Sep 27, 2024  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

 The department offers selected courses from this catalog as warranted by student needs and availability of faculty. Specific offerings for each term may be found in the Schedule of Classes.

Course Renumbering Project

Effective the Fall 2017 semester, all undergraduate and graduate courses at Oakland University were renumbered from 3 digits to 4 digits.

Most subject codes will remain the same, but the new four-digit course numbers may in some cases be similar to the previous three-digit course numbers and in other cases be different because academic departments have resequenced their course numbers.

Follow this link to the conversion list.

This searchable PDF is a guide to see how the course numbers have changed. Each row represents a course, and the columns represent: the subject code, the previous three-digit course number,and the new four-digit course number for that course, beginning in Fall 2017.

To search this PDF for a specific course using the old number, you can just hit “Control” (or “Command” if on Mac) and “F,” then type in a specific course (e.g. “WRT 160”) to find the new course number .

The following subject codes have changed:

  • Studio Art (SA) changed to (ART)
  • Some English (ENG) courses changed to Creative Writing (CW)
  • Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and Computer and Information Technology (CIT) changed to Computer Science and Informatics (CSI)
  • Music Theory and Composition (MUT) changed to either Applied Music (MUA) or Musicology and Music Education (MUS)
  • (MLS) changed to (CDS)
  • Some (JRN) courses changed to (PR)

For more information, please contact your academic adviser. Graduate students, please contact your academic department for advising.

NOTE: If you enrolled or transferred after fall 2014 please be sure to search the 2017-18 catalog courses and review the 3 to 4 digit conversions list.



  • LIN 4312 - History of the English Language

    Identical with ENG 3100 
    Prerequisite(s): WRT 1060  
  • LIN 4320 - Computer Parsing of Natural Languages

    An examination of the syntactic and semantic properties of natural language and a survey of the techniques for computer parsing. Student projects in the computer analysis of language.
    Prerequisite(s): LIN 2201  and CSI 1300 
  • LIN 4350 - Linguistic Typology

    Patterns of variation in the world’s languages; linguistic universals that provide insight into the complexity of the human language faculty.
    Prerequisite(s): LIN 2201  with a grade of (B) or higher.
  • LIN 4357 - Cognitive Linguistics

    A cognitive/functional approach to grammatical theory focusing on the relation between language and cognition in the study of semantic, lexical and grammatical structure.
    Prerequisite(s): LIN 2201  or permission of instructor.
  • LIN 4403 - Phonological Theory

    A presentation of theory and application of phonological analysis with emphasis on original work.
    Prerequisite(s): LIN 4303  with a grade of (C) or higher.
  • LIN 4404 - Syntactic Theory

    Presentation of theory and application of syntactic analysis, with emphasis on original work.
    Prerequisite(s): LIN 4304  with a grade of (C) or higher.
  • LIN 4407 - Semantic Theory

    A presentation of theory and application of semantic analysis with emphasis on original work.
    Prerequisite(s): LIN 4307  with a grade of (C) or higher.
  • LIN 4409 - Studies in the Structure of a Language

    A study of the structural aspects of an individual language to be determined by the instructor.
    Prerequisite(s): LIN 4303  or LIN 4304 
  • LIN 4413 - Advanced Phonology

    Advanced course in phonology with emphasis on current issues in phonological theory.
    Prerequisite(s): LIN 4403 
  • LIN 4414 - Advanced Syntax

    Advanced course in snytax with emphasis on current issues in syntactic theory.
    Prerequisite(s): LIN 4404 
  • LIN 4417 - Advanced Semantics

    Advanced course in semantics with emphasis on current issues in semantic theory.
    Prerequisite(s): LIN 4407 
  • LIN 4470 - The History of Linguistics

    Examination of the major movements and trends in the history of linguistics from ancient India to the present. Satisfies the university general education requirement for a writing intensive course in the major or general education, not both. Prerequisite for writing intensive: completion of the university writing foundation requirement. Satisfies the university general education requirement for the capstone experience.
    Prerequisite(s): senior standing and 12 credits in LIN courses numbered above 3000 including LIN 4303  and LIN 4304 
  • LIN 4480 - Philosophy of Language

    Identical with PHL 4100 .
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing. LIN 2207  or one course in logic. (PHL 1070  strongly recommended).
  • LIN 4890 - Special Topics

    Topics and problems selected by the instructor.
    Prerequisite(s): permission of the Department of Linguistics.
  • LIN 4987 - Seminar in Linguistics

    Topics and problems selected by the instructor.
    Prerequisite(s): LIN 2201  and permission of the instructor.
  • LIN 4996 - Independent Study

    (2 OR 4)
    Special research projects in linguistics. Graded numerically or satisfactory/unsatisfactory by written agreement with linguistics faculty supervisor.
    Prerequisite(s): LIN 2201  and instructor permission.

Literatures in Translation

  • LIT 1000 - Introduction to Asian Literature

    A survey of the four great Asian literary traditions: China, Japan, India and Middle East. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the literature knowledge exploration area.
  • LIT 1810 - European Literature I

    A study of the main literary currents as reflected in continental European masterpieces up to 1850. All works read in English translations. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the literature knowledge exploration area.
  • LIT 1820 - European Literature II

    A study of the main literary currents as reflected in continental European masterpieces from 1850 to the present. All works read in English translations. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the literature knowledge exploration area.
  • LIT 2900 - Chinese Cinema

    A study of Chinese film as a mirror of the cultures and aesthetics of various societies. Topics to be selected by the instructor. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the arts knowledge exploration area.
  • LIT 2905 - Studies in Foreign Film

    A study of film as a mirror of the cultures and aesthetics of various societies. Topics to be selected by the instructor.
  • LIT 2910 - Topics in Chinese Cinema

    A study of Chinese film as a mirror of the cultures and aesthetics of various societies.  Topics to be selected by the instructor. Equivalent with LIT 2905 . Satisfies the university general education requirement in the arts knowledge exploration area.
  • LIT 3905 - Topics in Foreign Literature

    A study of the main literary currents of a particular century or era of a major foreign literature. All works read in English translation. May not be used to satisfy requirements in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures. May be repeated for credit with readings from a different foreign literature in English translation.


  • MGT 1100 - Contemporary World Business

    This course introduces students to the global business environment. It focuses on how differences in economic systems, national culture, socio-demographics, and political orientations affect business operations. It also provides an introduction to key business activities. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the global perspective knowledge exploration area. Satisfies the university general education requirement for a writing intensive course in general education.
    Prerequisite(s): completion of the university writing foundation requirement. Course is only recommended for non-SBA majors or business students who have not achieved major standing.
  • MGT 2350 - Commerce in Western Civilization

    Traces the development of commerce throughout Western Civilization within the context of continuously evolving political, social, cultural and ethical institutions, philosophies and beliefs that define and legitimize the conduct of business and industry within society. The course examines the complex inter-relationships among these institutions, values and beliefs, and how these have affected the development of commerce in Western Civilization to its modern industrial form. Satisfies the general education requirement in the western civilization knowledge exploration area.
  • MGT 3000 - Survey of Management

    Course covers traditional business management ideas, recent management thinking, and their application to the management functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Course provides survey of topics such as goal setting, managerial decision making, design of organizations, corporate culture, and organizational change and development.
    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing. Open to non-business students only.
  • MGT 3500 - Legal Environment of Business

    The legal framework of business decisions. Introduction to the legal system and a survey of government regulation of business. Legal, ethical and political issues in employment, consumer protection, antitrust and business associations.
    Prerequisite(s): COM 2000  or COM 2403  with a minimum grade of (C) and junior standing.
  • MGT 3990 - ACHIEVE III - General Management

    Guide students through the job search process within the General Management major.
    Prerequisite(s): major standing and SBC 1990  and SBC 2990  
    Pre/Corequisite(s): SBC 3990  
  • MGT 4230 - International Business

    Analysis of the scope, structure and environment - social, cultural, political, legal, economic and technological- of international business. Emphasizes the roles played by the various business functions, in presenting an integrated view of how managers of multi-national firms cope with the complex international environment.
    Prerequisite(s): [ECN 2010  and ECN 2000  or ECN 2020 ] or ECN 2100 , junior standing students without major standing in the SBA must have a cumulative GPA of 2.6 or better to take this class. Non-Business Students may be able to register for this course as part of an approved SBA minor, with the permission of the minor coordinator.
  • MGT 4250 - Global Business Strategy

    The course is developed as a capstone to the undergraduate international management minor, where all facets of knowledge acquired through foundational classes is used to analyze, assess, and formulate strategic plans to address the complex issues in the global marketplace.
    Prerequisite(s): MGT 4230  with a minimum grade of (C), junior standing and students without major standing in the SBA must have a cumulative GPA of 2.6 or better to take this class. Non-Business Students may be able to register for this course as part of an approved SBA minor, with the permission of the minor coordinator.
  • MGT 4350 - Management Strategies and Policies

    Covers the concepts, methodologies and analytical tools used by managers to formulate and implement a firm’s strategy. This course also explores the complexities of a firm’s internal and external environment and applies knowledge from economics, accounting, finance, POM, marketing, HRM and organization behavior to understand appropriate competitive behavior and resultant firm performance. Satisfies the university general education requirement for a writing intensive course in general education or in the major, not both. Prerequisite for writing intensive: completion of the university writing foundation requirement. Satisfies the university general education requirement for the capstone experience.
    Prerequisite(s): [WRT 3082  or ENG 3110 ] and MKT 3020 , ORG 3310 , FIN 3220 , POM 3430  with a minimum grade of (C) in each course, major standing and senior standing. One of the five prerequisites for this course may be taken concurrently with MGT 4350. For SBA majors only.
  • MGT 4540 - Business Entities

    This course emphasizes appropriate selection, formation and operation of the six basic forms of business entity organization. Particular focus is upon issues such as insurance, licensing, capitalization, valuation, distributions, redemptions, formation documentation, annual reporting, state and federal taxation, dissolution, choosing professional assistance, intellectual property, restrictive covenants, employment handbooks, employment agreements, common operating documents, and federal laws affecting entity operation. Students without major standing in the SBA must have a cumulative GPA of 2.6 or better to take this class.
    Prerequisite(s): Business students: Major standing with a minimum grade of (C). Non-Business Students: may be able to register for this course as part of an approved SBA minor, with the permission of the minor coordinator.
  • MGT 4700 - Business Management Ethics

    This course will examine business ethics from a management perspective. Both duty-based and outcome based ethical theories will be discussed. Students will utilize behavioral ethics theories to find solutions for unethical behavior in the workplace. Ethical decision making models will be explored and a concentration on stakeholders will be emphasized.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing and students without major standing in the SBA must have a cumulative GPA of 2.6 or better to take this class.
  • MGT 4900 - Seminar: Current Business Topics

    (1 TO 4)
    The analysis of topics of current interest in management. Outside faculty and managers may participate in the seminar as an integral part of the course. May be repeated for a total of 8 credits.
    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing and students without major standing in the SBA must have a cumulative GPA of 2.6 or better to take this class. Additional prerequisites may be required depending on the type of course being offered.
  • MGT 4996 - Independent Study

    (1 TO 4)
    Qualified and highly motivated students may engage in individual research, directed readings or group study under the supervision of a faculty member. Offered every term. May be repeated for a total of 8 credits.
    Prerequisite(s): an overall GPA of (B) or better, junior standing, major standing in the SBA and an approved contract prior to registration.

Management Information Systems

  • MIS 1000 - Business Problem Solving with Information Technology

    Introduction to the use of information technology in business problem solving and business modeling. Includes hands-on exercises using Windows, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access), Web browsers, and HTML.
  • MIS 3000 - Management Information Systems

    This course shows how information technology can improve business processes and help managers be more effective decision makers. Topics include network functions, database management and decision support.
    Prerequisite(s): MIS 1000  or CSI 1200  with a minimum grade of (C) in each course and sophomore standing.
  • MIS 3010 - Survey of Management Information Systems

    Course focuses on the use of information systems in business. Topics include components, types and development of information systems, and uses and benefits of information systems. Relevant technology issues such as security, privacy and ethics will also be introduced. Business majors, pre-business students and business-undecided students cannot take this course. Offered each fall.
    Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing and MIS 1000  or CSI 1200  with a minimum grade of (C).
  • MIS 3020 - Information Systems and Healthcare Informatics

    Introduces students to the nature of healthcare data and healthcare information management by focusing on the use of information systems in healthcare. Topics include: components, types and development of information systems in healthcare. Relevant information technology issues such as security, privacy and ethics will also be introduced.
    Prerequisite(s): CSI 1200  or MIS 1000  with a minimum grade of (C) in each course.
  • MIS 3050 - Information Technology Foundations

    Covers the technology at the heart of information systems. Topics include operating systems, programming and networks. Includes hands-on projects.
    Prerequisite(s): MIS 1000  or CSI 1200  with a minimum grade of (C).
  • MIS 3130 - Information and Data Management

    This course introduces the basics of information generation, management, and dissemination using spreadsheets and databases to support managerial decision-making. Students will study the principles of data modeling, the database development process, entity-relationship model, relational database and SQL. Developing database applications using modern software tools will be emphasized. Students will also examine data warehouses, as well as challenges in large-scale data integration. Course involves hands-on work and students complete case studies and projects, both individually and in teams.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 1555  and EGR 1400  (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of (C) in each course.
  • MIS 3140 - Business Database Systems

    This course discusses the basic concepts in data management and the techniques used to design, implement and maintain modern database applications. It covers various approaches to data modeling, such as entity-relationship diagramming and object modeling with UML. The course also focuses on designing relational databases from data models, querying designing forms, and generating reports. Students are also exposed to contemporary topics such as data warehousing, data mining, and web databases. Includes projects.
    Prerequisite(s): MIS 3000  or MIS 3010 , and MIS 3050  with a minimum grade of (C).  MIS 3050  may be taken concurrently.
  • MIS 3990 - ACHIEVE III - Management Information Systems

    Guide students through job search process within the Management Information Systems major.
    Prerequisite(s): major standing and SBC 1990  and SBC 2990  
    Pre/Corequisite(s): SBC 3990  
  • MIS 4050 - Business Systems Analysis and Design

    Introduces the software development life cycle and information requirements analysis. Examines process modeling with UML methods and use case analysis. Exposes students to contemporary methodologies for the analysis, design, and development of information systems. Emphasizes system design (translating requirements specifications and process models into design specifications using object-oriented techniques), interface design, and software testing. Includes projects.
    Prerequisite(s): MIS 3050  and MIS 3140  with a minimum grade of (C) in each course.
  • MIS 4060 - Managing Information Projects

    Examines issues involved in managing information projects including project scheduling, measurement, assessment, budgeting and human resource management issues.
    Prerequisite(s): MIS 4050  with a minimum grade of (C) and major standing.
  • MIS 4130 - Networks

    Technology, design, management, and use of data, voice, image, and video communication networks. Topics include local area networks, wide area networks, telephone systems, electronic mail, transborder data flows and communications protocols. Includes exercises using various network configurations.
    Prerequisite(s): MIS 3000  or MIS 3010  and MIS 3050  with a minimum grade of (C) in each course.
  • MIS 4140 - Information Security Lab

    This course seeks to improve the students’ understanding of the field of information security and assurance with coverage of recent innovations and methodologies for security infrastructure design and implementation, computer forensics, risk assessment and analysis of security requirements of a business operation, while allowing them to apply the basics of their security knowledge in a hands-on laboratory environment.
    Prerequisite(s): MIS 3000  or MIS 3010  and MIS 3050  with a minimum grade of (C) in each course.
  • MIS 4180 - IS Risk Analysis and Controls Development

    This course introduces the fundamental concepts and techniques for conducting risk analysis of an information system and, then, developing security controls for the system. The major topics include information assets classification, risk identification, risk assessment, security controls design, security control implementation, and maintenance and monitoring. Involves projects.
    Prerequisite(s): MIS 3000   or MIS 3010  and MIS 3050  with a minimum grade of (C) in each course.
  • MIS 4200 - Electronic Commerce

    This course provides students with an analytical and technical framework to understand the emerging world of e-commerce. Topics include the complexities of the marketplace, design and implementation of an Internet business, and issues surrounding privacy, security, and the protection of intellectual property on the Internet.
    Prerequisite(s): MIS 3050  with a minimum grade of (C).
  • MIS 4220 - Business Object Development

    The primary focus of the course is on the principles and applications of object-oriented methods in information systems. Object-oriented concepts and software design and programming principles will be introduced. The purpose of the course is to train students to write reasonably complex business application programs using higher level languages such as Java.
    Prerequisite(s): MIS 3000  and MIS 3050  with a minimum grade of (C) in each course.
  • MIS 4240 - Business Application Architecture

    This course focuses on issues related to server-side aspects of web-based applications. It introduces several solution architectures and their relative advantages and disadvantages. Server-side technologies are introduced, such as Java Servlets, Java Server Pages and Java Beans. This project-based course allows students to design and build server-side applications.
    Prerequisite(s): MIS 4220  with a minimum grade of (C).
  • MIS 4260 - Business Application Technology

    Students develop business applications with current tools. Topics include client/server systems, user interaction, validation, event-driven programming, and interacting with databases. The course emphasizes hands-on projects.
    Prerequisite(s): MIS 3050  with a minimum grade of (C).
  • MIS 4410 - Operations Analytics

    This course focuses on modeling and analyzing business operations using computer simulation including discrete event, Monte-Carlo, and systems dynamics. Topics include simulation modeling, input and output analysis, and managing simulation projects. The course includes hands-on work related to application of computer simulation modeling in the context of managerial decision making under uncertainty and designing business processes. Cross-listed with POM 4410 .
    Prerequisite(s): QMM 2410  and POM 3430  with a minimum grade of (C) in each course.
  • MIS 4460 - Business Analytics

    Introduces a range of topics, tools and technologies for modeling, analysis and visualization of business related data using spreadsheets. In addition to providing an introduction to more advanced analytics techniques such as simulation, optimization and data mining, students learn the basics of Excel VBA programming for creating spreadsheet based analysis tools.
    Prerequisite(s): QMM 2410  or EGR 2600  or STA 2221  or STA 2226  with a minimum grade of (C).
  • MIS 4470 - Practical Computing for Data Analytics

    This course provides hands-on experience necessary to analyze and identify patterns and insights from large business data sets. Programmatic analytical tools such as R, Python and SAS will be introduced. Data warehousing and analytics tasks such as data acquisition, data cleansing and preparation, analysis and visualization and communication of the results will be emphasized. Students will also be exposed to building, training and testing various machine learning, data mining and statistical models.
    Prerequisite(s): QMM 2410  or STA 2226  and MIS 3050  or MIS 4460  with a minimum grade of (C) in both courses.
  • MIS 4500 - Web Analytics

    This course will introduce web analytics terminology and the implementation of various web analytics tools. It will also examine the analysis/interpretation of web metrics data, the implementation and measurement of web marketing strategies, and how to take action based on web metrics. The course work will include case studies, data analysis and interpretation, and the implementation of web analytics tools on sample websites.
    Prerequisite(s): MIS 3000  or MIS 3010  with a minimum grade of (C).
  • MIS 4520 - Computer and Network Security

    This course focuses on fundamentals of network and computer security technologies. It also explores management and implementation of these technologies in multi-user computer systems (such as LANs) and distributed computer systems (such as the Internet). The course may be taken by either undergraduate or graduate students.
    Prerequisite(s): MIS 3050 
  • MIS 4560 - Introduction to Data Science

    This course will survey the foundational topics in data science by introducing data analytics tools and modeling techniques used for solving business management and decision making problems. The main focus of this course will be on data mining, predictive modeling, data visualization, classification, clustering, and decision support. By the end of this course, students should be able to prepare data for mining, set up classification and clustering data mining tools, and understand the advantages and pitfalls of different modeling techniques.
    Prerequisite(s): QMM 2410  or EGR 2600  or STA 2221  or STA 2226  with a minimum grade of (C). Knowledge of Excel recommended.
  • MIS 4700 - IS Security

    This course addresses issues pertaining to ensuring the security of organizational and personal information systems. Topics include: cryptography, analysis of threats, problems particular to networks, vulnerability and risk assessment, identification and authentication, certificates, credentials, organizational security policies, and the human factors.
    Prerequisite(s): MIS 3000  or MIS 3010  and MIS 3050  with a minimum grade of (C) in each course.
  • MIS 4750 - Mobile Security and Secure Application Development

    This course presents fundamental concepts of wireless security and the use of mobile apps in organizations. It introduces how to design and code secure mobile apps with PHP and SQL. Involves projects.
    Prerequisite(s): MIS 3000  or MIS 3010  and MIS 3050  with a minimum grade of (C) in each course.
  • MIS 4800 - Information Security Project

    This course introduces a Cyber Security Framework that organizations can use to implement a sound information security program. It will provide hand-on experience with tools, techniques and processes including lab exercises, demos, case studies and homework assignments. Emphasis on how to interpret an information security framework and build it into a measurable and effective security program.
    Prerequisite(s): MIS 3000  or MIS 3010  and MIS 3050  and MIS 4180  with a minimum grade of (C) in each course. MIS 4180  may be taken concurrently.
  • MIS 4900 - Special Topics in MIS

    A class in a topic of interest to a faculty member such as ecommerce, artificial intelligence, Java or ethics. Topics vary. See Schedule of Classes for current offerings. May be repeated for a total of six credits as long as topic is different.
    Prerequisite(s): MIS 3000  and MIS 3050  with a minimum grade of (C) in each course.
  • MIS 4996 - Independent Study

    (1 TO 3)
    Qualified and highly motivated students may engage in individual research, directed readings or group study under the supervision of a faculty member. Offered every term. May be repeated for a total of six credits.
    Prerequisite(s): overall (3.0) GPA and approved contract.


  • MKT 3000 - Survey of Marketing

    This course introduces students to marketing from multiple perspectives: societal, managerial, business, not-for-profit, etc. Serves as foundation to the introductory marketing course if the student opts for a marketing major later. Course is not open to students who are pre-business, business undecided, or business majors.
    Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing.
  • MKT 3020 - Marketing

    Analysis of the principles of marketing, marketing concepts and trends, and their relationship to other business principles. Special emphasis is placed on the study of the marketing mix.
    Prerequisite(s): ECN 1500  or ECN 2010  or ECN 2100  and WRT 1060  and QMM 2400  or STA 2220  or STA 2226  with a minimum grade of (C) in each course. Students without major standing in the SBA must have a cumulative GPA of 2.6 or better to take this class.
  • MKT 3990 - ACHIEVE III - Marketing

    Guide students through the job search process within the marketing major.
    Prerequisite(s): major standing and SBC 1990  and SBC 2990  
    Pre/Corequisite(s): SBC 3990  
  • MKT 4040 - Consumer Behavior

    Study of factors influencing consumer behavior, structuring and managerial use of consumer decision-making models. Examination of social, psychological and economic variables of buying behavior, including learning, motivation, attitude, personality, small group dynamics, demographic and economic factors and culture.
    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3020  with a minimum grade of (C), junior standing and students without major standing in the SBA must have a cumulative GPA of 2.6 or better to take this class.
  • MKT 4050 - Marketing Research

    Focuses on the generation and management of information in marketing decisions. Covers the evaluation of additional marketing information, how it is acquired and used, the manager’s role in market research and the researcher’s role in supplying marketing information.
    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3020 , MKT 4040 , and QMM 2410  with a minimum grade of (C) in each course, junior standing and students without major standing in the SBA must have a cumulative GPA of 2.6 or better to take this class. MKT 4040  and/or QMM 2410  may be taken concurrently with MKT 4050.
  • MKT 4060 - Integrated Marketing Communications

    A review of the selection and integration of advertising, promotion, public relations and personal selling budgets. Focused on understanding the whole process from planning to evaluating campaign results.
    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3020  with a minimum grade of (C), junior standing and students without major standing in the SBA must have a cumulative GPA of 2.6 or better to take this class.
  • MKT 4210 - Distribution Channels Management and Retailing

    This course focuses on the management of inter-organizational channel systems. Distribution channels will be analyzed as social, economic and political systems. Special attention will be given to channel behavior, the role of the marketing mix in channel management, and the management of retailing efforts. As a part of this course, students will be exposed to distribution channels management practices and retailing through a variety of teaching approaches. This course seeks to foster the development of strategic channel management skills.
    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3020  with a minimum grade of (C), junior standing and students without major standing in the SBA must have a cumulative GPA of 2.6 or better to take this class.
  • MKT 4220 - Marketing Logistics and Supply Chain Management

    The focus of this course will be on the various dimensions of logistics, which together constitute a very large part of supply chain management. As a part of this course, Participants will be exposed to logistics management practices through a variety of teaching approaches. This course seeks to foster the development of logistics management skills that contribute to the development of strategic supply chain management skills.
    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3020  with a minimum grade of (C), junior standing and students without major standing in the SBA must have a cumulative GPA of 2.6 or better to take this class.
  • MKT 4300 - Personal Selling

    Focuses on the activities of personal selling in consumer and industrial markets. Emphasis is on the processes salespeople should follow when interacting with customers and prospects to ensure the needs of customers are successfully met.
    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3020  with a minimum grade of (C), junior standing and students without major standing in the SBA must have a cumulative GPA of 2.6 or better to take this class.
  • MKT 4500 - International Marketing

    The application of marketing principles to problems associated with marketing products and services to different nations. Cases in international marketing will be analyzed.
    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3020  with a minimum grade of (C), junior standing and students without major standing in the SBA must have a cumulative GPA of 2.6 or better to take this class.
  • MKT 4530 - Strategic Marketing Management

    This course takes an integrated approach to marketing strategy as it relates to the firm and competitive market environments. It explores and addresses issues through multi-method techniques, including case studies. This course requires knowledge of the foundations of marketing thought and marketing research tools.
    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3020 , MKT 4040  and MKT 4050  with a minimum grade of (C), junior standing and students without major standing in the SBA must have a cumulative GPA of 2.6 or better to take this class. MKT 4050  may be taken concurrently with MKT 4530.
  • MKT 4550 - Product Management

    This course focuses on the development and management of new products from a marketing perspective. It investigates various stages of the new product develop process, such as concept generation, project evaluation, development and product launch, and the role of marketing in making new products more successful. The structure of the course is designed to help you understand the management issues involved in the process of new product development, and develop strategic thinking and learn tools and techniques to make better decisions in the management of new products. Students without major standing in the SBA must have a cumulative GPA of 2.6 or better to take this class.
    Prerequisite(s): Business students: MKT 3020  with a minimum grade of (C). Non-Business Students: may be able to register for this course as part of an approved SBA minor, with the permission of the minor coordinator.
  • MKT 4600 - Entrepreneurial Marketing

    The course addresses the role of marketing in newer/smaller companies which usually have accumulated fewer resources to support marketing. They also often struggle to establish their credibility. Thus entrepreneurial marketing poses a unique set of marketing challenges which becomes the focus of this course. Students without major standing in the SBA must have a cumulative GPA of 2.6 or better to take this class.
    Prerequisite(s): Business students: MKT 3020  with a minimum grade of (C). Non-Business Students: may be able to register for this course as part of an approved SBA minor, with the permission of the minor coordinator.
  • MKT 4700 - Business to Business Marketing

    The study of the interaction of businesses with one another in the buying and selling of goods that facilitate the production process or are used as components in the goods manufactured by the buying firm. Focus is on how business-to-business marketing decisions are or should be made in the business environment.
    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3020  with a minimum grade of (C), junior standing and students without major standing in the SBA must have a cumulative GPA of 2.6 or better to take this class.
  • MKT 4900 - Seminar in Marketing

    (1 TO 4)
    Study of a selected topic or current marketing interest relevant to marketing management. Topics may include retail management, new product development, web marketing, e-commerce, services marketing or any area not covered by a specific course. May be repeated for a total of 8 credits. Additional prerequisites may be required depending on the type of course being offered.
    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3020  with a minimum grade of (C), junior standing and students without major standing in the SBA must have a cumulative GPA of 2.6 or better to take this class.
  • MKT 4996 - Independent Study

    (1 TO 4)
    Qualified and highly motivated students may engage in individual research, directed readings or group study under the supervision of a faculty member. Offered every term. May be repeated for a total of 8 credits.
    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3020  with a minimum grade of (C), junior standing and students without major standing in the SBA must have a cumulative GPA of 2.6 or better to take this class. An overall GPA of (B) or better and an approved contract prior to registration is also required.


Skill enrichment courses: MTH 0661 and MTH 0662

MTH 0661 and MTH 0662 are academic skill enrichment courses specially designed to aid incoming students who need additional preparation prior to entering one of the university’s standard mathematical sciences sequences.

*Note that when a student exercises the repeat option and takes MTH 0661 or 0662 to replace a grade previously earned in MTH 011, 012, 102, 103, 111, 112, 061 or 062 the grade earned in MTH 0661 or 0662 will replace the former grade.

  • ACS 3000 - Foundations of Probability and Calculus

    Short review of important tools in algebra and calculus and links to applications of probability functions as integration and summation tools. Application of sequences and series to discrete probability distributions. Basic probability theory and combinatorial probability.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 2554  and STA 2226 , each with a grade of (C) or higher.
  • ACS 3001 - Review for P/1 Exam

    Review of materials for the Society of Actuaries P/1 exam. Generally offered during summer semester.
    Prerequisite(s): STA 2226 
  • ACS 3002 - Review for the FM/2 Exam

    Review of materials for the Society of Actuaries FM/2 exam. Generally offered during summer semester.
    Prerequisite(s): FIN 3720 
  • ACS 3660 - Case Project

    Working in teams students will work on a real actuarial project presented by the instructor. Course is usually offered over the entire 14 week summer session and is a blend of online and in class meetings. Course is repeatable.
    Prerequisite(s): Actuarial science major.
  • ACS 3905 - Special Topics in Actuarial Science

    (1 TO 3)
    Study of a selected topic in actuarial sciences. Emphasis is placed on the institutional rather than theoretical aspects of a topic. May be repeated a total of four times as long as the topic is different. Generally offered during summer semester. Course is repeatable for additional credit.
    Prerequisite(s): Actuarial science major.
  • ACS 3990 - ACHIEVE 3 Actuarial Sciences

    Guides students through the job search process within the actuarial sciences major. Generally offered during the fall semester.
    Prerequisite(s): SBC 1990  and SBC 2990 
  • ACS 4001 - Review for MFE/3 Exam

    Review of materials for the Society of Actuaries MFE/3 exam. Generally offered during the summer semester.
    Prerequisite(s): FIN 4900 
  • ACS 4550 - Financial Mathematics

    Fundamental concepts of financial mathematics. Topics include interest rate, annuities, amortization and sinking funds, bond valuation, and investment return. Replaces APM/ECN 450 Risk Management. Satisfies the university general education requirement for the capstone experience.
    Pre/Corequisite(s): MTH 2554  with a grade of C or higher and (FIN 3720  or FIN 3550 ) with a grade of C or higher.
  • ACS 4660 - Financial Economics

    Topics include derivation of the binomial option pricing model as well as the Black-Scholes model, puts and call options, exotic options, Greek options and Monte Carlo valuation, capital structure and methods for firm financing.
    Prerequisite(s): ACS 4550  with a grade of C or better.
  • ACS 4905 - Special Topics in Actuarial Science

    (1 TO 3)
    Intensive study of a selected topic in actuarial sciences. May be repeated a total of three times as long as the topic is different. Generally offered during summer semester.
    Prerequisite(s): ACS 4550  
  • MTH 0661 - Elementary Algebra

    Order of operations; algebra of exponents; variable expressions; linear equations and inequalities in one variable; graphing and lines; linear systems of equations in two and three variables; polynomial arithmetic; factoring; solving equations by factoring; applications and problem solving.
  • MTH 0662 - Intermediate Algebra

    Rational expressions; radicals and rational exponents; solving rational and radical equations, quadratic equations; introduction to functions and their graphs; exponential and logarithmic functions; applications and problem solving.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 0661  with a grade of (C) or higher or placement exam.
  • MTH 1118 - Mathematical Sciences in the Modern World

    Designed for students without an extensive mathematics background who wish to explore the ways people use mathematical sciences to solve problems that arise in modern society. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the formal reasoning knowledge foundation area.
  • MTH 1221 - Linear Programming Elementary Functions

    Systems of equations, matrices, and linear programming (simplex method); rational, exponential and logarithmic functions. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the formal reasoning knowledge foundation area.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 0662  with a grade of (C) or higher or placement.
  • MTH 1222 - Calculus for the Social Sciences

    The basic concepts, theorems and applications to the social sciences of the differential and integral calculus of one and several variables. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the formal reasoning knowledge foundation area.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 1221  with a grade of (C) or higher; or MTH 1441  with a grade of (C) or higher; or MTH 1331  and MTH 1332 , each with a grade of (C) or higher; or placement.
  • MTH 1331 - College Algebra

    Functions, roots of polynomials, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Students cannot receive credit for both MTH 1441  and MTH 1331. 
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 0662  with a grade of (C) or higher or placement.
  • MTH 1332 - Trigonometry

    Trigonometric functions (including graphs, identities, inverse functions, equations and applications); complex numbers, analytic geometry and conic sections. Students cannot receive credit for both MTH 1441  and MTH 1332.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 1331  with a grade of (C) or higher placement.
  • MTH 1441 - Precalculus

    Functions, roots of polynomials, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions (including graphs, identities, inverse functions, equations and applications), complex numbers, analytic geometry and conic sections. Students may not receive credit for both MTH 1441 and MTH 1331 /MTH 1332 .
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 0662  with a grade of (C) or higher or placement.
  • MTH 1554 - Calculus I

    A detailed study of limits, continuity, derivatives of algebraic and transcendental functions, applications of derivatives, numerical techniques, integrals and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the formal reasoning knowledge foundation area.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 1441  with a grade of (C) or higher; or MTH 1331  and MTH 1332 , each with a grade of (C) or higher or placement.
  • MTH 1555 - Calculus II

    A detailed study of methods of integration, applications of the integrals, improper integrals, sequences, series and power series, polar coordinates, and parametric curves. Satisfies the university general education requirement for the knowledge applications integration area. Prerequisites for knowledge applications: completion of the university general education requirement in the formal reasoning knowledge foundation area.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 1554  with a grade of (C) or higher.
  • MTH 2554 - Multivariable Calculus

    A study of vectors, polar coordinates, three-dimensional geometry, differential calculus of functions of several variables, exact differential equations, multiple integrals, line and surface integrals, and vector fields.
    Prerequisite(s): MTH 1555  with a grade of (C) or higher.

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