Jan 16, 2025  
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog 
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

School of Nursing

3008 HUMAN HEALTH BUILDING  (248) 370-4253
Fax: (248) 370-4279

School Website: oakland.edu/nursing/


Dean: Kerri D. Schuiling

Interim Associate Dean: Gary Moore

Office of the Dean: Pamela Marin, assistant dean; Kristina Aaron, academic adviser; Patrina Carper, academic adviser; Deleana Hill, information technology specialist; Amy Johnson, administrative project coordinator; Cheryl McPherson, business manager/financial analyst; Estella Nicholson, coordinator of academic services; Jennifer Milnar, special projects assistant; Sarah Mullin, academic adviser; Colette O’Connor, director of development; April Thomas-Powell, academic adviser 

Professors emerita: Mary Mittelstaedt, Justine Speer, Diane Wilson, Carol Zenas

Professors: F. Darlene Schott-Baer, Kerri Schuiling

Maggie Allesee Endowed Professor in Gerontology: Ann Whall

Associate professors: Karen Dunn, Dorothy Hawthorne-Burdine, Frances Jackson, Suha Kridli, Anne Mitchell, Gary Moore, Sarah Newton, Barbara Penprase, Cheryl Riley-Doucet

Assistant professors: Carrie Abele, Margaret Glembocki, Claudia Grobbel, Margaret Harris, Laura Pittiglio

Adjunct instructors: Deana Hays, Kimberly Holka, JoAnn Kapa, Marilyn Mouradjian, Lynda Poly-Droulard, Deborah Tierney

Beaumont Hospital Adjunct assistant professor: John Nagelhout

Beaumont Hospital adjunct instructors: Andrea Bittinger, Laurie Heline, John Roebuck

Visiting assistant professors: Nicole Clark, Anne Hranchook, Lisa Mileto, Renee Mirovsky, Kathleen Spencer

Visiting instructors: Kelly Berishaj, Chesanny Butler, Ellen Gajewski, Kathryn Murto, Gina Palombo

Special instructors: Janith Beres, Ronald Piscotty, Stephanie Vallie, Rosalind Woodson

Director of nursing labs: Patricia Ketcham


Board of Visitors

The Board of Visitors (BOV) for the School of Nursing is composed of community leaders from the greater Detroit area. The BOV assists the School of Nursing with fundraising and they provide scholarships for students.

Members of the Board of Visitors are:

Marie Adam, Lead Manager Medical Operations & Compliance, Chrysler Group LLC
Maggie Allesee, Counselor
Robert Chiarvalli, ESQ, President, Strategic Labor & Human Resources, LLC
Kathy Coburn, Senior Manager, Ernst & Young Lisa DeMoss, ESQ, Faculty, Thomas Cooley Law School
Kay Douglas, President, Douglas Marketing Group
Nancy Hakala, Director and Manager, Wright & Filippis
Petra D. Hurt, C.R.N.A., M.S., Assistant Director and Affiliate Clinical Coordinator, U of D Mercy, College of Health Professions
Gregory Jamian, President & CEO, AmeriCare Medical, Incorporated
Theresa Jones, M.S.N., R.N.
David C. Martin, President & CEO, The Martin Group
Barbara R. Medvec, Senior Vice President, Oakwood Healthcare Inc., CNO, Oakwood Healthcare System
Patricia Natale, Senior Vice President & CNO, Detroit Receiving Hospital
Grace Paranzino, Chief Clinical Officer, Kelly Healthcare Resources
Laurine S. Parmely, Assistant General Counsel, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Margo Riza, Rehabilitation Service Representative, Special Tree Neuro Skills Center
Teresa Rodges, Executive Director, POH Riley Foundation, POH Regional Medical Center
Kathleen Ryan, R.N.
Kerri Schuiling, Ph.D., CNM, FACNM, FAAN, Dean and Professor, Oakland University School of Nursing
Kelsey Schwartz, CEO, Advantage Management Group
Michelle Seid, R.N.
Karen M. Standfest, Vice President of Patient Care Services & CNO, Henry Ford Macomb Hospital
Nancy Susick, Vice President, COO, CNO, Beaumont Health System, Troy
Kathleen Van Wagoner, Chief Nursing Officer, Crittenton Hospital Medical Center
Christine Zambricki, C.R.N.A., R.N.

Programs Offered

The School of Nursing offers programs of study leading to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree, Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree, and a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree.  The undergraduate program of study combines general education in the humanities and the social, biological, and natural sciences with education in the theory and practice of nursing.  Graduates of the undergraduate program’s pre-licensure tracks (Basic-BSN and Accelerated Second Degree BSN) are eligible to take the NCLEX-RN licensure examination.   The School of Nursing also offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree Completion Sequence for Registered Nurses.  The undergraduate program prepares students for graduate study in nursing.

Undergraduate program objectives

Based on program goals, relevant student learning outcomes were developed related to each program goal. By the end of the program, students will:

  1. Demonstrate critical thinking through synthesis of knowledge from the humanities and the sciences in the application of the nursing process to the independent and collaborative practice of professional nursing.
  2. Demonstrate effective communication skills and proficiency in information management, including standardized nursing languages, and technology in delivering safe, effective and cost-efficient professional nursing care based on current best practice.
  3. Apply ethically and legally grounded clinical judgments supported by research in making decisions about the provision of professional nursing care.
  4. Demonstrate adherence to the essentials of the AACN when delivering nursing care across the life span to diverse client populations in a wide variety of settings.
  5. Acquire the foundation for continued study at the graduate level.


Students wishing to enter the pre-nursing program should have completed the following high school coursework:  four years of mathematics, one year of college preparatory biology and one year of chemistry, each with a grade of 2.8, in addition to presenting an academic grade point average of at least 3.20 and an ACT minimum composite score of 20 or SAT equivalent.

Admission to the School of Nursing occurs in one of three ways: (1) admission after completion of prerequisite courses on a competitive basis, (2) as a second degree student into an accelerated program of study on a competitive basis, or (3) as a registered nurse into a degree completion sequence. The School of Nursing encourages and actively seeks male and minority applicants. Individuals with disabilities will be considered for admission to the School of Nursing on an individual basis related to their ability to meet clinical practice requirements and core performance standards.

Admission after the freshman year

 Students are admitted to the School of Nursing on a competitive basis. In addition to the admission requirements listed, the applicant must be in good standing in the university (minimum overall GPA of 2.00). Completion of minimum requirements does not guarantee admission. Openings are filled with applicants best qualified to succeed in the nursing program. Preference for admission is given to students who have completed five or more pre-nursing courses (excluding MTH 061 ) at Oakland University. Pre-nursing courses which are satisfied by Advanced Placement (AP) equivalent courses will be counted toward the preference for admission. Please refer to OU Advanced Placement (AP) Policies for approved equivalents (oakland.edu/appolicies).

Students who are admitted to the pre-nursing major upon entry to Oakland University or upon changing their major are eligible to apply to the School of Nursing once the following requirements are met:

  1. Complete BIO 111 , BIO 121 ; CHM 104 , CHM 201  and PSY 100  with a minimum grade of 2.8 in each course and a minimum overall GPA of 3.20.
  2. Complete one philosophy course (PHL 101 , PHL 102 , PHL 103 , PHL 107 , PHL 204 , PHL 205 , or PHL 206 ) with a minimum grade of 2.8.
  3. Complete WRT 160  with a minimum grade of 2.8
  4. Complete MTH 061  with a minimum grade of 3.2.  (This requirement is waived for students who receive a score of 18 or higher on the mathematics subsection of the American College Test (ACT) or who have taken an Oakland University placement test and have placed into MTH 062  or higher or successfully completed a higher level Math course with a grade of 2.0 or higher.)
  5. Applicants who have been dismissed from a nursing program at another institution, or have two grades below 2.5 in nursing courses from another institution, must submit a statement of explanation that includes current status as a nursing student and have their application reviewed prior to consideration for admission to a School of Nursing undergraduate program.

Admission into the accelerated second-degree B.S.N. program

Website: Second-Degree B.S.N.

Admission to Oakland University as a pre-accelerated second degree B.S.N. program student is required in order to be eligible for admission to the School of Nursing in the Accelerated Second Degree B.S.N. program. Admission into the Accelerated Second Degree B.S.N. program is on a competitive basis. Completion of minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.

Students who meet the criteria in items 1-4 listed below are eligible for conditional admission with full admission pending completion of items 5-7 listed below:

  1. Adherence to the Oakland University undergraduate admission requirements for a second degree student.
  2. Minimum overall GPA of 3.2, with a minimum grade of 2.8 in each of the following courses: BIO 111 , BIO 121 , CHM 104 , CHM 201  and PSY 100 . Completion of Philosophy (PHL 101 , PHL 102 , PHL 103 , PHL 107 , PHL 204 , PHL 205  or PHL 206 ) with a minimum grade of 2.8 and MTH 061  with a minimum grade of 3.2.  (This requirement is waived for students who receive a score of 18 or higher on the mathematics subsection of the American College Test (ACT) or who have taken an Oakland University placement test and have placed into MTH 062  or higher or successfully completed a higher level Math course with a grade of 2.0 or higher.)
  3. A 500-1,000 word written goal statement.
  4. A faculty interview.
  5. Completion of PSY 225  and BIO 307 , with a grade of 2.5 or higher. (Must be taken prior to the program start date.)
  6. NRS 221 , NRS 227  and NRS 308  with a grade of 2.5 or higher. (Must be taken prior to the program start date.)
  7. Applicants who have been dismissed from a nursing program at another institution, or have two grades below 2.5 in nursing courses from another institution, must submit a statement of explanation that includes current status as a nursing student and have their application reviewed prior to consideration for admission to a School of Nursing undergraduate program.

Admission clinical requirements

Admission to the nursing program is contingent upon meeting all clinical requirements. These requirements are subject to change. Specific details will be provided with the letter of admission. Requirements include:

  1. Submission of a completed health assessment, including inoculation for tetanus; skin testing or chest x-ray for tuberculosis; proof of immunity to rubella, rubeola, mumps, varicella and Hepatitis B (or formal refusal of Hepatitis B vaccination).
  2. Meeting minimum physical, cognitive and psychosocial technical standards for clinical/field and laboratory experiences (see core performance standards). Students with disabilities who have questions about their ability to meet these standards are encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Support Services, 106 North Foundation Hall, (248) 370-3266.
  3. Documented completion of an approved CPR course.

The following are required by clinical agencies where students are placed for clinical experience:

  1. Criminal background check.
  2. Urine drug screen. 

Students are responsible for any costs associated with the requirements described above. Students accepted to the nursing program must submit proof of all the above requirements by the published deadline date (per program plan). All requirements must remain in effect throughout the academic year. Students who have not provided necessary documentation by the published deadline dates will not be allowed to enroll in clinical nursing courses. NOTE: Students must maintain their own health insurance for illness or injury. Clinical agencies are not required to provide free treatment for students and will bill individuals for use of their emergency or employee health services.


The School of Nursing Advising Office is located in 3027 Human Health Building, (248) 370-4253. It is recommended that students attend new student orientation prior to registering for classes in their first semester. The plan of study is a timetable of courses to be taken and assures progress toward satisfying degree requirements. In addition, students are encouraged to meet regularly with their academic adviser and are required to attend a School of Nursing orientation prior to beginning the nursing program.

Transfer Policy

Programs offered by the School of Nursing are designed to meet the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) accreditation criteria as well as to reflect the Oakland University philosophy of education. Records of students transferring to Oakland University from other academic institutions are evaluated and transfer credit is granted as appropriate. Once matriculated at Oakland, students are expected to complete all remaining nursing course work for the degree at Oakland. See Transfer student information in this catalog for additional information about the university transfer policies, including transfer of credit from community colleges.

Grade for transfer courses do not appear on the Oakland University transcript. However, for purposes of admission to the School of Nursing, grades for pre-nursing courses taken at other institutions are included in the pre-nursing GPA. Letter grades are converted as follows: A = 4.0, A- = 3.7, B+ = 3.3, B = 3.0.

On-leave Status

Students can request on-leave status for personal or academic reasons in the School of Nursing for a period of up to one year. Their return to the program is contingent upon availability of space. Students who return to the nursing program from on-leave status must comply with all School of Nursing policies in effect when they return and must submit their request to return to active status three months before the beginning of the term for which the student seeks to be reactivated.

Policies and Procedures

Once admitted to the nursing program, students should consult the School of Nursing Undergraduate Student Handbook for detailed information on program policies and procedures.

Core Performance Standards

All nursing students must demonstrate the following competencies during the entire academic program:

Competency standard

Critical Thinking: Inductive/deductive reasoning sufficient for clinical judgment and decision making.

Interpersonal: Interpersonal abilities sufficient to interact with individuals, families, and groups from a variety of social, emotional, cultural, spiritual and intellectual backgrounds.

Emotional Stability: Emotional stability sufficient to assume responsibility/accountability for actions.

Communication: Communication abilities sufficient for interaction with others in verbal and written form.

Motor Skills: Gross and fine motor abilities sufficient to provide safe and effective nursing care.

Mobility: Physical abilities sufficient to move from place to place and maneuver in small places.

Visual: Visual ability sufficient to provide safe and effective nursing care.

Hearing: Auditory ability sufficient to provide safe and effective nursing care.

Tactile: Tactile ability sufficient for assessment and implementation of care.

Health: Characteristics that would not compromise health and safety of clients.

Additional Information

Accreditation and program review

The Oakland University School of Nursing is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and is approved by the Michigan State Board of Nursing. The RN-BSN Degree Completion Sequence is fully accredited as an online program by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association.

Sigma theta tau-theta psi chapter

The local chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International, Theta Psi, was chartered in April 1986 at Oakland University. Each year Oakland University students who are eligible are invited to become members of this national nursing honor society. Candidates for membership are selected on the basis of superior scholastic achievement, academic integrity and evidence of professional leadership potential.

Student nurses association of Oakland University (SNAOU)

Nursing students are eligible for and encouraged to become members of the Student Nurses Association of Oakland University. The organization gives OU nursing students an opportunity to receive information and support from other nursing students and increase networking skills. It also gives members the ability to work with others, participate in community and political events, and have an opportunity to communicate with OU School of Nursing administrators.

National black student nurses association (N.B.S.N.A.)

The purpose of the association is to give Oakland University nursing students an opportunity to promote unity among minorities and other students by providing a support network for pre-nursing students as well as current nursing students. N.B.S.N.A. allows members to increase their networking skills and ability to work with others while educating and informing the community about health risks that affect minorities.

Qualification for R.N. licensure

Licensure is granted by the State of Michigan. Requirements for licensure include successful completion of a state-approved educational program and satisfactory performance on the licensing examination prescribed by the State of Michigan. Upon registration of the license, a nurse is known as a registered nurse (R.N.). Licensure in one state entitles a qualified holder to seek licensure by endorsement in other states. As part of the pre-licensure screening policy, the Michigan State Board of Nursing will obtain criminal conviction history. Additionally, new licensure applicants with previous substance abuse convictions may not be prohibited from licensure; however, the circumstances of the conviction will be reviewed and may result in investigation and/or referral to the Health Professional Recovery Program (Legal and Professional Regulation of Nursing Practice in Michigan, 1995).

Programs & Cores

Nursing, B.S.N 

Course Descriptions

The department offers selected courses from this catalog as warranted by student needs and availability of faculty: School of Nursing .

The following courses are graduate level courses open to undergraduate students who have been admitted to the R.N.-M.S.N. option (See Graduate catalog for descriptions).

  • NRS 515 Vulnerable Populations and Social Issues
  • NRS 516 Health Policy, Finance and Nursing Management

Schedule of Classes

Specific offerings for each semester may be found in the Schedule of Classes: sail.oakland.edu.