2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Department of Communication and Journalism
(248) 370-4120
Fax: (248) 370-4208
Department Website: oakland.edu/cj/
Chairperson: Jennifer M. Heisler
Professor: Sharon L. Howell
Associate professors: Kathleen M. Battles, Jacob Cayanus, Rose M. Cooper, Scott Crabill, Thomas Discenna, Rebekah Farrugia, Kellie Hay, Jennifer M. Heisler, David L. Lau, Lily Mendoza, Valerie Palmer-Mehta, Jeffrey Youngquist (director, Communication Program)
Assistant professors: You Li, Rebecca Mercado Thornton, Erin Meyers, Adina Schneeweis, Robert Sidelinger (supervisor, Communication internships)
Special instructors: Anne Becker, Elizabeth Talbert
Full-time adjunct instructors: Garry Gilbert (director, Journalism Program), Holly Shreve Gilbert, Christine Stover
Visiting instructor: Brian Hlavaty (supervisor, Journalism internships)
Lecturers in communication: Eileen Boseak, Scott Burke, Lisa Campbell, Elisabeth Durham Smith, Gene Fogel, Paul Fugate, Heather Haughey, Rich Heide, Timothy Johnston, Carol Anne Ketelsen, Janet McKenney, James Perkinson, Charles Rinehart, Michelle Southward, Jon Wilkinson, Debra Youngquist, Gina Zasadny, Stefen Welch
Lecturers in journalism: Susan Evans, Kelly Kozlowski, Kim Madeleine, Judith Sawyer, Ritu Sehgal, Catherine Shafran, Kaniqua Daniel
Chief advisers: Thomas Discenna (Communication), Holly Gilbert (Journalism)
Academic adviser: Renee Ligeski (Communication), Holly Gilbert (Journalism)
The Department of Communication and Journalism offers programs of study leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Communication or Journalism, with the opportunity to concentrate in several areas within each major. Courses are available in communication theory, public and interpersonal communication, print and broadcast journalism, public relations, advertising, oral interpretation and mass media.
Communication and journalism training can enhance almost any career or life. There are many specialized careers that welcome students with communication knowledge and writing skills, e.g., journalism, media, law, teaching.
Departmental Honors and Scholarships
All communication and journalism majors with a university grade point average of 3.00 or above are considered candidates for departmental honors. Honors are awarded to those candidates with the highest averages in major courses. The exact criterion varies from year to year. The department awards the following scholarships: the Creative Endeavors Scholarship for students demonstrating talent and passion in performance, the Macomb University Center Communication Student Awards, the Donald C.Hildum Scholarship for communication students demonstrating academic promise, the Oakland Press Scholarship for excellence in journalism, the Bunting and Briggs Freedom of the Press Scholarship, and the Richard D. French public relations tuition award and the Nancy A. French award.
Schedule of Classes
Specific offerings for each semester may be found in the Schedule of Classes:sail.oakland.edu. ProgramsCoursesPage: 1
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