state of legal residence for income tax purposes. Dependent children of such an individual also are eligible for resident classification provided: (i) that they are coming to the University directly from high school or they have been continuously enrolled in college since graduating from high school, and (ii) that they have not claimed residency elsewhere for tuition purposes.
  • An individual who is domiciled in Michigan immediately preceding an absence from the state for full-time enrollment in school or for a medical residency program, internship or fellowship does not lose eligibility for resident classification provided that the individual has maintained significant ties to the state during his or her absence (e.g., parents still in the state, payment of state taxes, active business accounts), and that the individual has not claimed residency for tuition purposes in another state.

Resident status of non-US citizens:  Those non-US citizens who have been granted permanent resident status in the United States, and those non-US citizens who are on a visa other than a student visa, and who are engaged in permanent employment in the United States and whose employer has filed or is in the process of filing for permanent resident status on behalf of the non-US citizen, are eligible for consideration for classification as a resident. A non-US citizen will be eligible for consideration if the non-US citizen’s parents or spouse meet(s) the alien requirements above and dependent status also exists. Students who receive in-state resident classification for any reason that supports their eligibility and later moves to an ineligible student visa will be moved to a nonresident status upon receipt of the visa status change.

Application of in-state tuition rates in special circumstances: Regardless of domicile, in-state tuition rates apply to the following persons:

  • Graduate students who hold an assistantship or fellowship awarded through Oakland University;

  • Students employed in Michigan in full-time, permanent positions;

  • Students admitted to approved on-line degree or certificate programs;

  • Students who are active duty members, or the spouse or dependent child of an active duty member, of the Armed Forces of the United States, while that active duty member is stationed in Michigan and during the student’s continuous enrollment in the academic degree program in which he or she is enrolled if that active duty member is transferred to an active duty location outside Michigan; or if the student is the child of an active duty member of the Armed Forces of the United States who was stationed in Michigan but is transferred to an active duty location outside Michigan within the one year period preceding the student’s initial enrollment and the student continues to live in Michigan;

  • Students entitled to educational assistance under Title 38 of the United States Code and its promulgating regulations as amended from time to time.

  • Students able to demonstrate the following through documentary evidence acceptable to the University:

    (a) attendance at an accredited Michigan high school for at least three (3) years and thereafter (i) graduation from an accredited Michigan high school, or (ii) receipt of a Michigan General Educational Development High School Equivalency Certificate (GED); and (iii) commencement of education at the University within forty months of graduating from a Michigan high school or receipt of a GED.

    To establish eligibility for in-state tuition rates in this circumstance, students do not need be a legal resident of the State of Michigan or United States.

Appeal process: Any student desiring to challenge his or her initial residency classification may appeal by submitting a Residency Reclassification form with supporting documents. After initial review, the student may appeal, which is reviewed by the University Registrar or designee. A final appeal can be made to the Reclassification Appeals Committee. The committee convenes only as necessary. The determination of Residency Reclassification Appeals Committee is final.

Residency Application Process

It is the student’s responsibility to apply for admission under the proper residency classification. If a student indicates Michigan resident status on the admissions application and the admissions office questions that status, the student will be classified as a nonresident and notified of the need to file a Residency Reclassification Form to the Office of the Registrar. Questioning of residency for university purposes does not mean a student will be ineligible for resident status. In this case, a student’s circumstances must be documented and reviewed. Students are responsible for applying for the appropriate resident classification and ensuring their registration reflects the appropriate residency classification. Furthermore, the university may audit enrolled or prospective students at any time with regard to eligibility for resident classification and may reclassify students who are registered under an improper residency classification.

The presence of any of the following factors will result in an initial classification as a nonresident:

  • Out-of-state employment within the last three years;
  • Living out of state at the time of application to the university;
  • Attendance or graduation from an out-of-state high school (applies if the individual is 24 year of age or younger);
  • Attendance or graduation from an out-of-state high school and involvement in educational pursuits for the majority of time since graduation from high school.

Residency reclassification documentation: When filing for reclassification, the following are required:

  • a completed application;
  • a written signed statement explaining why Michigan is one’s true home;
  • a letter from the employer of the family member providing the major support for the student stating the family member’s position title, when the Michigan employment began, and, for aliens, the status of any application for permanent residency;
  • documentation of the Michigan home (lease or home purchase document)
  • veterans must submit a copy of the DD-214 “Certificate of Release of Discharge from Active Duty”; and
  • the application must be submitted 30 days prior to the first day of the term.

Applicants are also responsible for providing any other documentation necessary to support their claim to resident eligibility. Additional documentation may be required by the university.

Misrepresentation and falsification of information: Applicants or students who provide false or misleading information or who intentionally omit relevant information in any document relevant to residency eligibility may be subject to legal or disciplinary measures including revocation of admission or expulsion. Students improperly classified as residents based on this type of information will have their residency classification changed and may be retroactively charged nonresident tuition for the period of time they were improperly classified.

Undergraduate Education

Interim Associate Provost for Quality Assurance and Accreditation: Kristin-Landis-Piwowar, Ph.D., MLS (ASCP)

The Office of Undergraduate Education provides a single point of focus within the administration for academics and undergraduate education at Oakland University. Its university-wide mission spans the undergraduate academic experience. The Office is designed to promote quality and excellence in teaching and learning, encourage innovative ideas and enrichment of the undergraduate curriculum, enhance support services, diversity in the curriculum, establish and interpret policy, and provide oversight for campus-wide programs and initiatives including persistence and completion. One of the major missions of the office is ensuring the quality of academic programs in collaboration with Oakland University’s College of Arts and Sciences and professional schools.

Quality through accreditation

The Office has oversight of the university’s accreditation through the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) 230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, Illinois 60604-1411. Phone: 800.621.7440 / 312.263.0456 | Fax: 312.263.7462 | info@hlcommission.org.

Quality through collaborative governance

The Office works closely with standing committees of the University Senate to implement and recognize academic quality. This includes the General Education Committee. The office supports implementation of the general education program to enhance the core experience for Oakland University’s undergraduate students. The office works with the Teaching and Learning Committee and the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) to identify winners of the Teaching Excellence, Excellence in Teaching and Online Teaching Excellence awards. These awards are given each year to outstanding full and part-time instructors. Students are encouraged to nominate faculty for these awards. The Associate Provost chairs the University Committee on Undergraduate Instruction. This committee has oversight of university requirements and university-wide curriculum issues. The office is responsible for promoting diversity in the curriculum. The office works in collaboration with the Assessment Committee, which assesses the impact of academic programs on student learning.

The Office is also responsible for the decennial review of academic programs that is mandated by the University Senate. At least once every 10 years each academic program comes under review with the goal of enhancing the program’s effectiveness and maintaining a university environment of academic excellence.

Quality through special programs, opportunities and development

The Office seeks to increase opportunities for undergraduate students through oversight of special programs and opportunities including:

Bachelor of Integrative Studies

The Bachelor of Integrative Studies (BIS) program reports to the Office of the Associate Provost. The BIS program allows students to create an academic program that meets their educational goals by combining elements from different academic disciplines offered by the University. The creation of a BIS plan provides students with the flexibility to meet their individual academic aspirations.

Writing Assistance

The Office is responsible for the Writing Center which provides writers with an interested and supportive audience of well-trained consultants who help both novice and expert writers explore ideas, revise drafts, and develop the skills to craft polished works. Sherry Wynn Perdue is the Director, (248) 370-3120.

Quality through accurate student information

The Office has responsibility for the production of the Undergraduate Catalog. The Undergraduate Catalog is the student’s guide for navigating the educational requirements and opportunities at Oakland University. Understanding the information in the catalog, in conjunction with regular visits to the student’s academic adviser, can greatly improve a student’s likelihood of success at OU. Irene Shabazz, Undergraduate Curriculum Services Manager, coordinates the Undergraduate Catalog, (248) 370-2571.

The Interim Associate Provost for Quality Assurance and Accreditation is located in 205 Wilson Hall (248) 370-4955 and Undergraduate Education is located in O’Dowd, Room 342 (248) 370-2571.

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