Requirements for the liberal arts major in actuarial science, B.S. program
Because an actuary needs a blend of mathematics, economics, statistics, and finance, this major is offered jointly by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and the Department of Economics. However, the major in actuarial science differs significantly from the other majors offered by these two departments because it (1) prepares students for jobs in actuarial science as well as provides them with the educational background necessary to pursue an advanced degree in economics, mathematics, statistics, or business administration, (2) integrates two distinctly different disciplines, thereby providing students with a breadth of knowledge that is needed in our fast changing world, and (3) provides students with the analytical and reasoning skills to successfully complete the first two exams in actuarial science offered by the Society of Actuaries.
To earn the Bachelor of Science degree with a major in actuarial science, students must complete a minimum of 124 credits. All required and cognate courses must be completed with a minimum grade of 2.0.