The biochemistry program is based on faculty resources and research facilities in the departments of Biological Sciences and Chemistry. The curriculum is designed to prepare students for a career in biochemical research, graduate study in biochemistry or molecular biology, or professional education in medicine, dentistry or other health sciences.
Undergraduate students in the biochemistry program have access to faculty research laboratories and are encouraged to participate in various ongoing research programs such as studies in metabolism, gene expression, hormone action, immunochemistry, molecular biology, molecular genetics and macromolecular structure.
The minimum requirement for a B.S. in biochemistry is 124 credits, including coursework in biological sciences (16 credits), chemistry (32 credits) and biochemistry (12 credits). No more than 8 credits of course work used to fulfill the requirements of a major or minor in biology may be used to fulfill the requirements of a major in biochemistry. Courses used to fulfill the requirements for a major in biochemistry may not be used simultaneously to fulfill the requirements for a major or minor in chemistry.