Oct 06, 2024  
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog 
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Information



Admission to freshman standing (-Apply online at oakland.edu/apply)

Candidates for admission to undergraduate degree programs should have completed high school-level college preparatory work or otherwise demonstrate sufficient academic preparation to begin college work. Normally, high school courses should include, as a minimum, four years of English language arts, three years of mathematics, three years of science, three years of social studies and two years of world language. Students planning majors in the sciences, mathematics, engineering or business are expected to present at least four years of preparation in math, including algebra, geometry and trigonometry. Consideration for admission is based upon an applicant’s academic background, including high school academic achievement, educational goals and potential for success at Oakland University. Students applying as freshmen must submit scores from the American College Test (ACT) or College Board SAT.

Normally, Oakland University will admit students with cumulative grade point averages in academic subjects of 3.20 or above. Applicants with cumulative grade point averages below 3.20 but above 2.50 may be admitted after consideration of the quality of their academic preparation. In some cases, a personal interview may be requested. Students must submit an application, ACT or SAT scores, and an official copy of their high school transcript for an admission decision to be made.

Specific academic programs may impose special requirements for admission. Thus, admission to the School of Business Administration is restricted to students presenting a 2.80 grade point average in academic courses and at least four years of college preparatory mathematics courses.

Admission to pre-elementary education status in the School of Education and Human Services requires a high school grade point average of 2.80 or higher. Entering freshmen planning to major in engineering or computer science also should have taken at least four years of high school mathematics courses (maintaining a 3.00 or B average) as well as courses in chemistry and physics and have a solid background in English language arts. Drafting and machine shop courses are useful, but not necessary. Normally, a 3.00 (B average) is required for admission to the School of Engineering and Computer Science.

Students planning to major in music, theatre and dance must audition for the department’s faculty. Audition dates are posted at oakland.edu/mtd.

Students wishing to enter the pre-nursing program should have completed four years of mathematics, one year of college preparatory biology and one year of chemistry, each with a grade of 2.8 or higher, in addition to presenting an academic grade point average of at least 3.20 and an ACT minimum composite score of 20 or SAT equivalent. Students who are eligible for admission to the university, but not to one of the above programs, may enter the university as undecided students, but may be able to qualify for admission to these programs after they have enrolled at the university. Students may complete an online application for admission through the Oakland University website (oakland.edu/apply).

Applications should be submitted as early in the senior year as possible, and no later than January 15 for merit scholarship consideration.

Admission for transfer students (Apply online at oakland.edu/apply)

Transfer students may enter Oakland University in any semester. The application is found at oakland.edu/apply. Applications should be submitted as early in the year as possible, and no later than August 1, for fall merit scholarship consideration. Prospective students with questions should contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, 101 North Foundation Hall, (248) 370-3360.

Transfer students with a minimum of 24 college credits at the time of application and a GPA of at least 2.5 will be considered for admission to Oakland University. OU also will consider positive trends of most recent grades. Transfer students with fewer than 24 college credits at the time of application also must submit a high school transcript. Admission will be based on both college and high school records.

To be considered for transfer admission, students must submit an online application and have official transcripts of course work taken at any university or college sent to Oakland University. While some students may be admitted based on unofficial documents, this does not remove the obligation to provide official transcripts. Students who fail to provide official transcripts will be prevented from registering in subsequent semesters until all transcripts have been received. Students should submit official college transcript(s) to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions from each college or university attended. The transcript must bear the seal of the institution and must not be stamped “issued to student.” Students who have attended more than one college should submit official transcripts from each institution.

Community college partnership admission

Specifically qualified high school students and transfer students may be permitted to enroll in classes at both Oakland University and a select participating community college. Certain restrictions may apply. To learn more, or for a complete list of participating community colleges, visit oakland.edu/cc2o.

Freshman applicants must submit high school transcripts and ACT scores along with a completed application for undergraduate admission. Admission to a concurrent enrollment program is based on a combination of criteria, including cumulative GPA in academic subjects of 3.20 or above. Applicants with a cumulative GPA below 3.20 but above 2.50 may be admitted after consideration of the quality of academic preparation.

Transfer students with 32 or fewer earned college credits at the time of application and a minimum 2.5 GPA will be considered for admission to a concurrent enrollment program. Positive trends of most recent grades will also be considered. Transfer students with fewer than 24 earned college credits at the time of application must also submit a high school transcript. Admission will be based on both college and high school records. Once admitted, transfer students will receive a preliminary transfer credit evaluation of coursework completed at other institutions. Find out what credits will transfer to Oakland University from Michigan community colleges by using the transfer equivalency guide located online at oakland.edu/transfercredit.

Concurrent enrollment admission deadlines are as follows:

Fall semester: July 1

Winter semester: October 1

Summer semester: April 1

Admission for dual-enrolled high school students

Specially qualified high school students may be permitted to enroll in classes on a part-time non-matriculating basis. Students who wish to pursue course work at Oakland University that is not available at their high school must complete the Dual Enrollment application. This form requires the signatures of a parent and a school counselor or principal. A copy of the student’s current transcript must accompany the Dual Enrollment application. High school students wishing to attend Oakland University must have a 3.00 cumulative grade point average and have a minimum junior standing. Admission is valid for one year provided the student earns a 2.0 in each course completed. Students wishing to take subsequent courses must reapply each year. Students whose high schools will be paying for university tuition must submit verification to the Office of Student Financial Services, 120 North Foundation Hall. Dual enrollment applications are available to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, 101 North Foundation Hall or online at oakland.edu/apply.

Transfer students

Students who wish to transfer to Oakland University should consult the Transfer student information section for information on admission and requirements.

Admission of students whose formal education has been interrupted

Admission of individuals whose formal education has been interrupted for three or more years, and who would not normally meet other admission criteria, may be based on one or more of the following: sustained employment record; recommendations from employers, educators and other professionals; and standardized test results. An interview with an Oakland University admissions adviser is required for such applicants to be considered for admission.

Admission for students who are not American citizens

International students with an F or J visa should contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at least one year before they wish to be admitted. Prospective international students can visit oakland.edu/apply to view upcoming deadlines, apply online and download a supplementary application packet. Students transferring credits from foreign institutions will be requested to provide an evaluation of credit taken at foreign institutions. When the application is approved, the candidate will receive a certificate of admission and form I-20. These are to be used to apply for the appropriate visa. Prior to the student’s official registration, proof of adequate medical insurance plus a signed authorization for emergency medical treatment must be on file in the university’s Graham Health Center.

International applicants, other visa holders, permanent residents, and exchange students whose native language is not English must provide proof of English proficiency. TOEFL and MELAB requirements are available in the Academic Policies and Procedures section of the catalog.

Students who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the United States and are transferring from other institutions also must obtain an I-20 from Oakland University. Students requesting such transfers should consult with the international student adviser at their previous school and with the Office of International Students and Scholars, (248) 370-3358, or oakland.edu/isso about required transfer and immigration procedures. Students holding all other visa types should consult the Office of Undergraduate Admissions to learn about admissions procedures.

Admission to guest status

Students enrolled in good standing at accredited Michigan colleges and universities may apply for guest admission by filing the Michigan Uniform Undergraduate Guest Application form, which is available from the registrar’s office at their home institution. This form should be submitted to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions well before the beginning of each semester students plan to attend as guests. Students attending Michigan colleges or universities are not required to submit transcripts. Students attending accredited colleges or universities outside of Michigan, however, must submit a current transcript with the Oakland University guest application, available through the Office of Undergraduate Admissions or online at oakland.edu/guest. Tuition for guest status will be assessed at undergraduate upper division rates.

Guest students should consult individual course descriptions in this catalog to determine any prerequisite requirements for registration. Some courses are restricted to Oakland University students who have been admitted to major standing.

Admission to post-baccalaureate status

Post-baccalaureate (PB) status indicates that students hold a bachelor’s or higher degree and wish to enter college for the purpose of pursuing undergraduate classes. Under PB status, admission is as a special non-degree candidate and previous academic work will not be evaluated by Oakland University’s registrar.  Tuition for PB status will be assessed at undergraduate upper division rates. Post-baccalaureate students may not qualify for financial aid consideration at Oakland University.

Admission to non-matriculating status

Applicants who wish to enroll in undergraduate courses but do not wish to be admitted to an undergraduate program may request non-matriculating status.  Non-matriculating status may be provided to students with permission from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. To obtain this status, students must contact the undergraduate admissions staff to discuss application procedures. Students admitted with non-matriculating status are limited to earning 12 credits in that status and must secure regular admission to the university in order to be eligible to register thereafter. To later be considered for regular admission, non-matriculating students need to submit an online application at  oakland.edu/apply and forward transcripts from all past colleges attended. Non-matriculating students will receive full academic credit for courses that they successfully complete. Tuition for non-matriculating status will be assessed at undergraduate lower division rates.

Admission to second degree status

Second degree status indicates that students currently hold a bachelor’s degree but wish to earn a second undergraduate degree with a different major. Each academic department determines the specific admissions criteria for second-degree students. To apply, visit oakland.edu/apply. Tuition for second degree status will be assessed at undergraduate upper division rates (see Additional undergraduate degrees and majors).

Updating your admission status

Failure of a student, once admitted, to provide complete application credentials prior to the closing of admission or failure to register for classes invalidates an application for admission. Reinstatement of such files must be requested in writing. The request must be received in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions by the closing date for applications for the semester students wish to enroll. Reinstatement may be for any term within one year of the original term of application. In this case, an additional application is not required.  A new application is required after one year.

Advanced placement

Course exemption and/or credit toward graduation is granted to students who have official scores sent to the university by the Advanced Placement Program of the College Entrance Examination Board. Oakland University grants credit for scores of 5 or 4 in advanced placement examinations, and, in some cases, for scores of 3. Students presenting AP scores for credit should be aware that the content of particular courses may not correspond to that of any university courses. In such cases, the AP credit would count toward graduation but would not satisfy any academic program requirements. A statement of policy regarding credits and exemptions given for particular examinations is available from the Academic Records Office, 102 O’Dowd Hall, (248) 370-3462. Students may also review the AP Policy on our website at oakland.edu/appolicies.


Readmission applies to students who previously enrolled at Oakland University and whose attendance was interrupted. Student should contact the Academic Skills Center, 103 North Foundation Hall, (248) 370-4215 at least 45 days prior to the start of the term in which the student expects to enroll (see Readmission section under Academic Policies and Procedures).

College-level Examination Program (CLEP)

The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) is a national program of credit-by-examination that offers a person the opportunity to obtain recognition for college-level achievement. Personal reading, on-the-job experience, adult school or correspondence courses, or television or taped courses may have prepared persons to earn college credit.

Anyone may register and, for nominal fees, take one or several of the CLEP examinations. CLEP does not directly grant college credit, but more than 2,800 educational institutions in all 50 states offer college credit on the basis of CLEP scores. In essence, credits earned through CLEP examinations are considered transfer credits into Oakland University.

Subject examinations

Subject examinations measure achievement in specific college courses and are used to grant exemption from and/or credit for these courses. The examinations are not based on a particular syllabus; rather they stress concepts, principles, relationships and applications of course material. Constructed to differentiate among several levels of mastery, they contain questions of varying difficulty. Individuals do not need to be able to answer, or even attempt, every question in order to demonstrate competence in the subject.

CLEP subject examinations are 90-minute, multiple-choice tests with two separately timed sections. Some of the tests are designed to cover material for which one course of three or four hours of credit is anticipated; others are designed to cover material normally presented in two semesters of the subject.

Scoring of the subject examinations

Subject examinations are scored on a scale from 20 to 80. Some subject examinations will have total scores as well as subscores, also graded on the 20-to-80 scale.

What does OU accept of CLEP subject examinations?

Credit shall be awarded by OU for subject examinations passed with a score of 55 or above. The amount of credit OU awards for subject examinations is indicated after each exam. Credit is awarded for subject examinations only if the following conditions have been met:

  • Non-transfer students must have accumulated fewer than 64 credits at the time of the examination; transfer students must have earned fewer than 32 OU credits.
  • Students must not previously have taken more advanced work in the field of the examination.
  • No credit will be granted for examinations which cover material comparable to OU courses which do not carry credit toward graduation.

For more information: to learn about individual CLEP tests, study guides and test centers visit collegeboard.com/student/testing/clep/about.html.

International Baccalaureate Diploma Program

Oakland University grants credit and/or course exemptions to students based on their IB scores. This policy is currently under review. Students who participated in the IB program in high school should request that their scores be provided to the university for evaluation.

Special Opportunities for Students

Oakland University offers students several unusual opportunities for study both on and off campus. These opportunities are described here, and academic advisers and faculty members are able to assist students interested in pursuing any of them.

Research opportunities 

Advanced students are encouraged to join faculty research projects in various capacities. At Oakland University, opportunities often reserved for graduate students elsewhere are available to advanced undergraduate students. Student researchers have an opportunity to contribute to the development of new knowledge in a field and may share in the publication of results related to novel research projects. Undergraduates interested in joining a faculty research project should consult with their advisers or approach an individual faculty member concerning projects in their area of interest. Research involving the use of humans, animals, biohazardous or radioactive materials has to be approved by the appropriate compliance committee before research activities can be initiated (see Academic Policies and Procedures).

Students currently enrolled at Oakland University are invited to apply for student research and travel grants under the guidance of a full-time OU faculty member. Visit our research website at oakland.edu/research for details on student funding opportunities.

Computing resources

A wide range of computing resources are available to students at Oakland University. All students can connect to the Internet via Grizznet, a wireless network that spans multiple campus buildings, the residence halls and student apartments. It is recommended that students purchase laptops for use on the Oakland University wireless network, or that students plan to use a personally-owned desktop computer. High quality printing capability is available in several campus locations. Computer facilities are readily accessible in Kresge Library, the Oakland Center and other departmental locations.

Study abroad

International Education sponsors study abroad throughout the world. Oakland University students may avail themselves of as many as 20 different study abroad programs, some sponsored by the AHA International and the Midwest Consortium for Study Abroad in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Chile, England, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, and Spain. The Consortium of Japan Center for Michigan Universities sponsors our program in Hikone, Shiga Province, Japan, established in 1989. It provides up to two years of study in Japan. The Student Exchange Program in Nagoya, Japan, at Nanzan University, is a two-semester program. One year of Japanese language is required; courses are taught in English. Housing is with a Japanese family.

The College of Arts and Sciences offers an intensive six-week language and culture study at China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing, in May and June of each even-numbered year, focusing on language study via linguistic immersion into standard Mandarin Chinese. Beginning level Chinese language courses are taught by English-speaking Chinese instructors; intermediate level Chinese language courses are taught in Chinese. History and culture classes are also taught in English by Chinese professors. Classroom content includes side-trip visits to historic sites such as the Great Wall and the Forbidden City.

Other Oakland University programs include the summer British Studies at Oxford program, established in 1976, and semester programs sponsored by the Department of Modern Languages in Orleans, France, and the University of Oldenburg in Oldenburg, Germany.

All programs provide credits toward baccalaureate degrees. For additional information about these programs, see the Center for International Programs portion of this catalog or the Office of International Education web site (oakland.edu/ie). For information about additional study abroad opportunities, see the Modern Languages and Literatures section of the catalog or the Office of International Education website (oakland.edu/ie).

Veterans’ Certification

Students receiving VA education benefits must complete a request for enrollment certification with the Office of the Registrar at the beginning of each semester. Students must have all eligibility documents on file with that office as well as an academic plan of work. Students receiving benefits must report promptly all changes in enrollment. Students on probation for two consecutive terms cannot be certified for benefits. For further information, please contact the certification official at the Registrar’s Office, 101A O’Dowd Hall, (248) 370-4010.

Oakland University E-mail

Oakland University provides each student with free e-mail service and an e-mail address. Important notices about official Oakland University business are sent to e-mail accounts, instead of through the United States Postal Service. This information is important to maintaining a student’s relationship with the university and will include notices about financial aid, grades, tuition bills, Schedule of Classes and other relevant data. The university will hold students accountable for all information sent via e-mail. Therefore, all registered students should check their Oakland University e-mail account regularly, at least, weekly. The University Technology Services website (oakland.edu/uts) offers tips and information on how to activate, access and forward your OU e-mail. Oakland University will not sell or give away student e-mail information and will not use e-mail to advertise for third parties.


Tuition rates subject to revision

The Oakland University Board of Trustees reserves the right to change any and all tuition rates when circumstances make such a change necessary.

Tuition rates

Tuition rates quoted in this catalog are from the 2011-2012 academic year unless otherwise indicated.

Michigan residents who register as lower-division undergraduates (fewer than 56 total credits) are assessed $331.25 per credit. Upper-division undergraduates (more than 55 total credits) are assessed $362.00 per credit. Graduate students are assessed $578.25 per credit. All students who are classified as nonresidents are assessed tuition at out-of-state rates: $773.00 per credit for lower-division undergraduate students; $828.75 per credit for upper-division undergraduate students and $997.50 for graduate students. Tuition rates for upper-division undergraduate students also applies to post-baccalaureate and undergraduate college guest students. All university charges are subject to revision, without prior notice, by action of the Board of Trustees.

Tuition rate charts may be found on the Oakland University website at oakland.edu/sbs under ‘Costs’.

Course competency by examination fee

Students who register for degree credit by course competency examination are assessed $50.00 per credit.

Billing cycle and due dates

Tuition is payable in U.S. dollars.  Remittance should be made payable to “Oakland University” and identified with the student name and Grizzly ID number. Tuition and university housing charges are generally due three weeks into a semester. Student Business Services will send billing notifications electronically to each student’s official Oakland University e-mail address. Students also may access their student account information, including bills, via the eBill system at oakland.edu/ebill. Questions about your bill may be addressed to the Office of Student Financial Services. For important billing and payment information, visit the Student Business Services website at oakland.edu/sbs.


Payments returned by the bank are considered nonpayment and may result in cancellation of registration. A $25.00 returned items charge will be assessed for returned items.

Late Payment Penalty

Payment in full of the total balance due will avoid assessment of a 1.5% monthly late payment penalty. Student accounts must be paid in full by the established due dates for students to be eligible to register during the next registration period. Online transcripts, diplomas or other statements of record will be withheld and students will be ineligible to enroll and/or continue to be enrolled in future semesters until their obligations have been fulfilled. If an account is not paid in full by the end of the semester, it will be referred to an outside collection agency that will report it to the Credit Bureau.

Payment and Registration Status

All registrations for a given semester are considered to be temporary and tentative, based on satisfactory academic progress and total satisfaction of all financial obligations to the university. Oakland University will reverse the future semester registration of any student if the student has a delinquent account balance from a prior semester. For more information, please see the De-Registration Policy on the Student Business Services website at oakland.edu/deregistration.

NOTE: Students who find it necessary to drop all courses for which they are registered may do so by filing an official withdrawal form with Registrar Services or by dropping all of their classes via SAIL Web. Forms are available on the Office of the Registrar’s website. Students who use SAIL Web to drop their last class will be considered withdrawn effective the date they drop their last class. Refunds, if applicable, are based on the date the last class was dropped.

Payment Options

All payments must be in U.S. currency.

Remittance should be made payable to “Oakland University” and identified with the student name and the last four digits of the Grizzly ID number.

Payments returned by the bank are considered nonpayment and may result in cancellation of registration. A $25.00 returned items charge will be assessed for returned items.

Payments options are as follows:

  • Online through eBill at oakland.edu/eBill. Online payment methods include online checking or savings account, debit card, or credit card. You will need your Grizzly ID number and six-digit SAIL PIN. The account will be credited immediately when paying by eBill. Electronic payment confirmations will be sent.
  • By mail, by check, to the Cashier’s Office, 120 North Foundation Hall, Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48309-4401. Please allow 5-6 days for mail delivery. All payments should include the last four digits of the Grizzly ID number to ensure correct and timely processing. Receipts will not be mailed; your cancelled check is proof of payment.
  • In person, at the Cashier’s Office, by cash, check, debit card or credit card. The student account will be credited immediately when paying in person. Be sure to bring your driver’s license, OU Spirit Card or other government-issued picture identification. You may use the payment drop-box, located outside of the Cashier’s Office, during non-business hours for check payments only. Receipts will be mailed to the student if the payment is made by a third party who does not know the Grizzly ID at the time of payment.

OU payment plan: offering easy payment options for students and families

For instructions on how to use eBill, to pay your bill online, or to enroll in a payment plan, visit oakland.edu/ebill.

De-registration Policy

Students who are not in good financial standing [have a past due balance from a prior semester(s)] will be taken out of their future semester classes. Students will be required to re-enroll for classes based on class availability if they correct their financial standing by paying the past due balance from the prior semester(s) in full. To stay in good financial standing, please pay all OU bills on or before their due dates. For more information, please see the De-Registration Policy on the Student Business Services website at oakland.edu/deregistration.

Residential Service – University Housing

Residence halls and apartments are financially self-supporting. Housing costs, including room and board, reflect the actual cost of operation and are established by the Oakland University Board of Trustees. The 2011-2012 rate for double room and board is $7,968 for fall and winter combined. Single room costs, if available, are $8,663.

The Ann V. Nicholson Apartments and George T. Matthews Apartments are available for students who have junior standing (56 credits or above) and are at least 20 years old. Students can select from two-bedroom, three-bedroom (handicapped accessible) or four-bedroom apartment styles. The 2011-2012 academic year rate for a four-bedroom apartment is $6,318. The two-bedroom apartment rate is $6,640. Students living in the apartments are not required to have a meal program. Voluntary meal plans are available for purchase.

Students who sign a housing contract are committing to a binding agreement for the contract period. The housing costs may be paid in full at registration or paid in installments as specified in the Schedule of Classes. If a student withdraws from Oakland University, room and board costs are refunded on a prorated basis less penalty costs as described in the terms and conditions of the contract. Formal notice of withdrawal must be given to the Housing Office. 

Non-Dischargeable Educational Benefits

Oakland University (“university”) may provide, extend or advance funds, credits and/or other financial accommodations to students, to be applied toward their tuition, with the understanding that students will re-pay those amounts. All such amounts, other than scholarships, fellowships, stipends and/or tuition waivers, are loans and/or educational benefits which students must repay to the university together with late payment charges as established by the university. In consideration for allowing students to attend classes, students agree to repay the university loans and/or educational benefits and acknowledge that their re-payment obligation is not dischargeable in bankruptcy.

Expelled or Suspended Student Refund Policy

When a student is expelled or suspended from the university for disciplinary reasons (either academic or non-academic), the date of the disciplinary violation will be used to determine whether the student is entitled to a refund of any tuition according to the current University Tuition Refund Schedule. Additionally, residence halls and apartment room and board charges will be pro-rated based on the student’s room checkout date.

Taxpayer Identification Numbers

University requirement to collect Taxpayer Identification Numbers (SSN/TIN):

The University is required to collect a student’s SSN/TIN for various reasons:

  • Students applying for any form of on-campus employment.
  • Students applying for financial aid.

The Taxpayer’s Relief Act of 1997 was passed by the Congress and signed into Federal Law by the President in 1997 to offer the American taxpayer some relief if they made payments during the tax year to a qualified university. Part of this law is a requirement that the university receiving such payments report annually, to the taxpayer and the Department of Treasury, the taxpayer’s identification number (for individuals, this is their social security number), the taxpayer’s name, qualified tuition and charges billed and grants or scholarships received, and the student’s enrollment status. This information is to be reported regardless of the taxpayer’s intention to actually take a credit or deduction under this law. The university must therefore receive your TIN before it can conduct billing and receipting transactions with you. You can find more information about this law on the web at nacubo.org/edtaxcredits.xml or by going to the Internal Revenue Service site irs.gov and refer to the “Tax Regs” section. This public law is in the Internal Revenue Code, Section 6050S.

You may use an IRS Form W-9S to submit this information. This form may be obtained at irs.gov 1098-T: Please submit your completed form W-9S to Student Business Services via fax: 248-370-4661; via US mail: Attn: 1098T, Student Business Services, Oakland University, 2200 N. Squirrel Road, Rochester, MI 48309-4401; or drop it off at: Cashier’s Office, 120 North Foundation Hall, Oakland University.

IRS Form 1098-T: To assist you or your parents in taking a tax credit or deduction for qualified tuition and charges paid, the university will issue an IRS Form 1098-T to students each January. The 1098-T reports the amount of qualified tuition and charges billed and grants or scholarships received for the previous tax year. You may obtain your 1098-T electronically by visiting sail.oakland.edu. Click ‘Login to Secure Area’; click ‘Student Services & Financial Aid’; click ‘Student Records’; and then click ‘Tax Notification’.

Requirements of the Taxpayer’s Relief Act of 1997

The Taxpayer’s Relief Act of 1997, as amended by the Internal Revenue Service Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998, offers certain American taxpayers some tax relief for specific kinds of payments made to a qualified university. These laws require universities that enroll any individual for any academic period to report specific information annually to the enrolled individual and the Department of the Treasury, including the enrolled individual’s name, address and taxpayer identification number (TIN) or social security number (SSN), and the amounts paid to the university (or billed by the university) for the enrolled person during the previous tax year. The university must report this information regardless of whether an enrolled person or other taxpayer intends to claim a credit or deduction for payments to the university. The only exceptions to this reporting requirement apply to (a) nonresident alien individuals, (b) courses for which no academic credit is offered by the university (although reporting is required for students who enroll concurrently in both for credit and non-credit classes), (c) individuals whose qualified tuition and related expenses are waived in their entirety or paid entirely with scholarships, and (d) individuals whose qualified tuition and related expenses are covered by a formal billing arrangement as defined in the applicable regulations (e.g., a university bills a student’s employer for all tuition and expenses and the university does not maintain a separate account for the student). The university must therefore receive your TIN or SSN before it can conduct billing and receipting transactions with you. The law describing the reporting requirements is 26 U.S.C § 6050S, and the applicable regulations are located at 26 C.F.R. § 1.6050S-0, et seq.

Tax Withholding and Reporting

For U.S. citizens and resident aliens, the university is not required to report scholarships or fellowships to the Internal Revenue Service. Reporting such income for tax purposes is the sole responsibility of the recipient.

For nonresident aliens, scholarships and fellowships may be subject to federal income tax withholding based on the student’s visa type, the degree path of the student, and the existence of a U.S. tax treaty with the student’s country of residence. The federal income tax withholding rate may be 0%, 14% or 30% depending on the circumstances, and the tax rate may apply to a portion of the scholarship or fellowship.

The withholding rate for a nonresident alien using tax treaty provisions would be 0% or another rate based on the treaty. If a tax treaty is not used, the withholding rate would be 14% of taxable portion for individuals with F, J or M visas and 30% of taxable portion for others. The taxable portion for students not seeking a degree is the total amount of the financial aid award. The taxable portion for students seeking a degree is the total amount of the financial aid award less qualified educational expenses.

IRS tax regulations require scholarship and fellowship awards for nonresident aliens be reported to the IRS and to the recipient after each calendar year on Form 1042S – Foreign Person’s U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding. Form 1042S is used to report taxable scholarship/fellowship payments made, income tax withheld and other information relating to the grant payments.

Oakland University mails out Form 1042S to students during the second week of March.

Residency Classification for Admission and Tuition Purposes

For University purposes, “domicile” is defined as the place where an individual intends his/her true, fixed and permanent home and principal establishment to be, and to which the individual intends to return whenever away. Upon admission to the University, a student is classified either as a Michigan resident or a nonresident based upon information relating to the student’s domicile. A determination of Michigan domicile is required for in-state tuition rates to apply, except as stated below.

An individual whose activities and circumstances, as documented to and found by the University, demonstrate that the individual has established a Michigan domicile will be classified as a resident. An individual whose presence in the state is based on activities or circumstances that are indeterminate or temporary, such as (but not limited to) educational pursuits, will be presumed not to be domiciled in Michigan and will be classified as a nonresident. To overcome a presumption of nonresident status, a student must file an Application for Reclassification of Residence Status and document with clear and convincing evidence that a Michigan domicile has been established. The burden of proof is on the applicant.

Evidence of domicile: Certain circumstances, although not controlling, support a claim of domicile. Other circumstances create a presumption against domicile. Circumstances supporting a claim of domicile include:

  • Dependence upon a parent domiciled in Michigan as demonstrated by permanent employment and establishment of a household in the state;
  • Employment of the student or the student’s spouse in Michigan in a full-time, permanent position, and that employment is the primary purpose for the student’s presence in Michigan;
  • Residence with Michigan relatives who provide more than half of the student’s support including educational costs. This necessarily means that no non-Michigan resident claims the student as a dependent for income tax purposes.

The fact that certain indications of domicile may apply to a student does not mean that the student automatically will be classified as a resident or that the student is relieved of the responsibility for filing an application. See Residency application process below.

Circumstances that do not in themselves support a claim of domicile include:

  • enrollment in high school, community college or university;
  • employment that is temporary;
  • employment in a position normally held by a student;
  • ownership or lease of property;
  • presence of relatives in the state, except as described above;
  • possession of a Michigan driver’s license or voter’s registration;
  • payment of Michigan income or property taxes;
  • the applicant’s statement of intent to be domiciled in Michigan.

In cases where the University determines that an applicant has not demonstrated establishment of Michigan domicile, unless substantial and new information arises that clearly demonstrates the establishment of domicile, the University will require the applicant to document one year of continuous physical presence in the state as one of the criteria for determining eligibility for resident classification in any subsequent application. The year of continuous presence is never the only criterion used for determining resident eligibility, and, in itself, will not qualify a student for resident status.

In documenting the year of continuous physical presence in Michigan, the applicant will be expected to show actual physical presence by means of enrollment, employment, in-person financial transactions, health care appointments, etc. Having a lease or permanent address in the state does not, in itself, qualify as physical presence. A short-term absence (summer vacation of 21 days or less, spring break and break between fall and winter term), of itself, will not jeopardize compliance with the one-year requirement. In determining the effect of a short-term absence, the nature of the absence will be assessed to determine whether it is contrary to an intent to be domiciled in Michigan.

Presumption of domicile: Certain circumstances create a presumption of domicile. However, the presence of such a circumstance does not mean that the student will be classified automatically as a Michigan resident or that the student is relieved of the responsibility to file an application. These circumstances include:

Dependent students: A student is presumed to be a dependent of his or her parents if the student is 24 years of age or younger and has been primarily involved in educational pursuits or has not been entirely financially self-supporting through employment.

(a) Residents: The following applies only if the student has not taken steps to establish a domicile outside of Michigan or any other action inconsistent with maintaining a Michigan domicile.

  • A dependent student whose parents are domiciled in Michigan is presumed to be eligible for resident classification.
  • A dependent student whose parents are divorced is presumed to be eligible for resident classification purposes if one parent is domiciled in Michigan.
  • A student who is living in Michigan and is permanently domiciled in Michigan does not lose residence status if the parents leave Michigan, provided: (i) that the student has completed at least the junior year of high school prior to the parents’ departure, and (ii) that the student remains in Michigan, enrolled as a full-time student in high school or an institution of higher education.

(b) Non-residents: A dependent student whose parents are domiciled outside the state of Michigan is presumed to be a nonresident.

Absences from the state: Individuals domiciled in Michigan immediately preceding certain types of absences from the state may retain their eligibility for resident classification under the following conditions:

  • An individual domiciled in Michigan for 5 years just prior to leaving the state for less than one year may return to the University as a resident for admission and tuition purposes.
  • An individual domiciled in Michigan at the time of entry into active missionary work, Peace Corps or similar philanthropic work does not lose eligibility for resident classification as long as he or she is actively and continuously performing philanthropic work and continuously claims Michigan as the state of legal residence for income tax purposes. Dependent children of such an individual also are eligible for resident classification provided: (i) that they are coming to the University directly from high school or they have been continuously enrolled in college since graduating from high school, and (ii) that they have not claimed residency elsewhere for tuition purposes.
  • An individual who is domiciled in Michigan immediately preceding an absence from the state for full-time enrollment in school or for a medical residency program, internship or fellowship does not lose eligibility for resident classification provided that the individual has maintained significant ties to the state during his or her absence (e.g., parents still in the state, payment of state taxes, active business accounts), and that the individual has not claimed residency for tuition purposes in another state.

Resident status of aliens: Notwithstanding the above, except for those aliens holding a permanent resident visa, the only aliens eligible for consideration for classification as a resident are those who are on a visa other than a student visa; and who are engaged in permanent employment in the United States; and whose employer has filed or is in the process of filing for permanent resident status on behalf of the alien. An alien will be eligible for consideration if the alien’s parents or spouse meet(s) the alien requirements above and dependent status also exists.

Application of in-state tuition rates in special circumstances: Regardless of domicile, in-state tuition rates apply to the following persons:

  • Graduate students who hold an assistantship or fellowship awarded through Oakland University;
  • Students employed in Michigan in full-time, permanent positions;
  • Students admitted to approved on-line degree or certificate programs;
  • Students who are active duty members, or the spouse or dependent child of an active duty member, of the Armed Forces of the United States, while that active duty member is stationed in Michigan and during the student’s continuous enrollment in the academic degree program in which he or she is enrolled if that active duty member is transferred to an active duty location outside Michigan; or if the student is the child of an active duty member of the Armed Forces of the United States who was stationed in Michigan but is transferred to an active duty location outside Michigan within the one year period preceding the student’s initial enrollment and the student continues to live in Michigan.

Appeal process: Any student desiring to challenge his or her initial residency classification may appeal the determination to the Office of the Registrar, 101A O’Dowd Hall, (248-370-3455). The Senior Associate Registrar makes the initial determination of residency. Registrar is the second level of appeal and the Residency Reclassification Appeals Committee is the third level of appeal. The committee convenes only as necessary. The determination of Residency Reclassification Appeals Committee is final.

Residency Application Process

It is the student’s responsibility to apply for admission under the proper residency classification. If a student indicates Michigan resident status on the admissions application and the admissions office questions that status, the student will be classified as a nonresident and notified of the need to file an Application for Reclassification of Residence Status with the Residency Reclassification Appeals Office. The fact that a student’s claim to residency for university purposes is questioned does not necessarily mean that he or she will be ineligible for resident status; it simply means that the student’s circumstances must be documented and reviewed. Failure on the part of admissions staff to question a student’s claim to resident eligibility does not relieve the student of the responsibility to apply and register under the proper residency classification. Furthermore, the university may audit enrolled or prospective students at any time with regard to eligibility for resident classification and may reclassify students who are registered under an improper residency classification.

The presence of any of the following factors will result in an initial classification as a nonresident:

  • Out-of-state employment within the last three years;
  • Living out of state at the time of application to the university;
  • Attendance or graduation from an out-of-state high school (applies if the individual is 24 year of age or younger);
  • Attendance or graduation from an out-of-state high school and involvement in educational pursuits for the majority of time since graduation from high school.

Residency reclassification documentation: When filing for reclassification, the following are required:

  • a completed application;
  • a written signed statement explaining why Michigan is one’s true home;
  • a letter from the employer of the family member providing the major support for the student stating the family member’s position title, when the Michigan employment began, and, for aliens, the status of any application for permanent residency;
  • documentation of the Michigan home (lease or home purchase document); and
  • the application must be submitted 30 days prior to the first day of the term.

Applicants are also responsible for providing any other documentation necessary to support their claim to resident eligibility. Additional documentation may be required by the university.

Misrepresentation and falsification of information: Applicants or students who provide false or misleading information or who intentionally omit relevant information in any document relevant to residency eligibility may be subject to legal or disciplinary measures including revocation of admission or expulsion. Students improperly classified as residents based on this type of information will have their residency classification changed and may be retroactively charged nonresident tuition for the period of time they were improperly classified.

Financial Aid, Scholarships and Student Employment

Everyone knows college is both an academic and a financial commitment. Thinking about the costs of tuition and other expenses may leave you or your family overwhelmed. We believe cost should not stand in the way of an exceptional education. We pride ourselves on offering an outstanding college experience at an affordable price. More than 65 percent of Oakland University students receive financial assistance totaling more than $100 million. You can benefit from those funds, too.

A variety of scholarship, grant, loan and student employment opportunities are available through Oakland University, federal, state, local and private sources. Complete information concerning scholarships, grants, loans and student employment programs is available on the Oakland University website at oakland.edu/financialaid.

Office hours

The Student Financial Services/Financial Aid Office includes financial aid, student employment, and billing payment assistance. It is located at 120 North Foundation Hall. The office is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and it is closed during holidays and holiday breaks.

Applying for financial aid and scholarships

You must be admitted and enrolled in a financial aid eligible program at Oakland University to be considered for financial aid, including scholarships, grants, loans and student employment. Admitted students automatically receive consideration for scholarships. Many scholarships are automatically renewable provided renewal criteria are met.

To be considered for federal, state, or financial need-based aid, complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at fafsa.gov. To maximize your financial aid award package, we recommend you complete your FAFSA as soon as possible after January 1 for the upcoming academic year. You must complete a FAFSA each year in which you are interested in receiving financial aid. Since financial need-based aid and most institutional aid is awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis as funding is available, it is beneficial to apply early. (If you qualify for the Michigan Competitive Scholarship, your FAFSA must be received by March 1.) Be sure to include Oakland University’s federal school code of 002307 on your FAFSA.

If you provide an email address on your FAFSA, it is important for you to keep your email address updated on your FAFSA in order for you to receive important communications from the federal processor. OU will assign you an OU email address. Your email address on your FAFSA might be different than your OU email address. OU will communicate with you only through your OU email address. It is important for you to access your Oakland University email on a regular basis.

You must include your social security number on your FAFSA for the U.S. Department of Education to process your application. You must also provide your social security number to Oakland University in order to be awarded federal, state and financial need-based aid and for student employment purposes. If Oakland University does not have your social security number, your financial aid application and/or request for student employment will not be processed.

Although you do not need to wait until your income tax forms have been filed to complete the FAFSA, it is very important for your FAFSA to be accurate. Inaccurate information can cause delays in processing. If you estimate your income, you are required to make corrections when your tax forms are complete. Inaccurate or estimated information can change a financial aid package significantly.

Financial aid award notifications for the upcoming academic year are sent to your OU email address beginning at the end of March. Financial aid awards and adjustments continue throughout the year as subsequent funding and information become available.

Financial aid notifications provide information concerning the amount and type of financial aid you are eligible to receive. Financial aid is initially offered for the regular academic year of fall and winter semesters. If you qualify for a summer federal Pell Grant, it will automatically be awarded to you. If you are interested in receiving federal student loans for the summer semester, you need to complete a Summer Financial Aid Application, available on the financial aid website at oakland.edu/financialaid.

The Financial Aid Office might need additional information or documentation from you to support your financial aid awards and package. It is important to respond to any request promptly. Delays in providing information and documentation to the Financial Aid Office may affect your financial aid award package and/or the payment of funds to your student account.

Unusual circumstances/dependency status

Extenuating family circumstances such as long term loss of employment or income, death, separation or divorce, medical/dental expenses not covered by insurance and a dependent student’s relationship with parent(s) can affect a student’s financial aid package. If you have extenuating circumstances, an Unusual Circumstances Form and a Dependency Status Appeal Form are available on the financial aid website at oakland.edu/financialaid. Changes in the income of a dependent student are not considered for review.

Sources of financial aid

Oakland University offers a variety of scholarship programs. The wide range of scholarship opportunities indicates the scope of the university’s commitment to academic excellence, student leadership and achievement. Scholarships are awarded primarily on the basis of academic accomplishment and do not require repayment. Additional selection criteria may apply. Although not required, all students are encouraged to complete the FAFSA at fafsa.gov to receive maximum consideration for all scholarships.

Oakland University grants are available for financially needy students who are enrolled full-time in their first undergraduate degree program. Grants do not require repayment. To be considered for need-based grants, students must complete the FAFSA at fafsa.gov. Scholarship and grant awards are typically made in the fall and winter for the upcoming academic year and are only available to students admitted and beginning enrollment in the fall semester. Awards are divided between the fall and winter semesters and usually require full-time enrollment. Some awards are not applicable to the summer semester. Renewable awards do not require a renewal application unless otherwise stated. Renewals are subject to the availability of funding and meeting any additional renewal criteria set forth by the award. The university, in its sole and absolute discretion, may determine the number and amounts of awards each semester and/or academic year, rescind an award if the student no longer meets the eligibility requirements, and/or terminate the entire award.

Oakland University participates in all federal financial aid programs. Grants, loans and on-campus student employment (work study) are available. All federal programs require the annual completion of the FAFSA at fafsa.gov.

Oakland University also participates in all financial aid programs available through the state of Michigan. State programs may require the annual completion of the FAFSA at fafsa.gov. More information about state of Michigan programs is available at michigan.gov/mistudentaid. Information on all Oakland University, federal and state of Michigan scholarship, grant and loan programs is available at on the Financial Aid website at oakland.edu/financialaid.

Local and private resources

Many organizations and private agencies provide financial assistance to students. Some of these are local social groups, foundations, professional associations, civic organizations, corporations and churches. Information on these programs varies greatly and may be obtained from the sponsoring organizations, high school counseling offices and the Financial Aid Office website. Students are encouraged to pursue these resources on their own.

The cost of attending Oakland University

The cost to attend Oakland University includes tuition, books, room and board, transportation and personal/miscellaneous expenses and loan charges. Costs are typically estimated because of the variety of the number of enrolled credits, housing options, class standing, etc. Financial aid packages are created based on an estimate of the average expected cost for a full-time student and a part-time student. The estimated cost of attendance for full-time (12 or more credits per semester) for the academic year (fall and winter semesters) is as follows (based on the 2011-2012 school year):


    Living On-Campus Living Off-Campus           Living With Parent  
  Tuition $9,280 $9,280 $9,280  
  Books and Supplies   1,362   1,362   1,362  
  Room and Board    7,986   7,280   1,500  
  Transportation          0   2,280   2,280  
  Personal/Miscellaneous    2,304   2,304   2,304  
  Loans         36         36         36  
$20,968 $22,542 $16,762  


For tuition charges for full-time juniors and seniors, add $862. For tuition charges for full-time students who are not Michigan residents, add $12,386 for freshman and sophomores and $13,944 for juniors and seniors. Tuition is charged per credit hour. See oakland.edu/tuition for current tuition rates.

Direct costs to Oakland University include tuition and on-campus housing. Books, supplies, transportation, personal/miscellaneous costs and loan costs are not paid to Oakland University; however, they are expenses you will incur and need to plan for financially. Federal, state and institutional financial aid can be awarded up to your estimated cost of attendance in coordination with all other resources. Financial aid might need to be reduced if cost of attendance is exceeded.

Enrollment status

Undergraduate students are encouraged to enroll in a minimum of 31 credits each academic year (fall and winter semester) in order to complete degree requirements within four years.

Financial aid awards for undergraduate students are based on full-time enrollment for the fall and winter semesters, unless otherwise indicated. If the student’s enrollment differs from the enrollment listed on the award notification, complete a Revision Form available at oakland.edu/financialaid/forms prior to the start of the semester.

Financial aid awards are adjusted to reflect the number of enrolled credits on the published last date to drop a class with a 100% refund. Financial aid awarded after these dates may be based on actual enrollment status. Refund dates are available at oakland.edu/registrar under “Important Dates.” Students who are considering dropping a class are encouraged to discuss their circumstances with the Financial Aid Office. Students preparing for admission to a second undergraduate or graduate degree program are eligible for federal financial aid for a maximum of 12 consecutive months.

The following minimum enrollment requirements determine eligibility for financial aid each semester. A passed course repeated more than once cannot be included in enrollment status and financial aid cannot be received for the course. Audit courses, credit by examination (competency credit), continuing education courses and courses not required for the current degree program do not count in enrollment status and do not qualify for financial aid.


  Full-time 12 or more credits 12 or more credits 12 or more credits  
  Three-quarter time 9-11 credits 9-11 credits 9-11 credits  
  Half-time 6-8 credits 6-8 credits 6-8 credits  
  Less than half-time** 1-5 credits 1-5 credits 1-5 credits  

*Includes first and second undergraduate degrees, teacher certification and undergraduate & graduate non-degree preparatory course work.
** Limited financial aid is available to students enrolled less than half-time, as most financial aid requires full time or half-time enrollment. 

Determination of financial need

Financial need is determined using the cost of attendance less the expected family contribution (EFC).

The cost of attendance is determined by Oakland University utilizing federal guidelines. It is an estimate of the cost of education during a time period of attending school. The expected family contribution (EFC) is the result of the FAFSA application. The information you provide on the FAFSA is processed through a formula mandated by the United States Congress to calculate the EFC. The EFC is the amount that the federal government has determined that you and your family can contribute toward your education. The difference between the cost of attendance and the EFC is the financial need. Financial aid requiring a demonstrated financial need utilizes this formula to determine eligibility for need-based financial aid. (Non-need-based financial aid can be awarded to you up to your estimated cost of attendance.)

Awarding and revising financial aid

Financial aid is offered in the form of scholarships, grants, loans and/or federal student employment. Most financial aid awards are for the fall and winter semesters. Awarding for summer semester is done separately by completing a Summer Financial Aid Application beginning in January for the upcoming summer semester. Summer applications are available at oakland.edu/financialaid/forms. In some cases, Pell Grants and loans are available in the summer.

Awards are subject to estimated cost of attendance, limits on individual awards, housing options, enrollment status, grade level, residency, financial need, etc. Initial financial aid awards are based on full-time enrollment. After the enrollment period has begun, financial aid packages are adjusted to exhibit the enrollment status on the last day to drop a class with a 100% refund. Changes in expected enrollment status can be made prior to the start of the enrollment period by completing a Revision Form available online at oakland.edu/financialaid/forms. Financial aid awards are based on enrollment at Oakland University. Students participating in an OU concurrent enrollment arrangement can combine transferrable credits and OU credits. Federal and state financial aid cannot be received at two schools during the same enrollment period. Financial aid can only be applied to the semester in which it is awarded.

Awards may be revised or canceled if:

  • Other awards or resources are received
  • Total financial aid awards exceed the student’s cost of attendance or financial need
  • Financial aid satisfactory academic progress (SAP) is not met
  • Required documents are not submitted
  • The student is not enrolled on the last published day to drop courses (financial aid credit lock)
  • The student is not enrolled for all semesters on the award notification
  • Eligibility for financial aid changes
  • Enrollment or housing status changes
  • All coursework is dropped
  • Incorrect or fraudulent information is provided
  • Financial aid is received at another institution during the same enrollment period
  • The student is in default on a federal loan or owes a refund of federal funds received at a post-secondary institution

Federal Direct Loans may be prorated (reduced) when the remaining period of study is shorter than a full academic year.

Financial aid awards can be reduced or declined by completing a Revision Form available at oakland.edu/financialaid/forms. It is important to submit a Revision Form before the beginning of the semester and before financial aid awards disburse to the student account.

The University makes every effort to maintain accuracy; however, in the event an error is made, the error will be corrected and the student will be billed for the excess amount received.

Private scholarships checks and resources

Students are encouraged to seek scholarships from private sources. When you become aware that you will receive a private scholarship from a private organization, notify the Financial Aid Office in writing. When the organization provides you with the check, it needs to be sent to the Financial Aid Office. The check should include your name and student number. If the check is co-payable to you and Oakland University, endorse the check and forward it to the Financial Aid Office.

Although federal regulations and University policies require private scholarship checks as forms of assistance be counted as financial aid resources when determining eligibility for need-based financial aid and count toward meeting the cost of attendance, they improve your overall financial aid package.

Calculating what you will be expected to pay to Oakland University

Oakland University generates a bill each month for which there has been transaction activity relating to tuition, on-campus room and board and other related educational expenses billed through the student account, or if there is a remaining account balance. Billing is done electronically and the bills may be viewed by accessing eBill at mysail.oakland.edu. An email notice is sent to all students who have billing activity. Students can print a paper bill by accessing eBill. Paid financial aid is reflected on the billing notice and deducted from charges. To estimate a bill from Oakland University, it is recommended you do the following:

  1. Add up your charges for tuition and room and board (if applicable).
  2. Add up the amount of money (excluding work study) you will receive for the semester as shown on your most recent award notification (see Note below). Subtract this from the total you calculated in #1 above.
  3. If your financial aid is greater than your charges, you will receive a refund. If your charges are greater than your financial aid, you are responsible for paying the difference by the appropriate due date.



  Example: Tuition 16 credits $ 5,300    
    Room & board +3,993    
    Total charges $ 9,293    
    Total financial aid $-8,037    
      $ 1,256  Balance due university  

Note: If you are a financial aid recipient, all your financial aid requirements must be met before your financial aid will apply to your University account. You must provide the Financial Aid Office with adequate processing time. If your financial aid is not finalized prior to the billing due date, you are responsible for your charges. If applicable, a refund will be sent to you when your financial aid is finalized.

Financial aid disbursement policy

Financial aid funds are paid each semester by crediting the student account (excluding non-disbursable financial aid such as work study) up to 10 days before the first date of the semester, provided all financial aid requirements are met. For students enrolled in a combination of sessions (i.e. 2 week, 4 week, 7 week, etc.), financial aid funds will not pay to the student account until the student reaches the appropriate enrollment status (usually full time). Financial aid may be based on the number of registered credits and/or on-campus housing status at the time of disbursement. A student can receive financial aid for repeating a previously passed course only once. Some financial aid applies only to tuition. You can view your financial aid disbursement on SAIL. Requirements include: 

  1. Submit all required documents.
  2. Enroll in the appropriate number of credits to receive awards on the disbursement date (usually full-time).
  3. Satisfy financial aid requirements and fulfill on campus housing status requirements (if applicable).
  4. Complete/sign all applicable entrance counseling and promissory notes (if applicable).
  5. Enroll in a qualifying program.

If financial aid requirements are met after the date financial aid is scheduled to pay, financial aid will disburse within 2 weeks after satisfying the requirements. If you receive a financial aid disbursement and a refund and drop a class, withdraw from the university, or drop below your eligibility for financial aid before the first date of the semester, your financial aid may be canceled or adjusted and you will be required to return any funds refunded to you, as well as funds due to the University.

Financial aid is finalized based on your number of registered credits on the last date to drop a class with a 100% refund. Credits added after the date to drop a class with a 100% refund are not considered for financial aid with the exception of student loans, which disburse based on your number of registered credits at the time of the disbursement. If you receive a financial aid disbursement and drop a class between the disbursement date and the last date to drop a class with a 100% refund, your financial aid might be reduced.

Direct Loans require a minimum enrollment of at least half-time. If your enrollment is less than half-time and you withdraw, your Direct Loan will be canceled. If a disbursement is made from a Federal Direct Loan, you (and your parent, if your parent received a PLUS loan) can cancel or reduce the loan by notifying the Financial Aid Office in writing within 30 days of the disbursement notification. The loan will be canceled or reduced and you will be billed for the amount owed to OU. Notifications received after 30 days will not be processed. If you are considering dropping a class, you are encouraged to discuss your circumstances with a financial aid administrator.

Financial aid refunds

If financial aid exceeds allowable charges (i.e., tuition, on-campus housing), you (or your parent, if your parent received a PLUS loan) will receive a refund to pay your other education-related expenses. If you expect to receive a refund, you are encouraged to enroll in direct deposit, allowing OU to direct deposit the refund into your bank account. Instructions for direct deposit can be found online at oakland.edu/directdeposit. Direct deposit is not available for a parent receiving a refund from a parent PLUS loan.

Refunds are direct deposited or mailed to the student (and/or parent) within 14 days after the date financial aid was disbursed to the student account. If a refund is issued while there are unpaid charges on the account, a hold will be placed on the account that will prevent registration, transcripts, diplomas, or other statements of records. If any charges are incurred on the account after financial aid has been refunded, it is the student’s responsibility to pay the additional charges.

Purchasing books

If the student is planning to purchase books with a financial aid refund, it is important for the student (or parent, if the parent received a PLUS loan) to expect the refund only after all financial aid requirements have been met and institutional tuition and on-campus housing charges have been paid. The refund might be issued after classes begin.

Billing and payments

Grants, scholarships and loans are reflected on your electronic bill (eBill) and deducted from any university allowable charges, provided that all financial aid requirements are met. If you receive an eBill with an amount due, it is important for you to pay your bill by the due date. If you have an amount due and you are expecting to obtain financial aid to pay your bill and your financial aid is not reflected on your bill, you must pay your bill by the due date. Common reasons why financial aid is not on the bill notification are: that the student did not yet apply for financial aid, recently applied for financial aid, did not complete financial aid requirements, or only recently submitted financial aid documents. It is important to provide the Financial Aid Office with adequate processing time. A 1½% monthly late payment penalty is assessed on any unpaid student account balance.
Payments can be made electronically through eBill at ebill.oakland.edu (you will need your Grizzly ID and 6 digit SAIL PIN). The eBill system offers students the ability to:

  • View current and historical billing statements.
  • Save most common payment methods.
  • Sign up parents and grandparents as authorized users.
  • Schedule a payment for a date in the future.
  • Make payments from a checking account, savings account, credit card, and debit card.
  • Enroll in a payment plan.

Payments can also be made by mail or in-person at the Cashier’s Office, Oakland University, 120 North Foundation Hall, 2200 Squirrel N. Squirrel Rd., Rochester, MI 48309-4401. If paying by mail, allow 5-6 days for mail delivery. All payments should include the Grizzly ID to insure correct and timely processing. Photo identification will be required if paying in person.

Payments made from a business or corporate account will be reflected as an outside resource and counted as a financial aid resource when determining eligibility. Outside resources will be included in the federal 1098T issued at the end of the calendar year.

Sign up for the OU Payment Plan each semester and spread your tuition, on-campus housing and other charges into several smaller payments. To enroll or learn more, visit oakland.edu/paymentplan.

Federal financial aid recipients: return of federal title IV

When an eligible federal Title IV financial aid student withdraws (officially or unofficially) from all classes before 60% of the semester is complete during an enrollment period in which attendance has begun, federal regulations require Oakland University to determine the amount of financial aid earned. A student is only eligible to retain the percent of Title IV aid earned that is equal to the percentage of the enrollment period that was completed by the student. For students enrolled solely in courses that are less than the 15-week full semester, the enrollment period is adjusted to reflect the length of the courses. A return calculation will be performed when a student is registered for a future part-of-term which has not yet begun and the student has withdrawn from all current courses which are meeting. The unearned Title IV aid must then be returned to the appropriate federal aid program(s), which may result in the student owing financial aid funds to the University, the federal government, or both. If more than 60% of the enrollment period has been completed by the student, none of the Title IV aid needs to be returned.

Federal Title IV financial aid funds include: TEACH, Federal SEOG, Federal Pell Grants, Federal Perkins Loans, and Federal Direct Subsidized, Direct Unsubsidized and Direct PLUS (Parent or Graduate) Loans.

The following steps determine the amount of Federal Title IV financial aid a student has earned up to the time of withdrawal and the amount that is unearned and needs to be returned:

  1. Calculate the percent of the enrollment period completed by the student. Divide the number of calendar days the student attended* by the number of calendar days in the enrollment period (less any scheduled breaks of five days or more). If the calculated percent exceeds 60%, the student has earned all Title IV aid for the enrollment period.
  2. Calculate the amount of earned Title IV aid. Multiply the percent of the enrollment period completed by the total Title IV aid disbursed or could have disbursed according to late disbursement rules.
  3. Calculate the amount of unearned Title IV aid. Subtract the amount of earned Title IV aid from the total amount of federal aid disbursed. The difference must be returned to the appropriate Title IV program by the University or by the student.

*If a student who began attendance and has not officially withdrawn fails to earn a passing grade in at least one course during the enrollment period, grade reports from the class professor will verify the last date of attendance. If a professor does not have a record of class attendance, the midpoint of the semester will be used to calculate the percent of the enrollment period.

Oakland University notifies students with details of their earned and unearned federal Title IV financial aid. Students are provided with instructions related to repaying the funds to the University or to the federal government. In some instances a late disbursement of earned Title IV aid can be made to the student. When a student has withdrawn and a credit balance is created, a Return of Title IV calculation must be performed before any credit balance may be refunded. Any Title IV credit balance must be allocated first to repay any grant overpayment owed by the student as a result of the current withdrawal.

Funds returned (by the University and/or the student or parent) must be allocated in the following order:

  1. Federal Unsubsidized Direct Loan
  2. Federal Subsidized Direct Loan
  3. Federal Perkins Loan
  4. Federal Direct PLUS Graduate Loan
  5. Federal Direct PLUS (Parent) Loan
  6. Federal Pell Grant
  7. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
  8. Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grant (TEACH)

Unearned loan funds owed to the federal government are repaid according to the terms of the loan promissory note. Grant funds are owed directly to the federal government. The student is required to repay only 50% of the grant overpayment. If the student does not repay a federal grant, the student is not eligible for federal Title IV funds at any school until the overpayment is paid. The student may also owe funds to Oakland University. Official withdrawal procedures are available on the Office of the Registrar website at oakland.edu/registrar.

Withdrawing from classes may impact the receipt of future financial aid. Students should be familiar with the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy, which is available on the Financial Aid website at oakland.edu/financialaid.

Students are strongly encouraged to contact the OU Financial Aid Office prior to withdrawing from classes to obtain information on the effects of withdrawing. Many times a withdrawal requires a student to refund Oakland University and/or the federal government a large portion of the financial aid that had been disbursed. Examples of the federal financial aid refund policy are available in the Financial Aid Office.


Example of a return of Federal Title IV financial aid funds calculation:
$2,026         Institutional charges
$1,000         Federal Subsidized Direct Loan


        Federal Pell Grant
$1,800         Total Federal Title IV aid disbursed
-$2,026          Institutional charges
$ 226          Institutional charges owed and paid by the student
Student withdrew on 38th day of 107 day enrollment period.

38/107 =

 35.5% earned
100% - 35.5% =  64.5% unearned


Amount of Title IV aid unearned = $1,800 x 64.5% = $1,161.00. This aid must be taken away from the student’s account.

Adjustment to financial aid on the student account
$1,000 returned to the Federal Subsidized Direct Loan program by OU
$ 161 returned to the Federal Pell Grant program by OU

End result of withdrawing
$1,161 unearned aid that was reversed off of the student account; student owes this amount to OU and will be billed. A hold will be placed on the student record preventing future registration, graduation and transcripts.

Financial aid satisfactory academic progress

Oakland University is committed to providing fair and equal access to resources to meet educational costs for students. To receive federal, state and institutional financial aid at Oakland University, students must meet the standards of satisfactory academic progress (SAP).

Federal regulations require the Financial Aid Office to monitor the academic progress of students at the end of each semester. The complete Oakland University academic record, including transfer credits, is considered regardless of whether or not financial aid was received each semester. Students who fail to achieve the minimum standards may lose financial aid eligibility.

The SAP standards for financial aid are applicable to but not limited to the following program: Federal College Work-Study, Federal Direct Loans, Federal Pell Grant, Federal Perkins Loans, Federal PLUS Loans, Federal Teach Grant, Michigan Competitive Scholarships, and all Oakland University awards.

Some scholarships have standards stricter than the financial aid satisfactory academic progress standards. The standards vary for each scholarship and are provided in the scholarship descriptions.

Standards of financial aid satisfactory academic progress

Three criteria must be met to satisfy the standards of satisfactory academic progress:

  1. Grade point

Students must maintain a cumulative Oakland University grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 at the end of each semester. Students who fail to meet this requirement are placed on warning status and must meet the GPA requirement by the end of the next enrolled semester at OU. Students can receive financial aid while on a warning status. However, students who fail to achieve a 2.00 GPA while on a warning status become ineligible for financial aid the following semester at OU.

  1. Credit hours

Students must complete a minimum of 67% of cumulative credit hours attempted, including transfer credits, by the end of each semester. Second Undergraduate and Teacher Certification students are considered to have attempted 92 credits Students who fail to meet the credit hour requirement are placed on warning status and must meet the credit hour requirement by the end of the next enrolled semester at OU. Students can receive financial aid while on a warning status. However, students who fail to complete at least 67% of attempted credit hours while on a warning status become ineligible for financial aid the following semester at OU.

  1. Maximum credit hours

Students must complete their academic program by the end of the semester in which 150% of attempted credits, including transfer credits, is reached.

Withdrawal from class

Withdrawn credits count toward credit hours attempted.

Repeating courses

All repeated credits count in the number of attempted credits. A passed course may be repeated once. A passed course repeated more than once will not be included in enrollment status. A failed course may be repeated until it is passed. Repeated credits are only counted once in the cumulative completed credits.

Ungraded credits

Ungraded credits, including incompletes and in progress grades, count in the number of attempted credits, but they are not included in the credits completed of the GPA. When the class is completed, the credits and GPA are considered. Students with ungraded credits cannot receive subsequent financial aid disbursement until the ungraded credits are completed and the financial aid satisfactory academic progress is evaluated. Financial aid cannot be received retroactively due to completion of ungraded credits.

Audit credits

Audit credits do not influence grade point average. They do not receive credit and are not counted in credits attempted or completed. Audit credits are not eligible for financial aid.

Credits by examination

Credits by examination (competency credits) are counted in credits attempted and completed. They do not influence the GPA. Credits by examination do not qualify for financial aid.

Regaining eligibility

Students may automatically regain financial aid eligibility by achieving a 2.00 minimum Oakland University GPA and/or successfully completing a minimum of 67% of attempted credits hours, including transfer credits, at their own expense. Financial aid may be received in the next semester of enrollment when the requirements are satisfied. Financial aid cannot be received retroactively for any semester in which satisfactory academic progress was re-established.

Appeal process

Students may appeal the loss of financial aid eligibility due to a deficient GPA or credit hours if extenuating circumstances exist such as the death of a close relative of the student or an injury or illness of the student. Students must explain why they failed to meet the Financial Aid SAP standards and what has changed to allow the student to meet the SAP standards at the next evaluation. Documentation must be included with the appeal to support the circumstances. Appeals must be received in the Student Financial Services/Financial Aid Office, 120 North Foundation Hall, 2200 N. Squirrel Rd., Rochester MI 48309 before the last day to drop a class with a 100% refund for the semester in which it applies. Appeals received after the deadline date will be processed for the next semester. An email notification of the decision of the appeal will be sent within 7 days of receipt of the appeal or by the deadline (whichever is earlier). Approved appeals are not retroactive to prior semesters.

A Financial Aid Appeals Committee reviews satisfactory academic progress appeals. Students are responsible for providing adequate information for the committee to consider. Decisions will be made based on the information provided without any subsequent meeting on the part of the committee. Decisions of the committee are final.

Student employment

Student employment provides on-campus jobs for undergraduate and graduate degree-seeking students enrolled at OU at least half-time; a few off-campus jobs are also available. Two types of student employment are available at OU: Federal Work Study and regular student employment. Federal Work Study provides on-campus jobs for students who demonstrate financial need; the FAFSA is required. Regular student employment allows on-campus employment for students who do not qualify for Federal Work Study; the FAFSA is not required.

During the fall/winter semesters students can work up to 25 hours per week; however, international students are limited to 20 hours per week. During fall/winter semester breaks (December to January semester break, Winter Recess) and the summer semester, students may work up to 40 hours per week. International students may work up to 40 hours per week during the summer only.

Although a student does not need to be enrolled for summer semester in order to work on campus during the summer, the following requirements must be met:

  • Be enrolled at least half-time in the preceding winter semester, or be a newly admitted student for summer enrolled at least half-time.
  • Have not completed graduation requirements.
  • Be enrolled at least half-time for the upcoming fall semester.

Students who will work through student employment must complete the following applicable hiring forms available on the Oakland University website at oakland.edu/financialaid:

  • If you never worked on campus, complete an Employment Eligibility Verification (I-9) form, a W4 Employee’s Federal Withholding Allowance Certificate, a MI W4 Employee’s Michigan Withholding Exemption Certificate, and submit your original Social Security Administration card to be photocopied.
  • If you worked on campus and have secured an on-campus job, your employer will need to submit notification of their intent to employ you.
  • Fall/winter and summer are separate award periods and will require complete rehiring forms. The Employment Eligibility Verification (I-9) form must be presented to Student Financial Services with the required original documentation. Copies of documents cannot be accepted.

Direct deposit of payroll from student employment is available. The University will deposit your paycheck electronically into an account at any financial institution within the U.S. You will be able to retrieve a copy of your pay stub by accessing the Employee Services site on the Oakland University SAIL web page. To sign up for direct deposit, enroll online through the portal at mysail.oakland.edu, or via paper at oakland.edu/workstudy under Employment Forms. Return direct deposit forms to Payroll Services, 121 West Vandenberg Hall.

OUCareerLink is web-based software where you can search all forms of employment in one convenient location online at OUCareerLink.com. To use this website as a student, you must first register for a user account. To create an account, register online at OUCareerLink.com. Click on the “Students” link. Fill out the profile form creating your own username and password. Descriptions of the positions and information on how to apply for the jobs are on the website. Students cannot begin working until Student Financial Services sends an authorization to the hiring department. The hiring department will notify the student when work can begin.

Financial aid appeal procedure

A student can appeal an institutional financial aid process, procedure, or policy. However, federal, state, and external agency regulations and guideless cannot be appealed.

The appeal procedure is as follows:

  1. The student provides a written appeal to the Financial Aid Appeals Committee, c/o Director of Financial Aid, Financial Aid Office, Oakland University, 120 North Foundation Hall, 2200 North Squirrel Rd., Rochester, MI 48309.
  2. The Financial Aid Appeals Committee reviews the appeal and researches and investigates the issue within 14 days.
  3. If appropriate processes, procedures, and policies have been applied, a Financial Aid administrator sends a response to the student in writing (or email), providing the student with information, details and rationale of the explanation.
  4. If the Financial Aid administrator needs additional information, the student will receive a request in writing (or email). The deadline date to respond will be provided to the student. If additional information determines a change in a previous decision, adjustments will be made and the student will be notified in writing (or email). If the student does not respond to a request for additional information by the deadline, the appeal will be canceled.
  5. If the appeal concerns a process, procedure, or policy of another department, the Financial Aid appeals committee will confer with that department on the student’s behalf or the student will be referred directly to the department.
  6. If an error is made by the Financial Aid Office, the error will be corrected and the student will receive a written (or email) response.

Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

The Division of Student Affairs provides an array of out-of-class support services, leisure activities and educational programs that complement and enhance students’ educational experiences. The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management is located in 144 Oakland Center (248-370-4200). Brief descriptions of services for students follow.

Academic Skills Center

The Academic Skills Center, 103 North Foundation Hall, (248) 370-4215, offers free peer tutoring and supplemental instruction for registered Oakland University students. Tutoring is available by appointment and walk-in for most 100-200 level courses. In both cases, the sessions may be group sessions. The center also offers Supplemental Instruction (SI) for some courses. This program provides organized study sessions two or three times a week to students enrolled in specific sections of courses which have been assigned an SI. SI sessions focus on course-specific study skills that help students review notes, understand and apply key concepts, prepare for tests and develop critical reasoning skills. Attendance at these sessions is voluntary.

In addition to tutoring and SI, the center coordinates study skills/test-taking presentations through workshops offered in fall and winter semesters. Study skills handouts are available in the Academic Skills Center, as are self-paced materials to further support development of effective study strategies. Some computer-aided instructional materials in academic disciplines are also available in the center.

The center staff also monitors the progress of students in Dismissal Option Status (DOS) and works with other students in academic difficulty through the Probation Outreach Program. Both of these programs provide academic support, strategies for academic success and resource referrals for students.

During fall and winter semesters, the Academic Skills Center is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Additional tutoring is available in 117 Vandenberg Hall from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Other times are available by appointment. Summer session tutoring is available by appointment only Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Campus Recreation

The Department of Campus Recreation provides facilities, programs and services to meet the recreational, fitness, wellness and personal development needs of the Oakland University community. The goal of campus recreation programs is to enhance the quality of student and campus life through knowledge, opportunities, interests and behaviors that promote healthy lifestyles and to encourage making a regular recreational activity an element of daily life.

Campus Recreation programs include intramural sports, club sports, fitness assessments, group fitness sessions and clinics, wellness programs, aquatic  programs, and informal sports that are self-directed and self-paced. Recreation Center facilities include the recreation gym with three basketball/volleyball courts, a one-tenth mile four-lane running track, three racquetball/walleyball courts, four multi-purpose rooms, a 7,500 square foot fitness center with over 70 pieces of cardio-vascular and strength equipment, a wellness center, a 50-meter pool, a spa and bubble pool in the aquatic center, two class/meeting rooms and locker rooms.  Campus Recreation also oversees the Upper Pioneer Fields.

Access charges to the recreation center are included in a student’s tuition bill during the semester they are enrolled. Further information about eligibility for family members, facility hours or program offerings may be obtained at the facility’s Welcome Center or by telephone at (248) 370-4732.

Career Services

The Career Services Department, 154 North Foundation Hall, (248) 370-3250, assists current students and alumni to develop professionally by providing career advising, job search resources and guidance, career-related programming, career fairs, and an online job posting database, among many other services.

Whether you are a current student seeking internship opportunities to complement classroom experience or a graduating senior or alumni seeking professional employment, Career Services can provide the resources and connections to help you succeed.

Visit oakland.edu/careerservices to find out more about our services and programs or to mark your calendar to attend our events, seminars, and information sessions, and check out the extensive online resources.

OU students and alumni can search our comprehensive job search site at OUCareerLink.com, where you can search for full-time, part-time, internship, co-op, and on-campus opportunities. Updated daily and accessible 24/7, the site allows you to post your resume for on-and off-campus open positions.

To take advantage of services available or to schedule an appointment, call (248) 370-3250. 

Center for Multicultural Initiatives

The Center for Multicultural Initiatives (CMI) was established in 1993 to advance Oakland University’s commitment to diversity by increasing the recruitment, retention and graduation of a culturally diverse student body by developing strategies that engage all students in the attainment of academic excellence and social success. CMI provides programs and services to students who are interested in developing leadership and study skills; networking with fellow students, faculty and staff; and celebrating diversity. It also administers the Oakland University Trustees Academic Success Scholarship and oversees several other scholarships, loans and peer mentor programs. The CMI’s mission is to provide support for underrepresented students’ success and to foster an appreciation for campus-wide diversity. The CMI is located in 104 North Foundation Hall, (248) 370-4404.

Counseling Center — Graham Health Center

The Oakland University Counseling Center, located in the Graham Health Center, provides short-term personal counseling, psycho-educational testing and consultations to university students and staff. The personal counseling services provide treatment for relationship difficulties, depression and anxiety, eating disorders, grief and loss, sexual assault, stress disorders, underachievement, academic difficulties, career/major difficulties, and family or marital problems. Additionally, psychiatric services are available for students who require medication as an adjunct to counseling. Evaluations regarding learning problems or disabilities and ADHD are available through the psychological testing services. For students experiencing drug or alcohol problems, assessment, counseling and referral services are available. The Counseling Center engages in many outreach activities including screenings for depression, anxiety, eating disorders and alcohol abuse. Strict rules of confidentiality are observed.

The first six counseling sessions for students are free. After that, services are available at a nominal cost. Students may contact the center directly at (248) 370-3465. 

Dean of Students

The dean of students serves as an advocate for the development of programs and services to meet the needs of students. As such, the dean of students monitors the university environment, administers the conduct code and judicial system, assists with student life policy development, and serves as an advocate for students facing academic, financial and personal problems while enrolled at Oakland University. The Dean of Students office is located in the Student Affairs Office at 144 Oakland Center, (248) 370-3352.

Disability Support Services

Advocacy and support services are provided through the Office of Disability Support Services, located in 121 North Foundation Hall. Services include, but are not limited to, priority registration, alternative testing arrangements, assistive technology, alternative media formats, assistance in identifying volunteer note takers and readers, electronic door openers and sign-language interpreting services. Students are encouraged to schedule an appointment six weeks prior to the semester and to bring documentation of their disability. To register, or for more information, contact the DSS Office at (248) 370-3266 (voice) or (248) 370-3268 (TDD). In cases involving alleged illegal discrimination or harassment, the student should contact University Diversity & Compliance, 203 Wilson Hall, (248) 370-3496.

First Year Advising Center (formerly Advising Resource Center)

The First Year Advising Center, in 121 North Foundation Hall, (248) 370-3227, provides academic information and assistance to freshmen and sophomore students and to undergraduates who have not yet decided on a major. Students can receive help in course selection and declaration of a major as well as career exploration as it relates to majors at the university. For freshmen students who declare an “undecided” major, advising from the First Year Advising Center involves a minimum of two appointments during the student’s first year. All undergraduates, regardless of academic major, may utilize the career exploration services of the First Year Advising Center.

Health Services

Graham Health Center provides convenient, affordable, high-quality health care on campus for the OU community.  We are staffed by certified Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants who have extensive education and clinical training.  A physician visits weekly to review cases, consult, and see patients who require physician care.  Most health insurances are accepted, and low-cost student health insurance is available for purchase.  Services at Graham Health Center include:

  • Physical exams for nursing, employment and sports
  • Treatment for illness and minor injuries
  • Woman’s health care
  • Prescription and over-the-counter medication
  • Laboratory and other diagnostic testing
  • Immunizations and allergy injections

For more information, call 248-370-2341 or visit us at oakland.edu/ghc. 

ID Card Office

The ID Card Office is home of the SpiritCard and SpiritCa$h. The SpiritCard is the official identification card for Oakland University. Your SpiritCard provides access to your SpiritCa$h account, library materials, printing on campus, meal plans, and your residence hall. SpiritCa$h is an on-campus-only pre-paid debit card that can be used at various campus locations including the OU Bookstore, campus dining locations including Pioneer Food Court, the CSA Service Window, vending, Print Wise stations and more.

The SpiritCard has an additional feature called the SpiritCard PLUS. Oakland University has partnered with Credit Union ONE to offer the SpiritCard PLUS feature which enables your SpiritCard to be used as a MasterCard Debit card and ATM card free of charge wherever MasterCard is accepted and at all Credit Union ONE ATMs. There are four Credit Union One ATMs on campus, and as part of the Co- Op Network, you can also go to any Credit Union ATM and use it free of charge. To activate the SpiritCard PLUS feature as a student of Oakland University, you would simply open a savings account with a $5 balance and a totally free checking account. There is no minimum balance requirement or minimum amount needed to open the checking account, though there is a $1.00 credit union membership fee. You will get your first box of standard checks for free, have access to free online banking and online bill pay, plus get the added convenience of carrying one card on campus and off. Your SpiritCard makes it happen!

International Students and Scholars

Services are provided by the Office of International Students and Scholars located in 157 North Foundation Hall. Orientation, advising, assistance with preparing documents for the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), sponsoring agencies and home country governments are among the available services. International students are required to meet with a staff member prior to registration. Any international student or exchange visitor requiring assistance may contact the office at (248) 370-3358.

Lowry Center for Early Childhood Education

The Lowry Center for Early Childhood Education offers early childhood education programming for children from eighteen months to five years of age. The Lowry Center provides innovative equipment, materials, and practices to cultivate the development of young children. Lowry is part of the School of Education and Human Services at Oakland University. It is administered by the Department of Human Development and Child Studies and is licensed by the State of Michigan.

The mission of the Lowry Center for Early Childhood Education is to provide an exemplary laboratory center for early childhood education for the broad university community and the neighboring communities. The Lowry Center is dedicated to the mission of fostering the cognitive, emotional, social, creative and physical growth and development of each individual child in a supportive and stimulating environment. The facility is designed to promote best practices in the field of Early Childhood Education. Each classroom is equipped to meet the developmental needs of that particular age group.

The Lowry Center is located in Pawley Hall on Pioneer Drive. Registration is ongoing throughout the year, based on availability. The academic year program runs from September through mid-June, and the summer camp program runs from late June or early July to early or mid-August.  A variety of scheduling options are available, including half-day and full-day choices for 2, 3 or 5 days per week. For information, or to schedule a tour, contact 248-370-4100.

Oakland Center  

The expanded Oakland Center serves students, faculty, staff, alumni and guests of Oakland University by offering a wide variety of social, recreational, cultural and entertainment programs. Open seven days a week and located in the heart of the campus, the Oakland Center features a food court including brand name eating establishments, such as Chick-Fil-A, PaPa John’s and Subway. The University Bookstore, operated by Barnes and Noble, is housed in the Oakland Center, Credit Union ONE and the Student Technology Center. Other student services include: vending machines, a campus welcome center, a games room, a public telephone, newspaper machines, computer labs, e-mail kiosks, wireless Internet systems, Cafe’ O’Bear’s coffee shop/cyber café, a TV lounge and meeting/multipurpose rooms. Also located in the Oakland Center are the Administration and Reservations Office, the Center for Student Activities and Leadership Development, the Center for Student Affairs, Dean of Students, Chartwell’s food service, the ID Card Office, student organizations, University Congress, Student Program Board, the Gender and Sexuality Center, The Oakland Post student newspaper and WXOU-FM, the student operated radio station.

Office of Undergraduate Admissions

The Office of Undergraduate Admissions, 101 North Foundation Hall, (800) OAK-UNIV or ouinfo@oakland.edu provides support and services to prospective and admitted undergraduate students and their families through recruitment activities and on-campus programming, including Discover OU, Go for the Gold, Transfer Open House, welcome receptions, overnight visits and campus tours. The office also awards merit scholarships to qualified admitted students and sponsors orientation programs (please see the New Student Orientation section). For more information, visit oakland.edu/futurestudents.

New Student Orientation

Orientation and New Student Programs offers many programs to assist new students and their families with their transition to Oakland University. Services include New Student Orientation, Transfer Student Orientation and Parent Orientation. All undergraduate students new to Oakland University are required to participate in an orientation program before their first registration. During orientation, students are advised on course selection, informed about important policies and procedures, given information on services and activities available and introduced to the academic environment. At the conclusion of orientation, students register for classes. Orientations are also held for the parents of new first-year students. For further information, contact Orientation and New Student Programs, 105 North Foundation Hall, (248) 370-GOLD or gold@oakland.edu or view information online at oakland.edu/newstudents.

New Student Programs

Besides offering orientation programs for students and parents, Orientation and New Student Programs provides other services to assist new students and their parents in making a smooth transition to the university. Services include New Student Convocation, Collegiate Communication 101, Connections, My FYE, Bear Essentials E-publication, “The Oakland Parent” newsletter, and the New Student and Parent Resource Line. For further information, contact Orientation and New Student Programs, 105 North Foundation Hall, (248) 370-GOLD or gold@oakland.edu 

Placement Testing

Some general courses at Oakland, including mathematics, modern languages and writing and rhetoric, require students to take placement exams or to meet certain criteria before enrolling in these courses. Orientation and New Student Programs assists in coordinating placement testing for new students. Math placement exams can be taken by appointment in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, 368 Science and Engineering Building, (248) 370-3430. The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, 372 O’Dowd Hall, (248) 370-2060 offers language testing in French, German and Spanish year round. The tests can be taken on a personal computer or at any computer lab on campus. The test can be accessed at oakland.edu/languagetest. The password is grizzlies1. Students with questions about placement in first year writing should consult the Department of Writing and Rhetoric, 378 O’Dowd Hall, (248) 370-2746. For more information about placement testing, visit oakland.edu/courseplacement or contact Orientation and New Student Programs, 105 North Foundation Hall (248) 370-GOLD or gold@oakland.edu.

Residence Halls and University Housing

Oakland University’s residence halls and apartments offer a special way of life for more than 2,100 students each year, and provide the chance to live with different people, develop social and leisure interests, begin lifelong friendships and become involved as a student leader. Many students find it a rewarding experience that also furthers academic success.

Oakland’s housing community has a distinct character and is situated within easy walking distance from classrooms, the library and recreational facilities. Residence halls and apartments provide valuable features such as: staff who work and live in each hall, complete laundry facilities, reception desks and mail service, cable television, Internet service, meal plans that fit students’ lifestyles, academic support and tutoring, computer labs; and targeted programs and workshops. University housing offers a variety of living options including living-learning communities, student apartments, and traditional residence halls. Rooms are furnished with desks, single beds, dressers, closets, lighting, wastebaskets and window blinds.  Residents must provide their own pillows, blankets, sheets and towels. Lamps, electric blankets, clocks, radios, televisions, small refrigerators and computers are allowed subject to safety regulations, limitations of space and consideration of others. Washers and dryers are available in each building free of charge. Maintenance service is provided by the university in common areas. Residents assume responsibility for cleaning their own rooms. Food service for residents is provided by a professional food service company. Residents have the opportunity to select from a variety of meal plans, which are set in accordance with student needs and interests.

To be eligible for university housing, students must be formally admitted in a degree-seeking program and registered for at least 8 credit hours each semester. Upon their acceptance at Oakland University and the submission of a valid housing contract, students’ reservations will be processed by the University Housing Office. Notification of assignment will be given approximately two weeks prior to the beginning of each semester. Returning students may renew their housing contracts through the University Housing Office. Room and board is not provided between semesters or during official recesses listed in the university calendar for students living in the residence halls. Students living in University Student Apartments are permitted to stay in their apartment between semesters and during official university recesses.

For more information, please contact the Department of University Housing, 448 Hamlin Hall, Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48309-4401; call (248) 370-3570 or fax to (248) 370-3340; or visit our Web site at oakland.edu/housing.

School of Education and Human Services Counseling Center

The School of Education and Human Services (SEHS) Counseling Center offers no cost counseling to Oakland University students and the general public. The SEHS Counseling Center works with individual adults, adolescents, and children, as well as couples, families and groups. Counseling is provided for a wide variety of daily living issues, such as anxiety, stress, grief and loss, time management, life transitions, relationship issues, behavioral issues, and career exploration, to name a few. Career counseling is also offered for adolescents and adults. The SEHS Counseling Center is equipped with career assessments to aid those in their career exploration, educational goals, and job search.

All sessions are conducted by a closely supervised masters or doctoral level counselor near the end of his or her training. Sessions are professional, ethical, and confidential. Clients are assigned to counselors on a semester long time period. The center is open Monday through Saturday year round, with the exception of university breaks. There are three ways to register for an appointment: by phone, call (248) 370-2633; in person, go to 250 Pawley Hall (second level); or register online at oakland.edu/sehs/cc.

Student Activities and Leadership Development

The Center for Student Activities and Leadership Development, 49 Oakland Center, (248) 370-2400, more popularly known as “CSA,”, offers a wide variety of out-of-classroom activities, including campus-wide social, educational and cultural programs, lectures, concerts, films, workshops, and retreats, as well as leadership, diversity and community service opportunities. Oakland University has over 190 registered student organizations, which represent a broad range of professional and personal interests, from academic, community service, engineering, honor societies, multicultural, political, religious, and social clubs to Greek fraternities and sororities. Students unable to find an organization serving their particular interests are encouraged to form new groups.

Many student services are provided through the Center for Student Activities. These services include registration of student and Greek organizations, use of computers, OC locker rentals, ticket sales and sign-ups for campus activities, discounted tickets to Metropolitan Detroit theaters and sporting events, sale of stamps, sending faxes, banners, approval for posting printed materials around campus, and commuter programs. The CSA Office oversees the Leadership and Volunteer Center, Gender and Sexuality Center, and Student Resource Center. The CSA Office coordinates annual programs such as Welcome Week, Week of Champions at Oakland University (WOCOU), Make the Commuter Connection Day, Meadow Brook Ball, Women’s History Month, International Night, and American Red Cross Blood Drives (five times a year). Additionally, the CSA Office assists in planning awareness weeks, cultural celebrations, Greek Week, OU Grizz Madnezz, and OU Homecoming.

Oakland University Student Congress (OUSC) is an annually elected, campus-wide governing body that addresses student issues and concerns. In addition to its administrative duties, University Student Congress oversees the Student Activities Funding Board (SAFB), which allocates operating funds to recognized student organizations, and the Student Program Board (SPB), which is responsible for films, lectures, concerts and other major social events on campus. The Oakland Post is the student campus newspaper, published weekly during the academic year. WXOU 88.3 FM is the student radio station. Student Video Productions (SVP) provides opportunities to learn about television broadcasting and the video production industry.

Students are strongly encouraged to get involved in out-of-classroom programs, activities and events offered between classes, in the evening, and on the weekends. The CSA Office provides students with educational, social, leadership, diversity and community outreach opportunities that complement their academic experience while attending Oakland University.

For more information on how to become involved, contact the Center for Student Activities, 49 Oakland Center, call (248) 370-2400, fax (248) 370-4337, email csa@oakland.edu, or access the CSA Web site at: oakland.edu/csa.

Student Technology Center

The Student Technology Center (STC) serves as the headquarters for the promotion, instruction and support of technology literacy to support classroom learning. The STC offers individual and group training and hands-on learning experiences to meet student’s technology needs. Additionally, students can borrow technology equipment from the Center. The Student Technology Center is located at 40 Oakland Center, (248) 370-4832.

Testing Services 

The Registrar’s Office administers the GRE, LSAT, PCAT, and MPRE. The Department of Human Development and Child Study administers the ACT, NCE and MAT (Miller Analogies Test). Information and materials on these tests are available.

Department of Pre-College Programs

The Department of Pre-College Programs (106 North Foundation Hall, 248-370-4455) provides programs to middle and high school students in the metropolitan area. The programs are designed to offer academic, social, career and cultural enrichment to students. The department employs university students as tutors, peer mentors, and office assistants.


Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) - Offers a variety of academic and social programs and services to approximately 700 twelfth graders in the Oak Park and Pontiac school districts (school year 2011-12). The seniors have an opportunity to qualify for an academic scholarship.  

The Wade H. McCree Scholarship Program - Provides academic and social support to public school students in Detroit, Pontiac and Oak Park who are selected by their school districts. McCree students are eligible for full tuition scholarships to Oakland University if they meet the scholarship criteria of a 3.00 GPA and a composite score of 21 on the ACT

The Detroit Compact Scholarship Program - Designed to assist Detroit Public School students to achieve job and college readiness. Oakland University and The Detroit Compact Partnership (a voluntary group of business, community organizations, and government agencies) funds at least five scholarships annually. The scholarship criteria are a 3.0 GPA and a composite score of 21 on the ACT.

Avondale - OU College Adventure - For the twelfth year, the Pre-College Programs staff and OU’s faculty have provided a two-day residential program to sixth grade students from the Avondale Meadows Middle School in Auburn Hills. The program includes academic presentations by OU faculty and staff, a Music, Theatre and Dance event, time in the recreation center, and an overnight stay in the residence hall. Funding for the program is provided by the school, students and their families.  

Public Schools Academies - Building Bridges Summer Camp - Pre-College staff and PSA provide a three-night residential camp that emphasizes the importance of a college education to the sixth through eighth graders enrolled at OU charter schools. Using an interdisciplinary approach, participants will engage in special learning activities taught by OU professors and graduate staff.  Activities are designed to stimulate interest in science and engineering, cultural awareness as well as further develop higher order thinking and problem-solving skills.  Camp experience will also include special enrichment workshops, tours of the campus, off-campus field trip, and fun recreational opportunities.

Waterford School District - Academic and Character Education (ACE) Program - This program provides students with an opportunity to experience college life and be involved in hands-on activities to learn about different careers such as engineering, criminal law, photojournalism, art, theater, music, education, business, and computers. Pre-College staff and faculty make available sessions that focus on specific topics related to post-education training as well as connecting the relevance to the students’ high school experiences. Student will also participate in a mentoring program with OU students.

Clinton River Water Festival at OU - Provides an educational and enjoyable learning experience for fifth-grade students from the Clinton River Watershed community schools in Oakland County. The festival design allows students to learn about the central role water and the Clinton River play within the region. Some of the topics that are explored during the festival included: storm water, waste water treatment, soil erosion, wetlands, creeks and streams, habitat, as well as sources of pollution. Several governmental and environmental agencies work with Pre-College Programs to plan and execute the festival at OU.

Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program (DAPCEP) ­- DAPCEP’s goal is to give underrepresented students the interest and preparation needed to succeed in a University-level science or engineering curriculum. The program offers intensive computer, technology, science, math, and engineering training from experienced professionals and instructors in their respective fields. Students receive hands-on opportunities in work environments in addition to classroom-based curriculum activities.

Oakland University College Day Program - Provides students at the middle and high school level with a one-day college experience. The mission is to provide opportunities for students to discover first-hand the potential of a college education and to expose students to the information, knowledge, and skills they need to prepare for college entry and success. Intended outcome is to increase the number of students going to college.

Residential Program (all school districts) - The Residential Program provides pre-college students with an introduction to higher education. Students reside overnight in our residence halls to “get a taste of college life.” Highlights include: Career Explorations - academic presentations provided by various professional schools and academic departments at Oakland University; Informational Programs - informational sessions in critical areas such as admissions and financial aid are presented to students; Campus Tours - program mentors accompany students, familiarizing them with Oakland University’s campus; Social Activities - students participate in various activities to enhance their social awareness; Recreational Activities - students are able to utilize OU’s state-of-the-art Recreation Center. Amenities include a 50-meter pool, racquetball/squash courts, gymnasium, table tennis and strength/cardiovascular training equipment.

Office of Senior Associate Provost

Senior Associate Provost: Susan M. Awbrey, Ph.D.

The Office of Senior Associate Provost, OSAP, provides a single point of focus within the administration for undergraduate education at Oakland University. Its university-wide mission spans undergraduate academic experience. The Office is designed to: promote quality and excellence in teaching and learning, encourage innovative ideas and enrichment of the undergraduate curriculum, enhance support services, promote diversity in the curriculum, establish and interpret policy, and provide oversight for campus-wide programs and initiatives. One of the major missions of the office is ensuring the quality of undergraduate programs in collaboration with Oakland University’s College of Arts and Sciences and professional schools.

Quality through accreditation

The office of the Senior Associate Provost has oversight of the university’s accreditation through the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, Higher Learning Commission (NCA). (Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, ncahigherlearningcommission.org/, (312) 263-0456)

Quality through collaborative governance

The Office of the Senior Associate Provost works closely with standing committees of the University Senate to implement and recognize academic quality. This includes the General Education Committee. OSAP supports implementation of the revised general education program to enhance the core experience for Oakland University’s undergraduate students. OSAP works with the Teaching and Learning Committee and the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) to identify winners of the Teaching Excellence and Excellence in Teaching awards. These awards are given each year to outstanding full and part-time instructors. Students are encouraged to nominate faculty for these awards. The Senior Associate Provost chairs the University Committee on Undergraduate Instruction. This committee has oversight of university requirements and university-wide curriculum issues. OSAP is responsible for promoting diversity in the curriculum. OSAP works in collaboration with the Assessment Committee, which assesses the impact of academic programs on student learning.

OSAP is also responsible for the decennial review of academic programs that is mandated by the University Senate. At least once every 10 years each academic program comes under review with the goal of enhancing the program’s effectiveness and maintaining a university environment of academic excellence.

Quality through special student programs, opportunities and development

The Office of the Senior Associate Provost conducts development opportunities for faculty including an annual orientation to acquaint new faculty with Oakland University and to help ensure a productive classroom experience, workshops, and faculty learning committees. OSAP also supports the activities of the Teaching and Learning Committee that are designed to increase awareness of effective teaching practices including the Teaching & Learning Newsletter.

The Office of the Senior Associate Provost seeks to increase opportunities for undergraduate students through oversight of special programs and opportunities including:

Office of Academic Service Learning

Academic Service Learning is a teaching methodology that utilizes community-based partners to help students achieve course objectives, new knowledge, and civic involvement. The Office of Academic Service Learning (OASL) seeks to enrich the education of students by providing resources to faculty for creating and improving innovative instructional assignments that advance civic engagement. The OASL strives to provide faculty and students with meaningful academic experiences that allow collaboration with the university and surrounding community. Dr. Scott L. Crabill is the director of this office, (248) 370-3223.

International Experience

OSAP oversees the Office of International Education. This office is designed to expand opportunities for Oakland University students to study abroad. Study abroad offers opportunities for students to expand their awareness of other cultures and to learn about themselves. Dr. Brian Connery is the director, (248) 370-4131.

Honors College and Undergraduate Research

OSAP oversees the Honors College (HC). The Honors College is designed to offer a challenging environment to outstanding undergraduate students. The Office of the Senior Associate Provost encourages faculty to engage undergraduate students in research projects and to mentor undergraduate scholarship. The HC maintains a list of faculty mentors willing to involve undergraduate students in research. Dr. Graeme Harper is the director, (248) 370-4450.

Bachelor of Integrative Studies

The Bachelor of Integrative Studies (BIS) reports to the Office of the Senior Associate Provost. The BIS program allows students to create an academic program that meets their educational goals by combining elements from different academic disciplines offered by the University. The creation of a BIS plan provides students with the flexibility to meet their individual academic aspirations. Dr. Scott Crabill is the director, (248) 370-3229.

Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning supports faculty efforts to improve teaching by creating learning environments in which our diverse student body achieves maximal learning potential, and promotes a culture throughout the university which values and rewards effective teaching, and respects and supports individual differences among learners. The center is open to all full-time and part-time faculty and graduate assistants who teach at Oakland University. Dr. Judith Ablser is the director, (248) 370-2466.

Quality through accurate student information

The Office of the Senior Associate Provost has responsibility for the production of the Undergraduate Catalog. The Undergraduate Catalog is the student’s guide for navigating the educational requirements and opportunities at Oakland University. Understanding the information in the catalog, in conjunction with regular visits to the student’s academic adviser, can greatly improve a student’s likelihood of success at OU. Irene Fox, assistant to the senior associate provost, coordinates the Undergraduate Catalog, (248) 370-2571.

The Office of the Senior Associate Provost is located in 205 Wilson Hall and can be reached at (248) 370-4955.

Graduate Study and Lifelong Learning

Executive Director of Graduate Study: Claire Rammel, M.A.

Course offerings and programs of study at the graduate level constitute a major Oakland University enterprise. Most schools and departments offer some form of graduate work leading to advanced degrees. All of the graduate programs have their philosophical underpinning in the university’s role and mission statement. Through them, the intellectual and educational needs of students are served in relation to specific careers; cultural heritage is preserved and extended; and new knowledge is produced that is directed toward the extension of frontiers and the solution of problems and issues that confront society as a whole. Programmatic balance is sought to assist in the achievement of these varied objectives. Students are assumed to be full partners in the process of program implementation. Through this partnership, the goals and purposes of graduate education are fulfilled.

Upper-division undergraduates with appropriate credentials, permission of their academic adviser and the department offering the course, may enroll in 500-level graduate courses and use them toward their baccalaureate degrees.  The student must complete the ‘Undergraduate Permission to Enroll in Graduate Course’ form (available on Graduate Study website) and submit to Graduate Study for final approval.

An undergraduate student enrolled in a graduate course is subject to all university regulations affecting undergraduates. The university, by allowing a student to earn graduate credit while still an undergraduate, makes no guarantee of the student’s admissibility to any graduate program. Courses completed for graduate credit and used to satisfy baccalaureate degree requirements may not also be used in the future to fulfill the requirements of a graduate degree. Undergraduate students considering a graduate course should consult with their adviser well in advance of the semester.

Undergraduate students, who receive financial aid and do not intend to use the graduate course to satisfy an undergraduate degree requirement, must be enrolled in a minimum full-time credit-hour load (12 credit hours) of undergraduate courses that apply to their approved degree program in addition to the graduate course(s). Graduate courses that students use toward their baccalaureate degree are counted in this minimum 12 credit hours. Students should consult their financial aid adviser.

Graduate degree programs 

Doctor of Nursing Practice
Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Mathematical Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Sciences: Biological Communication
Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Sciences: Health and Environmental Chemistry
Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Sciences: Medical Physics
Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science and Informatics
Doctor of Philosophy in Education: Counseling
Doctor of Philosophy in Education: Early Childhood Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Education: Educational Leadership
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in Music Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Reading Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Systems Engineering
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Doctor of Science in Physical Therapy

Education Specialist
Education Specialist in Early Education and Intervention
Education Specialist in Leadership

Executive Master of Business Administration
Master of Accounting
Master of Arts in Biology
Master of Arts in Communication
Master of Arts in Counseling
Master of Arts in English
Master of Arts in History
Master of Arts in Liberal Studies
Master of Arts in Linguistics
Master of Arts in Mathematics
Master of Arts in Teaching in Elementary Education
Master of Arts in Teaching in Secondary Education
Master of Arts in Teaching in Reading and Language Arts
Master of Business Administration
Master of Education in Early Childhood Education
Master of Education in Educational Leadership
Master of Education in Educational Studies
Master of Education in Special Education
Master of Education in Teacher Leadership
Master of Music in Conducting
Master of Music in Instrumental Performance
Master of Music in Music Education
Master of Music in Piano Pedagogy
Master of Music in Piano Performance
Master of Music in Vocal Pedagogy
Master of Music in Vocal Performance
Master of Public Administration
Master of Science in Applied Statistics
Master of Science in Biology
Master of Science in Chemistry
Master of Science in Computer Science
Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Master of Science in Embedded Systems
Master of Science in Engineering Management
Master of Science in Exercise Science
Master of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering
Master of Science in Industrial Applied Mathematics
Master of Science in Information Technology Management
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Master of Science in Mechatronics
Master of Science in Nursing: Adult/Gerontological Nurse Practitioner
Master of Science in Nursing: Clinical Nurse Specialist - Adult Health
Master of Science in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner
Master of Science in Nursing: Nurse Anesthesia
Master of Science in Nursing: Nursing Education
Master of Science in Physical Therapy
Master of Science in Physics
Master of Science in Safety Management
Master of Science in Software Engineering and Information Technology
Master of Science in Systems Engineering
Master of Training and Development
RN to M.S.N.

Graduate Certificates
Graduate Certificate in Advanced Microcomputer Applications
Graduate Certificate in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Graduate Certificate in Biomedical Sciences
Graduate Certificate in Clinical Exercise Science
Graduate Certificate in Complementary Medicine and Wellness
Graduate Certificate in Conducting
Graduate Certificate in Corporate and Worksite Wellness
Graduate Certificate in Exercise Science
Graduate Certificate in Instrumental Performance
Graduate Certificate in International Education (IB Teacher Award Level 1)
Graduate Certificate in Microcomputer Applications
Graduate Certificate in Music Education
Graduate Certificate in Neurological Rehabilitation
Graduate Certificate in Oncology Rehabilitation
Graduate Certificate in Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy
Graduate Certificate in Orthopedics
Graduate Certificate in Pediatric Rehabilitation
Graduate Certificate in Piano Pedagogy
Graduate Certificate in Piano Performance
Graduate Certificate in Productivity Improvement
Graduate Certificate in Statistical Methods
Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning for Rehabilitation Professionals
Graduate Certificate in Teaching English as Second Language
Graduate Certificate in Vocal Pedagogy
Graduate Certificate in Vocal Performance

Post-Master’s Graduate Certificates
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Accounting
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate: Adult/Gerontological Nurse Practitioner
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Business Economics
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Clinical Nurse Specialist: Adult Health
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Conducting
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Criminal Justice Leadership
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Family Nurse Practitioner
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Finance
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in General Management
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Health Care Administration
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Higher Education
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Human Resources Management
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in International Business
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Local Government Management
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Management Information Systems
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Marketing
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Music Education
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Organization and Management
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Nurse Anesthesia
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Nursing Education
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Piano Pedagogy
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Instrumental Performance
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Production/Operations Management
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificates in Reading, Language Arts and Literature: 16 credits and 32 credits
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Vocal Pedagogy
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Piano Performance
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate in Vocal Performance
Post-Master’s Graduate Certificate: Clinical Nurse Specialist - Adult Health