2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog
Department of History
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The study of history at the undergraduate level has traditionally been considered one of the major paths to informed and effective citizenship. Its emphasis on broad knowledge, critical reading, careful judgment and precise writing offers excellent pre-professional preparation for many careers in business, government service, law, teaching, the ministry, journalism and library and museum service.
The Department of History guides students toward these careers and provides an opportunity to support academic preparation with field experience in the community (e.g., a historical society, museum or private or public agency). Oakland University’s teacher preparation program draws on history in the elementary education major and minor concentrations in social studies and in the secondary teaching major and minor in history. Careers in college teaching and other forms of professional historical scholarship usually require post-graduate training, toward which solid work in the undergraduate major is extremely important. Students interested in achieving a Ph.D. in history should be aware that most graduate schools require demonstrated competence in one or two modern foreign languages.
The department’s undergraduate program leads to the Bachelor of Arts degree. It also offers a Master of Arts program, which is described in the Oakland University Graduate Catalog. The department provides both undergraduate and graduate evening and asynchronous online courses for schedule flexibility. All history students should plan their course of study in close consultation with a department adviser.
Departmental Honors and Scholarships
Department honors may be awarded to graduating majors for outstanding achievement in history as evidenced by faculty recommendations, high grades and a superior research paper. There is no statutory grade-point minimum for honors, but the award is not normally made to students with less than a 3.50 grade-point average in History. Inquiries should be addressed to the Department of History, Varner Room 415, (248) 370-3510.
Students are eligible for membership in Alpha Zeta Upsilon, Oakland University chapter of the international honor society in history, Phi Alpha Theta. Students are selected for membership on the basis of academic achievement. Inquiries should be addressed to the history department office. There is one scholarship, the George T. Matthews Scholarship, specifically for students majoring in history. Junior and senior history majors are eligible for a Holzbock Scholarship. There are five Holzbock scholarships of $2,500 each made annually to students in the humanities. Information about the Matthews and Holzbock scholarships is available in the department office.
Course prerequisites
Introductory and survey courses (HST 1100 - HST 2999) have no prerequisites. More advanced courses (HST 3000 - HST 3999) have a general prerequisite of writing proficiency (e.g.,WRT 1060 or equivalent) plus any special requirements listed within the course descriptions. The most advanced research courses at the undergraduate level (HST 4000 - HST 4999) have a general requirement of 20 credits in history plus any special requirements listed within the course descriptions.
ProgramsCourses- HST 1100 - Introduction to American History Before 1877
- HST 1200 - Introduction to American History Since 1877
- HST 1300 - Europe in Global Context to 1600
- HST 1400 - Europe in Global Context from 1600 to the Present
- HST 2010 - World History
- HST 2020 - Piracy in the Atlantic World, 1500-1831
- HST 2105 - The History of Michigan
- HST 2280 - History of the African-American People
- HST 2380 - Science and Technology in Western Culture
- HST 2500 - Introduction to Middle East History
- HST 2600 - Introduction to Latin American History to 1825
- HST 2602 - Introduction to Latin American History since 1825
- HST 2910 - Study Abroad
- HST 3000 - Seminar in Historical Research
- HST 3010 - Historical Thinking and Writing
- HST 3105 - North American Borderlands
- HST 3110 - History of the North American Colonies
- HST 3120 - The American Revolution
- HST 3122 - The American Founding
- HST 3125 - The U.S. Early National Period, 1787-1815
- HST 3130 - Jacksonian America
- HST 3132 - The Early U.S. Presidency
- HST 3135 - The Development of Political Practices in Early America
- HST 3140 - History of the American South
- HST 3145 - The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1850-1876
- HST 3200 - American History, 1876-1900
- HST 3202 - American History, 1900-1928
- HST 3204 - American History, 1928-1945
- HST 3206 - Cold War America, 1945-1990
- HST 3210 - History of American Foreign Relations in the Twentieth Century
- HST 3220 - History of the American Industrial Economy and Society
- HST 3225 - History of American Mass Media
- HST 3230 - American Labor History
- HST 3235 - Working Detroit
- HST 3240 - Careers in Public History
- HST 3250 - Oral History
- HST 3260 - Native American History to 1840
- HST 3262 - Native American History Since 1840
- HST 3265 - Women in Modern America
- HST 3270 - History of American Cities
- HST 3275 - History of American Families
- HST 3277 - History of Murder in America
- HST 3280 - The Civil Rights Movement in America
- HST 3285 - History of African-American Women
- HST 3288 - Topics in African American History
- HST 3290 - History of Religions in the U.S.
- HST 3295 - Religion, Politics and American Culture
- HST 3310 - Ancient Greece and Rome
- HST 3315 - Science and Medicine in the Ancient World
- HST 3320 - The Middle Ages, 300 - 1100
- HST 3322 - The Middle Ages, 1100-1500
- HST 3325 - The Crusades
- HST 3327 - Medieval Noble Culture
- HST 3330 - Ireland, Prehistory to 1691
- HST 3335 - England, 1066-1485
- HST 3340 - The Italian Renaissance
- HST 3345 - The Reformation
- HST 3350 - The Scientific Revolution
- HST 3355 - Occult Sciences and Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe
- HST 3360 - Society and Culture in Early Modern Europe
- HST 3365 - Women in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1789
- HST 3370 - Europe in the Seventeenth Century
- HST 3375 - Europe in the Eighteenth Century
- HST 3390 - Early Modern France
- HST 3395 - French Revolution
- HST 3400 - Europe since 1914
- HST 3405 - Nationalism in Modern Europe
- HST 3410 - European Thought and Ideology from the French Revolution to the Present
- HST 3415 - Religion in Modern Europe
- HST 3420 - Ireland, 1691 to the Present
- HST 3425 - Scotland: 1689 to Present
- HST 3430 - Britain, 1815-1911
- HST 3435 - Britain, 1911 to Present
- HST 3450 - Modern Italy: National Unification and the 20th Century
- HST 3480 - Germany since 1740
- HST 3484 - The Weimar Republic, 1918-1933
- HST 3485 - Nazi Germany: Society, Politics and Culture
- HST 3490 - History of Modern Russia
- HST 3495 - Eastern European History
- HST 3500 - Islamic Empires, 600 - 1600
- HST 3510 - The Modern Middle East
- HST 3520 - The Cold War in the Middle East
- HST 3540 - The Arab-Israeli Conflict
- HST 3550 - Modern Iran and Iraq
- HST 3660 - History of Argentina, Brazil, and Chile
- HST 3665 - Indigenous Movements in Latin America, 1492-Present
- HST 3670 - Latin American Revolutions
- HST 3675 - Slavery and Race in Latin America
- HST 3710 - Ancient and “Medieval” African Civilizations
- HST 3715 - African Cultural History
- HST 3720 - Modern African History Since 1800
- HST 3730 - Postcolonial Conflicts in African History
- HST 3740 - African Environmental History
- HST 3805 - China: The Middle Kingdom before 1700
- HST 3810 - China’s Last Dynasty: The Qing, 1644-1911
- HST 3815 - China in Revolution, 1911-1949
- HST 3820 - China since 1949
- HST 3825 - China and Inner Asia
- HST 3830 - Women in China: Past and Present
- HST 3870 - Origins of Modern Japan, 1568-1912
- HST 3875 - Twentieth-Century Japan
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