Mar 10, 2025  
2019-20 Syllabus 
2019-20 Syllabus [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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POM 3430 - Operations Management (3)

Oakland University, School of Business Administration, Department of Decision & Information Sciences

Course Information:
CRN: 14817
Campus: Main Campus
Schedule Type: Lecture


10:00 AM - 11:15 AM

Main Campus Campus | South Foundation Hall | Room 269

Study of operations of manufacturing and service organizations. Introduction to operational design and control issues such as forecasting, capacity planning, facility location and layout, production control, material requirements planning, scheduling and quality assurance. Includes international, legal and ethical aspects.
Prerequisite(s): QMM 2400 or QMM 2410 or STA 2226 or STA 2220 and ACC 2100 with a minimum grade of (C) in each course.

Professor Information:
Instructor·: Henry Aigbedo, Ph.D.

Office: Room 344 Elliott Hall, School of Business Administration

Phone: (248) 370-4959

mail address:

Learning Outcomes:
1. Enhance your understanding of classic and contemporary operations management in both manufacturing and service organizations.

2. Increase your awareness of the strategic and operational problems encountered by operations managers.

3. Investigate the relationship of the operations management function with the other functional areas including marketing, accounting, finance, engineering, human resources, logistics, etc.

4. Enhance your ability to recognize, formulate, and analyze decisions of operations managers.

5. Exposure to actual company structures, various industries, and current business events.

6. Written and oral presentation of material - business executive summaries.

Assignments and Grading:
Evaluation for the course

(I) Quizzes and Examination

Tlu·ee quizzes (shmi-exams) and two examinations (comprehensive exams) will be conducted as indicated in the class schedule. While a given quiz covers about two weeks’ wotih of material learned prior to it, an examination (comprehensive examination) covers all prescribed material. The first examination covers all materialleamed since the beginning of the semester. However, the final examination is cumulative, covering all materials studied in the course. A quiz will be made up of multiple-choice questions only, and it will last for about 20 minutes. The examinations would generally be made up of multiple-choice questions, short-answer type questions, as well as computational problems. All examinations, including quizzes, would be conducted under closed-book format. However, you will be allowed to come in for the comprehensive exams with 1 page of handwritten notes for the midterm examination and 3 pages of handwritten notes for the final examination. NotesCANNOTbetypedbutshouldbe

written on only one side of a regular size (8.5 inch by 11 inch) paper. This includes formula that you will need for the examination. The instructor expects you to come to all examinations with Scantron sheets (No. 882-E), a pencil, pen, pencil sharpener, and eraser. Other relevant tables, such as z-charts will be provided, if necessary.

Term Project

The term project involves assessing the operations management issues of an actual organization and making pertinent recommendations for improvement. This is being made optional for this semester. Students who plan on doing it should please form groups of 4-5 persons and provide the instructor with a !-page note describing the organization they plan to study and the issues they would like to address. There is no penalty for not doing it. However, it provides a good learning opportunity for you. Furthermore, it could be especially helpful for students who feel that they are weak in written examinations and quizzes. Please refer to the guidelines in the appendix of this document (page 14). Please note that this does not represent extra credit- your grades are scaled appropriately to include the grade obtained for the term project.

Assigned Homework Problems

These are designated computational problems on cetiain topics. There are five of them on the whole, and they are indicated with asterisks on the class schedule below. Further details can be found under course format above.

Class Participation

Class pmiicipation, which is made up of your contributions during in-class activities as well as discussions, will be graded. Further details can be found under policies below.

Simulation Exercises

Aside from the in-class experiential exercises, you will be required to do 3 simulation exercises for grade. You can gain access to these simulations (available in MyLab Operations Management) through your account created for MyLab. You will be allowed a set number of times to do each simulation. In addition to execution of the simulations, you need to submit to the instructor a !­ page note for each simulation, explaining your performance on the simulation (specifically you need to explain clearly what principles you considered in your quest to excel on the simulation). The briefs for the 3 simulations should all be submitted atonce on December 3, 2018. The weights for the grades will be approximately 75% for performance on the execution of the simulation and 25% for the briefs. Actual grades depend on how well you have done on each of these components. The instructor will provide further details on this through the course website on Moodie. You are encouraged to try the other simulations in MyLab Operations Management even though they are not required for grade.

The various forms of evaluation will be weighted as follows:

Quizzes                                            100 x 2  = 200 (Best 2 out of the 3 quizzes)

Midterm Examination                     = 180 Final Examination (Cumulative) = 320 Assigned Homework Problems (All) = 60 Simulation Exercises  (MyLab) 40 x 3 = 120 Class participation                                   = 120

Term Project (Group) [Optional]             =  150 (Total Points with project= 1150)

Total Points                                              = 1000

Classroom and University Policies  

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