Mar 10, 2025  
2019-20 Syllabus 
2019-20 Syllabus [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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EHS 4550 - Environmental Pollution and Controls (3)

Oakland University, School of Health Sciences, Department of Public and Environmental Wellness

Course Information:
CRN: 14813
Campus: Internet
Schedule Type: Fully Online

A general course in environmental pollution and controls. The course follows Environmental Standards and provides a detailed overview in environmental engineering science and technology. Topics include: environmental ethics and risk analysis, water and air pollution, treatment technologies, solid and hazardous waste disposal, pollution control, and environmental impact and economic assessment. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): EHS 4440 can be taken at same time.

Professor Information:
Instructor: Jessica Jannaman

Learning Outcomes:
1. Explain the dominant types of air pollution in the US

2. Discuss the sources and effects of air pollution

3. Explain the atmospheric dispersion concept and how it relates to the pollutants at night

4. Based upon recent studies and research - explain if climate change / global warming is a serious threat to human health and safety

5. Explain the effect of pollution on oceans

6. Explain the hydrologic cycle and its importance to aquatic life

7. Outline the elements of an environmental impact statement based upon socioeconomic assessment guidelines

8. Discuss Solid Waste Management hierarchy and the roll of pollution prevention within municipalities

9. Discuss the landfill siting process

10. List and discuss advantages and disadvantages for landfill disposal and incineration

11. Explain the magnitude of the Hazardous Waste problem globally and in the United States

Textbooks and Materials:
Peirce, J.J., Weiner, R.F., & Vesilend, P.A. Environmental Pollution and Control, 4th edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, Woburn, MA, 1998.

Assignments and Grading:
Exams: the two exams will be based upon WebEx sessions, textbook material, online activities, discussion forums and handouts.  The midterm exam is TBD. The final exam is TBD. There are no make-up exams except for emergencies- i.e. family death, hospitalization w/note. Arrangements can be made to take exams prior to the scheduled class session, if there is an employer or personal conflict with either date. 

Quiz: will evaluate the student understanding for course objectives and stuent learning outcomes. There are not make-ups for a missed quiz.

Online Activities: will be compromised of critical thinking questions based primarily upon lectures and textbook. Each online activity is worth 10 points. Assignments will not be accepted after the due date/time.

Discussion Forum: application-based resulting from environmental concepts, principles, and key terms. The forums provide opportunity for problemsolving and peer review and critique. Feedback is periodically provided by the instructor to allow further discussion and critical analysis. Each forum discussion is worth 5 pts.

Presentation: Presentation skills are a necessity in today’s busines world. A short oral presentation (12-15 minutes) will be required and must include some form of visual aid, such as a PowerPoint presentation. Students can choose from two options:

  • case study
  • current event

Research Paper: A research paper (6-8 pages excluding title page & references) will be required. The topic of the paper must be a recent environmental issue or event. The paper must provide a clear description of the event/issue, identify which, if any environmental regulations or policy applies, and provide an objective assessment (critical analysis) in support or against current/past policies. The paper must be typed, double-spaced and properly referenced using APA format.

Course Evaluation:

Quiz 10 pts.
Midterm Exam 15 pts.
Online Activities (2) 20 pts.
Discussion Forum (3) 15 pts.
Paper/Presentation 20 pts.
Final Exam 20 pts.
Total 100 pts.


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