Mar 10, 2025  
2019-20 Syllabus 
2019-20 Syllabus [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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IS 2400 - Perspectives on India-Online (4)

Oakland University, College of Arts and Sciences, International Studies Program

Course Information:
CRN: 12041
Campus: Internet
Schedule Type: Fully Online

This course is an interdisciplinary study of the people of India and their traditional and modern
civilization. It is designed to satisfy the university general education requirement in the global
perspective knowledge exploration area. This course will give the students an idea of India, a
civilization, whose past is well knitted into its present. This course will highlight the diverse
traditions and depth of Indian culture, and also offer opportunities, through reading of its rich
literature and movies, to understand its plurality. It also fulfills requirements in Writing.
This class satisfies the General Education requirements Intensive in General Education (WIGE)

Professor Information:
Instructor: Dr. Shalini Jayaprakash

Learning Outcomes:
1. Knowledge of two or more of the following: environments, political systems, economies,
societies, and religions in any region outside of the United States.
2. Knowledge of the role that different cultural heritages (past and present) play in forming
values in another part of the world, enabling the student to function in a global context.

Textbooks and Materials:
Required Primary Texts
1. Keay, John. India, A History by John Keay. Atlantic Monthly, 2012. (Referred to as IAH in
the weekly schedule)
2. Lal, Vinay & Borin Van Loon. Introducing Hinduism: A Graphic Guide. Icon Book, 2005.
(Referred to as HIND in the weekly schedule)
3. Sunil Khilnani’s 15-minute podcasts from “Incarnations” Here is the link to the site:
4. A lot of supplementary readings that would either be posted on Moodle

Assignments and Grading:
1. 12 QUIZZES (10 points x 12 = 120 points) = 30%
You will have 12 quizzes spread over the entire semester. It would be on the recent topics
covered EACH WEEK.
Three One-page response to 3 current events from the online newspapers
The Hindu (, The Economic Times
( , and e-magazine Business Today
( ( 10x3 = 30 points)
I expect you to read these online editions. Browse the papers for articles of your interest. You
will have to write one-page response to any current event/s happening in India. The topics
could range from currents news, to business, sports, entertainment, books, education, science
and technology, environment, health etc.
A summary of the assigned article must be written.
The main points must be enumerated and described in a brief way.
An evaluation of the article must also be provided: this means you must assess the importance
of the article’s content in the light of our classroom discussions.
The topic of the article and its relevance to your chosen subject must be mentioned.
Decide whether the information in the article is important, relevant, of high standard, and
whether it provides new information on the subject it covers.
Offer an assessment of the quality of the writing.
You must conclude by writing an opinion about how the subject can be improved, or whether
the necessary information is present in the article, and if it forms a complete picture of
the topic.
Rubric will be posted on Moodle.
3. 9 REFLECTION ASSIGNMENTS: You will write short 9 reflections over the course. Details
will follow in each unit.
4. 5. TEMPLE VISIT ASSIGNMENT: 50 points= 5%
Assignment questions will be posted.

5. 6. 5 DISCUSSION FORUMS: (10 points x 5 = 50 points= 10%

There will be a total of 5 discussion forums. I will post questions or discussion topics or video
to start the discussion. You are required to post one original message for each topic/question
(i.e. “replies” to other students do not count in this regard).
· In addition to your one, original post, you must reply to at least two other classmates for each
· Original posts should be roughly 150 words.
· Replies to other students should be roughly 75 words.
. Each of your posts (original posts & replies) must demonstrate your understanding of the topic.
· Connections between lecture content, textbook content, and discussion should be exhibited.
· Relate new information with material previously covered in the class as well as with personal

· Discuss at a critical level - don’t just recite facts from your reading, discussion, or lecture.


You must listen to as many podcasts as you can, and you must write a reflection about any 4 of
them. The pod cast would be on topics covered in class. Each assignment is worth 5 points.
(4X 5= 20 points) Listen to them here
8. TWO ONE-TWO PAGE MOVIE RESPONSES (15x2= 30 points) 10%
The last reaction paper must be based on one of the movies that you watch for the course. You
must choose any two movies from the listing and write a one-page reaction each to
In order to receive full credit for your essay, it must meet the following criteria:

  • is an original work of the author;
  • is relevant and addresses the topic;
  • adequately states and defends its author’s argument;
  • uses correct grammar and spelling;
  • is divided into paragraphs;
  • is submitted before the deadline;


1) 12 Quizzes - 30%
2) 3 Newspaper article responses - 10%
3) 2 Movie responses - 10%
4) 9 Reflection Assignments - 20%
5) Hinduism Glossary- 5%
6) Hindu Temple visit assignment - 5 %
7) 4 Pod cast analysis assignments - 5%
8) 5 Discussion Forums: 10%
9) Participation and course commitment - 5%

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