Feb 10, 2025  
2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog 
2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Other Academic Programs

Students may earn an undergraduate or graduate degree, concentrations or minors from a variety of different program areas. Some areas include education, business, human resource development, communication, occupational health and safety and nursing. Day and evening classes are available at the Macomb University Center location. Students who are interested in seeking more information should contact the OU Macomb office. Academic advising is available on an appointment basis only; students should contact the OU Macomb office for further information.

Oakland University Macomb

Oakland University, through a unique partnership with Macomb Community College and the Macomb Intermediate School District, offers the following programs in Macomb County:


Bachelor of Arts in Communication (BA)
Bachelor of Arts in Journalism (BA)
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BS)
Bachelor of Science in Computer, Electrical, or Mechanical Engineering (BSE)
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education (BS)
Bachelor of Science in General Management (BS)
Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Development (BS)
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
Master of Arts in Counseling (MA)
Master of Arts in Teaching Reading and Language Arts (MAT)


Doctorate of Philosophy in Education in Educational Leadership (PhD)
Education Specialist in Educational Leadership (EDS)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Master of Education in Early Childhood Education with ZA Endorsement (MEd)
Master of Education in Teacher Leadership (MEd)
Master of Education in Special Education with Autism Spectrum Disorder Endorsement (MEd)
Master of Education in Education Studies (MEd)
Master of Arts in Teaching with initial Elementary Certification (MAT)
Master of Arts in Teaching with initial Secondary Certification (MAT)

For an explanation of general admission requirement to Oakland University and an overview of the programs offered, please consult Oakland University’s undergraduate and graduate catalog. For additional information about programs or services available at the Macomb sites, please call Macomb’s University Center office, (586) 263-6242, and Oakland University’s Macomb Intermediate School District office, (586) 226-8462 or visit www.oakland.edu/macomb.

Macomb Community College and Oakland University Partnership Macomb 2 Oakland

Oakland University and Macomb Community College welcomed students into the state’s first concurrent enrollment program in fall 2006. Named Macomb 2 Oakland (M2O), the program is the centerpiece of a partnership between the two higher education institutions to bring more meaningful degree-program options directly to the residents of Macomb County. With one application, students apply to both institutions and take advantage of the resources offered by both schools. The Macomb 2
Oakland degree path is designed to help move students toward completion of their bachelor’s degree more quickly and to help ease the burden of college loans. Through M2O, students are able first to earn their associate’s degree, allowing them to more successfully secure employment in the workplace, if they so choose, while completing their bachelor’s degree.

The application deadline for fall enrollment is August 1, with deadlines for winter enrollment falling on December 1 and summer enrollment falling on April 1. An online application is available from the Macomb 2 Oakland Web site. Qualified students who wish to concurrently enroll at Oakland University and Macomb Community College should apply to the Macomb2Oakland  program at: www.oakland.edu/apply.

The unique Macomb 2 Oakland program offers students many benefits:

  • joint admission through one application;
  • concurrent enrollment at OU and Macomb, offering the flexibility to take courses at one or both institutions at the same time;
  • maximized financial aid at both institutions by combining credit for concurrently enrolled students;
  • expanded course selection;
  • coordinated advising and course planning;
  • timely completion of associate’s and bachelor’s degrees; and
  • access to the on-campus resources at both institutions, including OU housing.

Freshman Admissions Criteria

Applicants must submit high school transcripts and ACT scores along with a completed application for undergraduate admission. Admission to the Macomb 2 Oakland program is based on a combination of criteria including cumulative GPAs in academic subjects of 3.20 or above, (applicants with cumulative GPAs below 3.20 but above 2.50 may be admitted after the consideration of the quality of academic preparation), ACT scores, and the number and types of college preparatory courses. For more information, visit OU’s website www.oakland.edu/m2o.

Transfer Student Admissions Criteria

Transfer students with a maximum of 32 college credits at the time of application and a minimum 2.50 GPA will be considered for admission to Oakland University. Oakland also will consider positive trends of most recent grades.

Transfer students with fewer than 24 college credits at the time of application also must submit a high school transcript. Admission will be based on both college and high school records. Transfer students will receive a preliminary evaluation of coursework completed at other institutions at their transfer orientation session. Find out what credits will transfer to Oakland University from the transfer equivalency guide located online (www2.oakland.edu/ registrar/transfer_main.cfm).

Official transcripts from each college or university a student attended should be sent to Oakland University, Office of Admissions and Orientation, 101 North Foundation Hall, Rochester, MI 48309-4401.

Financial Aid

Students can enroll at Macomb Community College or Oakland University or both schools during any semester. Transferable credits at both institutions are added together to determine full-time or part-time status. The eligible amount of federal and state aid is based on the cumulative credit hours taken at both institutions. Federal aid and some state aid is processed through Oakland. For financial aid questions, contact the Office of Student Financial Services at (248) 370-2550.

Although Macomb is an open admission institution, specific programs at Macomb Community College may require selective admission. Specific academic programs at OU may also impose special requirements for admission. Please see the respective college  catalogs for more information.

For more information about the Macomb 2 Oakland program, contact Cheryl Rhodey at (586) 263-6242 or m2o@oakland.edu.

Oakland University at Seaholm High School

Oakland University offers the following programs and course work at Seaholm High School in Birmingham, Michigan:

Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Master of Arts in Training and Development (MTD)

For additional information about the above programs, please consult the Oakland University graduate catalog or contact the Office of Graduate Admissions, (248) 370-3167, or the Evening and Extension Program office, (248) 370-4010. Oakland University also offers evening undergraduate and graduate courses at various other sites throughout southeastern Michigan.

Other Academic Programs

Extension courses are also offered to businesses, government agencies private agencies, and civic groups. The courses provide special instruction to the employees or members of these organizations. Most courses can be taught at the organization’s facility. Course content is structured to address specific needs or goals identified by the organization.

Extension course cancellation

Oakland University reserves the right to cancel any extension course that does not have sufficient enrollment. All tuition applicable to the canceled section will be automatically refunded when a course is canceled.

Continuing education

Continuing education at Oakland University is delivered through the various schools and the college. These programs address the needs of professionals and nontraditional students as well as those preparing to enter degree programs. Information on the programs offered can be obtained by going to the Oakland University website: at www.oakland.edu and visiting the relevant school or college homepage.

Diploma, certificate and re-licensure programs

Diploma programs, a series of courses related to individual objectives, are offered as preparation for becoming a paralegal assistant and to sit for the CFP® (Certified Financial Planner) examination.

The Paralegal Certificate Program, approved by the American Bar Association, is an evening program that trains paraprofessionals to perform law-related duties for attorneys in a variety of workplaces. Most legal assistant courses have been approved for two hours of undergraduate credit in political science. Eight credits of these courses can be applied toward a major in political science. These courses may also be taken as electives by students in other programs. For more information on undergraduate credit, see the political science listings or contact the Center for Executive and Continuing Education in the School of Business Administration.

The Personal Financial Planning Certificate Program, offered by the Center for Executive and Continuing Education in the School of Business  Administration, is designed to prepare individuals who are now or might become involved in advising clients about financial planning, to prepare them to sit for the CFP® license examination. The center also offers a certificate program in Production and Manufacturing Management for individuals who wish to gain the knowledge and improve their skills for the constantly changing manufacturing environment.

Qualifying hours for professional relicensure are offered both periodically and throughout the year for counselors, educators, Certified Public Accountants, Certified Financial Planners, Certified Internal Auditors, Certified Management Accountants and licensed insurance professionals.

Educational test preparation workshops

Test preparation workshops for the SAT, ACT, Graduate Record Exam (GRE), Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), and Law School Admission Test (LSAT) are offered year-round. The SAT and ACT workshops are designed for  college-bound high school students or individuals who decide to enter a college program after an interruption of the traditional high-school-to-college progression. The GRE and GMAT workshops are designed for those seeking admission to graduate
school, and the LSAT for those applying for entry into law school. Information on these workshops is available through the College of Arts and Sciences.

Conferences and seminars

Conferences on topical subjects are offered throughout the year. Included among the offerings are: conference, seminar and corporate training programs of the Center for Executive and Continuing Education.

Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC)

Oakland University participates in a “Crosstown” agreement with the Southeast Michigan Air Force ROTC unit housed at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Under this agreement, eligible Oakland University students may enroll at Oakland and take the required General Military and Professional Officer training courses in Ann Arbor. The program leads to appointment as a commissioned officer in the United States Air Force for those who meet requirements and may include scholarship aid and other financial support. Some Aerospace Science (AS) courses offered at the University of Michigan may be used to fulfill other requirements. For the 2009-2010 academic year, AS 300, Leadership Management and Ethics, will be accepted as a 300-level management elective for a business major in general management. For possible use of AS courses as electives, please contact the Registrar. For further information about the AFROTC program contact the Air Force ROTC Detachment 390 at (734) 647-4093 or e-mail afrotc@umich.edu. Or you can access the AFROTC Det 390 web site at www.umich.edu/~det390.


Oakland University is a Division I member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association. Oakland’s male athletes participate in intercollegiate baseball, basketball, cross country, golf, soccer, swimming and diving and track and field. Oakland’s female athletes participate in basketball, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, swimming and diving, tennis, track and field and volleyball. In addition to the Summit League schedule, the Golden Grizzlies regularly compete against institutions in the Big Ten
Conference, Horizon League and the Mid-American Conference, as well as other schools from across the nation in various sports. Oakland University is recognized across the country for its outstanding athletic programs. Most teams compete successfully at the national level and numerous athletes have been awarded All-America honors. In the first 10 years of Summit League Competition, the Golden Grizzlies claimed 18 regular-season titles, 35 tournament championships, and 24 NCAA appearances. Hundreds of student athletes have earned academic honors.