Mar 10, 2025  
2019-20 Syllabus 
2019-20 Syllabus [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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WGS 1000 - Introduction to Women and Gender Studies (4)

Oakland University, College of Arts and Sciences, Women and Gender Studies Program

Course Information:
Interdisciplinary and comparative overview of fundamental women and gender studies concepts and topics as they relate to history, culture, literature, economics, class, ethnocentrism, race, theories and methods.  Satisfies the university general education requirement in the social science knowledge exploration area, or may be used in lieu of one of the college of Arts and science distribution categories not both. Satisfies the university general education requirement in U. S. diversity.

Professor Information:
Instructor: Katherine Patterson

Office: 217 Varner (Mailbox) EX 2154                        


Office hours: By appointment

If you need to reach me call (248-682-2721) and I will call you back.  Please do not leave just a phone number, leave a detailed verbal message.  My E-mail address:

Learning Outcomes:
The student will demonstrate:

   1.  an understanding of societal assumptions and biases about women that exist today

   2.  see how gender affects access to opportunity, power and resources

   3.  learn how to communicate effectively about gender issues in both writing and speech

Cross-Cutting Capacities:

   1.  critical thinking

   2.  social awareness

   3.  information literacy 

Textbooks and Materials:
Gender Voices Feminist Visions Lee/Shaw, 2020  Seventh Edition Oxford Press

The Creation of Patriarchy, Gerda Lerner, Oxford University Press

I AM Not A Sluts, Debra Tanenbaum, Seven Stories Press 

There will be articles on E-reserve

Assignments and Grading:
Students are expected to attend class regularly, be active and informed participants in class discussion and complete designated readings and outside assignments.  Three reflection papers (6-12 pages each) will be required. All papers must be typed, double spaced with one inch margins, numbered pages and stapled. Each Student will also be expected to summarize and discuss one of the reading assignments and present a biography.  The student presenting the readings for the day will be required to have three or four questions pertaining to the readings. 

Total course requirements:

Paper 1                   25 points

Paper 2            25 points

Paper 3            25 points

Bio/Presentation    20 points

Attendance         5 points


                     100 points


Paper.    1 - Development of Patriarchy

How did patriarchy develop?  Why has it continued? Have women always been in a subordinate position to men?  Discuss Gerda Lerner’s views, especially the material in Chapter 11. Also, use examples from classroom discussions. You must use examples from the assigned readings.  (6-8 pages) Due February 4

Paper 2 - Gender Socialization

Write a paper describing how growing up female or male can affect an individual, you may us personal examples.  Look at strengths and weaknesses, the ways you can be benefited or have been hurt by being a female or male. Please include a discussion of sex role socialization (look at family, school, peers, and religion) and the social functions of ideas of feminine or masculine beauty and the impact these ideals have on self-image.  You may make this as personal as you feel comfortable. (6-8 pages) Due March 24

Paper 3 - Integration of Ideas Paper (25 points)

Critical thinking paper.  Choose 6 articles from the assigned readings.  One chapter from Sluts or Creation Of Patriarchy is considered an article.  Two of them must be from articles on E-reserve. Discuss and summarize each article, then analyze the article.  Examine the author’s main points. Has your point of view changed as a result of reading the article? Has your thinking, behavior or plans been effected by the article? Describe what you learned for the article. (10-12 pages) Due April 16     

Feminist Biography  Presentation - (10 points)

Each student will be responsible for a biography of a feminist that she/he will share in class a short presentation.  The presentation will cover this women’s life and achievements, describing why she/he chose this particular woman and why this women is a feminist.

Presentation - (10 points)

Each student will be expected to summarize, discuss and prepare 3-4 question on a reading assignment. Presentations will be assigned early in January.

Grading Scale:  Listed below are the points that will be earned for each assignment and number of points needed for a particular grade.

Classroom and University Policies  

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