Mar 10, 2025  
2019-20 Syllabus 
2019-20 Syllabus [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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MUA 1076/2076/3076/4076 - Applied Indian Raga (1-2)

Oakland University, Oakland University, College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Music, Theatre and Dance

Course Information:
CRN: 15411
Campus: Main Campus
Schedule Type: Applied Music

Main Campus Campus | Varner Hall | Room NRM

Directed applied study in Indian Raga

Can be repeated for credit. Fulfills applied study requirement for the World Music Minor.

Prerequisites/Comments: Enrollment in MUA applied lessons requires permission of the department.

Professor Information:
Instructor: Jayshankar (Jay) Balan

Office hours by appointment 314 Varner Varner- Room  314

Learning Outcomes:
Students participating fully in the course will:

  • Gain performance experience through the study of multiple Ragas in the classical Indian repertoire
  • Develop and understanding of the structure of classical Indian music Develop the ability to improvise within the Ragas under study

Textbooks and Materials:
Chitravina N Ravikiran, Perfecting Camatic Music Series (International Foundation for Carnatic Music )

Additional scores, recordings, and practice exercises will be provided in class or on Moodie.

Assignments and Grading:
The final semester grade in based on a weekly and semester-long performance record. The teacher’s assessment of student progress in the below areas will determine the student’s weekly and semester grade in the course. Students may discuss their individual progress with the professor at any time during the semester. Consideration will be taken for all of the following:

I.   WEEKLY RAGA LESSON: A grade will be given for each lesson (A-F). The student assumes responsibility for lesson preparation. (Weekly Lessons are 60% of semester grade)

Lesson Grades: A= fully prepared; B = slightly under-prepared; C =under­ prepared; D = grossly under-prepared; F =not prepared; F =unattended lesson.

FINAL JURY/ PERFORMANCE:  Students will play a jury and/or give a public performance at the end of the semester. Jury/Performance content will consist of Raga excercises, compositions, and improvisation studied during the semester. Jury sign-up will be posted during the last 2 weeks of classes.  (Final Jury is 20% of semester grade)

ATTITUDE AND GROWTH: Each student will be assessed on an individual basis.

This category includes one’s excitement about the learning process, one’s dedication to personal goals and ideals, the development of a strong work ethic, and the ability to successfully contribute to a musical community. (Attitude and Personal Growth is 20% of semester grade)

Grading percentages and how they apply to OU’s grading scale:

93-100%:                                 A

90-92.9%                                 A-

87 -89.9%                                B+

81-86.9%                                 B

80-80.9%                                 B-

77-79.9%                                C+

71-76.0%                                C

70-70.9%                                C-

67-69.9%                                D+

61-66.9%                                D

Less than 61%                       F (no credit)

Classroom and University Policies  

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