Requirements for the bachelor of science degree with a major in economics
Major adviser: Anandi P. Sahu
The curriculum in economics teaches students the concepts and tools of economic analysis, while providing them with the breadth and flexibility of a broad general education and courses in other areas of interest to the student. Students learn how economic analysis can be applied to major problems facing individuals, firms, the nation and the world today. Majoring in economics prepares students for the workplace of the future, which will require workers who are flexible, adaptable to change, and who can propose practical solutions to solve problems quickly.
Besides preparing students for a career in the private or public sector, an education in economics is excellent preparation for law school, graduate school in public administration or economics or an MBA degree. Economics is a flexible choice for students seeking a rigorous, well-respected and relevant major without specializing in a narrowly defined area.
Beyond the major in business economics (described previously), the Department of Economics offers four economics programs: Bachelor of Arts in Economics (offered through the College of Arts and Sciences), Bachelor of Science in Economics (offered through the School of Business Administration), Bachelor of Science with a Major in Actuarial Science (offered through the College of Arts and Sciences), and a minor in economics. The Bachelor of Arts degree allows a student to pursue a liberal arts education while providing a background that business considers appropriate for most entry-level management positions (see the Department of Economics section in the College of Arts and Sciences portion of the catalog). The Bachelor of Science degree has additional accounting and finance requirements. It also provides educational and career flexibility not offered by a degree in business. Bachelor of Science with a Major in Actuarial Science blends of mathematics, economics, statistics, and finance, and is offered jointly with the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. The minor in economics is useful for liberal arts majors with an interest in business and for business majors who want to demonstrate their solid grounding in economics, the foundation of a business degree.
Students who are interested in attending graduate school in economics should see the department chairperson or an economics faculty mentor at an early stage of their undergraduate program. Professional advisers in the SBA (for B.A. and B.S. degrees) and the College of Arts and Sciences (for B.A. degree) or the chairperson of the Department of Economics do routine student advising.
To earn the Bachelor of Science degree with a major in economics, students must complete a minimum of 128 credits as follows: