Oct 06, 2024  
2014-2015 Graduate Catalog 
2014-2015 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering


Department of Mechanical Engineering
402 Engineering Center   (map)
(248) 370-2210 • Fax (248) 370-4416

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Qian Zou
301D Engineering Center
(248) 370-2233


Program description

The Doctor of Philosophy in mechanical engineering degree is designed for students who plan careers in industrial or governmental research and development laboratories or problem-oriented agencies, as well as in the academic field.

The field of mechanical engineering includes areas such as dynamics, vibrations and noise, energy systems, automotive engineering design, thermal energy transport, fluid transport, experimental stress analysis, solid mechanics, manufacturing processes and materials, tribology, numerical techniques, optical inspection, mechanics of metal forming, fasteners and bolted joints, and fuel cells. The Department of Mechanical Engineering is concentrating its efforts in these areas at the Ph.D. level.

Program delivery

Students can begin doctoral study on a part-time basis, availing themselves of late afternoon or evening courses while working full time in local industry. However, later phases of study and research will require full-time devotion to the program. Students must also fulfill a residency requirement.

Admission terms and application deadlines

Before an applicant’s file can be reviewed for full program admission, all application documents must be received in Graduate Study and Lifelong Learning by the semester deadlines listed below. Incomplete applications will not be sent to departments for admission review.

Application requirements

To be considered for graduate admission, applicants must submit all Graduate Application Requirements and additional department requirements by the published application deadlines:

  2. Additional department application requirements
  • Additional Recommendation for Graduate Admission form
    In addition to the two recommendations listed above, a third recommendation is required by the program.
    Recommendation requirements
    All three forms must be from three faculty members of their most recent study program who can evaluate their scholarly achievement and potential.
  • Statement of research objectives and goals
  • Applicants must submit official scores from the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) if they graduated from an institution not accredited by a regional accrediting agency of the USA.  The Department of Mechanical Engineering may choose to waive the GRE requirement if at least one of the following special circumstances is met:
    • Applicant’s last degree is from a U.S. institution accredited by a regional accrediting agency.
    • Applicant’s overall GPA from last degree is at least 3.0.
    • Applicant has worked in the USA for at least two years in the engineering profession.
  • Normally a master’s degree from an accredited institution is required for admission; however, students with outstanding undergraduate records may apply directly for admission to the doctoral program.
  • The Ph.D. in mechanical engineering degree program is designed for students with an academic background in mechanical engineering. Students with backgrounds in other areas of engineering, mathematics or the physical sciences may also be admitted to the program, but they will be required to build up basic mechanical engineering/computing knowledge through relevant coursework.

Admission review and assessment

Admission to graduate study at Oakland University is selective. In making admission recommendations to Graduate Study and Lifelong Learning, each department assesses the potential of applicants for success in the program by examining their undergraduate records, goal statement, letters of recommendation, prerequisite courses and any other admission requirements established by the academic department.

Degree requirements

The Doctor of Philosophy in mechanical engineering degree program is awarded upon satisfactory completion of 80 credits in an approved program of study. In addition to 56 credits of coursework beyond the bachelor’s degree, students must also complete a minimum of 24 credits of dissertation research.

At least 56 credits must be earned for coursework beyond the bachelor’s degree (exclusive of dissertation). The normal full-time load is 8 to 12 credits per semester.

Students who have previously earned a master’s degree from Oakland University or another regionally-accredited institution may reduce the 56 credits of coursework required for the doctoral degree by up to 32 credits. To be considered for a reduction in required doctoral credits, students must submit a Petition of Credit from Earned Master’s Degree. The advisory committee will evaluate the student’s prior master’s degree work and may reduce the required Ph.D. credits based on the master’s coursework. The decision of the advisory committee is final, but the approved petition and approved Plan of Study must be on file in Graduate Study and Lifelong Learning by the end of the first year of doctoral study. All candidates must complete at least 24 credits of additional coursework exclusively at Oakland University.

Course requirements (56 credits)

The total credits required to obtain a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering degree is 80. Students are required to complete a minimum of 56 credits of graduate coursework and a minimum of 24 credits of dissertation research. Approved courses taken as a part of a master’s degree may be used towards satisfying this requirement. Students may also take graduate courses from other departments with the approval of their advisory committee. Deviations from the plan below are allowed with the approval of their doctoral advisory committee (DAC).

b. Electives (16 credits)

Select two depth areas from the list below. From each depth area, select two courses (500-level and/or 600-level ME courses) in consultation with the doctoral advisory committee.

  • Manufacturing Processes and Materials
  • Experimental Stress Analysis
  • Dynamics, Vibrations and Noise
  • Automotive Engineering Design
  • Energy Systems
  • Thermal Energy Transport
  • Fluid Transport
  • Solid Mechanics
  • Tribology
  • Numerical Techniques
  • Optical Inspection
  • Mechanics of Metal Forming
  • Fasteners and Bolted Joints
  • Fuel Cells and/or Batteries
  • Reliability Methods

c. Previous master’s coursework (up to 32 credits)

  • Previous master’s coursework (up to 32 credits)

d. Dissertation (minimum of 24 credits)

Satisfactory academic progress

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is the term used to denote a student’s successful completion of coursework toward a certificate or degree. Federal regulations require the Office of Financial Aid to monitor Satisfactory Academic Progress for all financial aid recipients each semester.

Students who fall behind in their coursework, or fail to achieve minimum standards for grade point average and completion of classes, may lose their eligibility for all types of federal, state and university aid. Contact the Office of Financial Aid for additional details.

Good academic standing

All graduate students are expected to remain in good academic standing throughout the entire course of their graduate program. To be in good academic standing, a graduate student must make satisfactory progress toward fulfilling degree requirements, including the completion of critical degree milestones as set forth by the academic program. The student must also maintain a minimum semester and overall GPA of 3.0.

Good academic standing is a requirement for:

  • Holding a Graduate Assistantship
  • Receiving a fellowship or scholarship
  • Advancing to candidacy for a graduate degree
  • Going on a leave of absence
  • Obtaining a graduate certificate or degree from Oakland University.

Additionally, graduate students must meet all department academic standards which may be more stringent than the minimum set forth by the University.

Department requirements:  In the Ph.D. program, credit will not be awarded for courses in which a grade less than 3.0 is earned. All numerical grades earned are used in computing a student’s grade-point average.   

Graduate students who are not in good academic standing for any reason are subject to probation and/or dismissal from further graduate study.

Related program information

Plan of study

Master’s and graduate certificate students must submit a department-approved plan of study by the end of their first semester of graduate coursework. Upon admission, doctoral students must develop a plan of study in consultation with the department chair. As soon as the student forms an advisory committee, the committee reviews and updates the plan of study then forwards it to the dean’s office. The original plan of study must be submitted to the dean’s office, and when approved, it will be forwarded to the Graduate Study and LIfelong Learning office.

Note:  Credit granted for successful completion of a course toward an undergraduate degree program may not be repeated for a graduate degree. If a substitution is approved, the minimum number of program-approved graduate credits will be required. A Petition of Exception - OU Course Waiver/ Substitution requesting the substitution must be approved.

Initial advising

After admission to the Ph.D. program, a student should consult with the Program Coordinator for any advice until formulation of an Advisory Committee.

Advisory committee

As soon as possible after admission, but prior to earning 16 credits of coursework, students must form an advisory committee, which will direct and guide the progress of their program. Such a committee is composed of four faculty members, specified as follows:

  • Two mechanical engineering faculty members nominated by the student (one designated as chair)
  • One who is either a mechanical engineering faculty member or is an expert from outside Oakland University (who must have a Ph.D or equivalent degree in Mechanical Engineering)
  • One is an OU faculty member outside of the Mechanical Engineering Department.
  • Upon recommendation of the advisory committee, following successful completion of the Ph.D. comprehensive examination, one member from within or outside the university community may be added to the committee for the dissertation proposal and review.

The entire committee must have the approval of the Dean of the School of Engineering and Computer Science and Graduate Study and Lifelong Learning.

Comprehensive examination

Doctoral students in mechanical engineering are required to take a comprehensive examination preferably within the first two years of their doctoral studies but no later than four years after their admission to the Ph.D. program. The exact timing will be determined by their Ph.D. advisor. The students must schedule the exam at least three weeks in advance using the ”Doctoral Comprehensive Examination Schedule” form available on the SECS website. The comprehensive examination is designed to assess the student’s analytical reasoning, theoretical understanding, and preparedness to do independent research. The comprehensive examination is composed of a written component and an oral component. The written component includes three parts. Two are discipline-specific selected by the student’s advisory committee based on the individual student’s coursework and research. The third examination area is in mathematics. One common math exam covering the topics in APM 541 and APM 542 will be given twice per year, usually in the second week of September and the first week after the spring break. The student must complete all three written examinations within three weeks, and should complete the oral examination within two weeks after the last written examination. The oral portion of the exam will cover the two discipline-specific areas and will be given by the student’s advisory committee plus any other faculty who may have written a portion of the exams.

The student must obtain passing grades on both the written and oral portions to pass the comprehensive exam. To pass the written exam, the student must obtain an average grade of 70% among the three written exams and must have no more than one individual exam grade below 70% but not lower than 60%. A student who fails to pass the comprehensive examination may repeat it once during the next available exam date. If a student scores above 80% in any of the three subject exams, the committee may decide not to retest the student on that subject area. Students who pass the comprehensive exam but exhibit weakness in a specific area may be required by their advisory committee to complete additional coursework to address the deficiency. All comprehensive exams must be monitored in person by a doctoral advisory committee member or a representative of the committee and exams are to be taken on campus.

Dissertation proposal

As soon as a candidate and the advisory committee chair agree on a specific research topic, the candidate must write a dissertation proposal. This document contains a formulation of the problem, the background work leading to the formulation and a plan for the subsequent research. Candidates must orally present the proposal to their advisory committees and any other interested faculty, at which time the committee may question the preparedness of the student to carry out the research.

Research credits

Students who have advisory committee approval of their dissertation proposals and are conducting research should register for ME 790. At least 24 research credits are required of all doctoral candidates. However, merely amassing credits does not indicate satisfactory progress toward or completion of the dissertation. These judgments are made by the advisory committee. The dissertation is judged completed upon successful completion of the final examination and acceptance of the dissertation by Graduate Study and Lifelong Learning.


Each candidate will submit a dissertation to the advisory committee. The dissertation must be the candidate’s own work and must constitute a contribution to knowledge in his/her field of endeavor. The completed dissertation must conform to university standards (see Thesis and Dissertation ).


Writing a doctoral dissertation requires a full commitment to research. Such research cannot be effectively pursued in an environment which places research in a secondary role. Doctoral students are required to be full-time students for at least one year of their active dissertation research. The doctoral student should arrange such a period of residency by 1) registering for at least 8 credits of doctoral dissertation research for two consecutive semesters and 2) making a commitment, in a statement addressed to his/her advisory committee, to a program of full-time (at least 20 hours per week) research.

The above represents the normal residency requirement. However, if the present occupation of the candidate (e.g., industrial research or teaching) is conducive to the intended research, there is an alternative method to fulfill the residency requirement. To arrange for the alternative residency, the candidate must apply in writing to his/her advisory committee at the time of the dissertation proposal review. The committee must be furnished with a written statement by the candidate’s employer confirming that the dissertation research constitutes a major portion of the job assignment. If the advisory committee grants permission to pursue this option, the student must enroll in doctoral dissertation research (8 credits maximum) for at least two consecutive semesters.

Final examination

Each Ph.D. candidate must satisfactorily defend the dissertation in a final oral examination administered by the advisory committee. The examination is taken after the advisory committee certifies that the dissertation is ready for final review. At the committee’s option, one re-examination may be permitted if a candidate fails to pass the final examination. The completed dissertation must conform to university standards (see Master’s thesis/ doctoral dissertation in the Policies and Procedures section of this catalog).

Continuous enrollment

The continuous enrollment policy for doctoral students requires continuous registration of graduate students for at least 1 credit each semester in the academic year to maintain an active graduate student status. This includes semesters in which the comprehensive, preliminary or qualifying examination is taken, defense, and each subsequent term (fall and winter) until the degree requirements are met and the dissertation is submitted to Graduate Study and Lifelong Learning.

Some agency and graduate assistantship eligibility may have course-load requirements that exceed the minimum registration requirements of the Continuous Enrollment Policy (e.g., Veterans Affairs, Immigration and Naturalization for international students, and federal financial aid programs). Therefore, it is the student’s responsibility to register for the appropriate number of credits that are required for funding eligibility and/or compliance as outlined by specific agency regulations under which they are governed.

Time limit

The maximum time limit for completing a Ph.D. degree is no more than ten years from the time of the first course enrollment in the doctoral program.

The Time Limit for Completing a Ph.D. Degree policy requires a student to achieve candidacy within six years from the first course enrollment in the doctoral program. After being advanced to candidacy, a student is expected to complete the remaining degree requirements within four years (including the dissertation defense).

If a student is deemed inactive, he or she may be dropped out of the program despite the petition for extension.