Music History, Literature, Appreciation and Education |
MUS 2164 - Diction for Singers II (2) Techniques for pronouncing foreign languages in singing. Focus on International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), French, and German. Prerequisite(s): MUS 2163
MUS 2171 - Keyboard Technique III (2) Development of the basic keyboard facility essential to any musician and some acquaintance with keyboard literature. May not be repeated for credit. Open to music majors only. Prerequisite(s): MUS 1172 and MUS 1214
MUS 2172 - Keyboard Technique IV (2) Development of the basic keyboard facility essential to any musician and some acquaintance with keyboard literature. May not be repeated for credit. Open to music majors only. Prerequisite(s): MUS 2171
MUS 2213 - Aural Skills III (1) Laboratory experience to accompany MUS 2212 . Prerequisite(s): MUS 1214 and MUS 1215 (or placement exam).
MUS 2215 - Aural Skills IV (1) A laboratory experience to accompany MUS 2214 . Prerequisite(s): MUS 2212 and MUS 2213 (or placement exam).
MUS 2420 - Instrumental Techniques for Choral Majors (2) Introduction to the teaching of basic performance skills on band and orchestral instruments for students majoring in choral/general music education. Winter semester.
MUS 2421 - Percussion Techniques (1) Principles and practices of teaching percussion students in school music programs. Includes basic playing technique for teachers.
MUS 2422 - Brass Techniques (1) Principles and practices of teaching brass students in school music programs. Includes basic playing technique for teachers.
MUS 2423 - Woodwind Techniques (1) Principles and practices of teaching woodwind students in school music programs. Includes basic playing technique for teachers.
MUS 2424 - String Techniques (1) Principles and practices of teaching string students in school music programs. Includes basic playing technique for teachers.
MUS 2440 - Learning and Teaching Music (1) Introduction to the learning and teaching of music in classroom settings. Introduction to the learning and teaching of music in classroom settings. Prerequisite(s): MUS 1331 , MUS 1332 , MUS 1214 , MUS 1215 and WRT 1060 or equivalent with a grade of (B) or higher.
MUS 2441 - Educational Psychology and Music Learning (3) Theories of learning and their implication for and application to music education practice, including study of developmentalist, behaviorist, cognitivist and constructivist theories and what they imply about the nature of teaching and learning in classroom and studio settings. Some field observation required. Prerequisite(s): MUS 2440
MUS 2701 - Creative Composition I (2) Techniques for composing original music including approaches to conceptualization, form, texture, melody, harmony and counterpoint. Skills will be developed in music notation, synthesizers, sequences and computer software. Frequent composition projects will be assigned and performed in class.
MUS 2702 - Creative Composition II (2) Continuation of MUS 2701 . Prerequisite(s): MUS 2701
MUS 2996 - Independent Study (1 TO 4) Normally for freshmen and sophomores. Prerequisite(s): permission of the music program.
MUS 3018 - The Business of Music (4) A survey of business techniques and procedures, laws, licensing and accounting practices in the music industry, and a study of career opportunities related to music.
MUS 3053 - Acoustics for Musicians (2) Physics of sound, characteristics of human hearing, room acoustics, psychoacoustics, measurement of sound, and analysis of sound properties of acoustic and electronic musical instruments. Class projects include frequency response and noise analysis of spaces, computation of RT60 reverb times, and interpretation FFT plots.
MUS 3054 - Basic Recording Techniques (2) Introduction to audio recording techniques, from classic stereo through contemporary multi-channel recording. Examination of recording hardware, including microphones, preamplifiers, computer interfaces, digital and analog recording devices, and monitors, and software, including ProTools, Logic Pro, and associated plugins. Prerequisite(s): MUS 3053
MUS 3171 - Accompanying for the Non-pianist I (2) Basic accompanying skills for the non-piano major. Designed for music majors who will need basic accompanying skills to function effectively in either the classroom or the private studio. Prerequisite(s): MUS 2172
MUS 3172 - Accompanying for the Non-pianist II (2) Continuation of MUS 3171 . Prerequisite(s): MUS 3171
MUS 3173 - Keyboard Skills for the Piano Major I (2) Functional skills for keyboard majors, including sight-reading, transposition, harmonization and score-reading.
MUS 3174 - Keyboard Skills for the Piano Major II (2) Continuation of MUS 3173 . Prerequisite(s): MUS 3173
MUS 3175 - Accompanying for Piano Majors (2) Accompanying for students whose major instrument is piano.
MUS 3176 - Accompaniment Practicum (1 TO 2) Experience in piano accompaniment of solo and/or ensembles, vocal and instrumental. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite(s): MUS 3175 or permission of instructor.
MUS 3211 - Musical Analysis and Form (4) Techniques of analyzing works of various styles and periods with an emphasis on tonal music. Prerequisite(s): MUS 2214 , MUS 2215
MUS 3212 - Counterpoint (4) Study of the contrapuntal style of the 17th and 18th centuries; includes composition and analysis in the styles. Prerequisite(s): MUS 2214 , MUS 2215
MUS 3331 - History and Literature of Medieval and Renaissance Music (3) Survey of Western Music from the earliest notated plainchant to Monteverdi (ca. 1600). Satisfies the university general education requirement for a writing intensive course in the major. Prerequisite for writing intensive: completion of the university writing foundation requirement. Prerequisite(s): MUS 1331 ; MUS 1214 , MUS 1215
MUS 3332 - History and Literature of Western Music from ca. 1850 to the Present (3) Survey of Western Music from the time of Wagner to the present. Satisfies the university general education requirement for a writing intensive course in the major. Prerequisite for writing intensive: completion of the university writing foundation requirement. Prerequisite(s): MUS 1331 ; MUS 1214 , MUS 1215
MUS 3441 - Elementary General Music Methods (3) Principles and practices of teaching music, based on experiences in the elementary general music classroom. Emphasis on the development of musical understanding through an interactive, constructivist approach, including study of current trends in education and music education. Two hours per week participation in on-site field observation and teaching required. Prerequisite(s): MUS 2441
MUS 3581 - Conducting I (2) Basic techniques of conducting. Both choral and instrumental techniques are studied. Prerequisite(s): MUS 2214 , MUS 2215
MUS 3582 - Conducting II (2) Continuation of MUS 3581 . Prerequisite(s): MUS 3581
MUS 3601 - Jazz Theory and Improvisation I (2) Introduction to jazz theory and improvisation concepts, including the modes of the major scale, historical jazz language practices, analysis of transcribed solos, ear training and basic jazz piano techniques.
MUS 3602 - Jazz Theory and Improvisation II (2) Continuation of MUS 3601 . Prerequisite(s): MUS 3601 or permission of instructor.
MUS 3701 - Music Technology I: MIDI and Sequencing (2) MIDI, synthesis, sampling, and sequencing in both studio environments and live performance, with attention to use of multidimensional polyphonic expression (MPE) controllers and the manipulation of audio with a variety of controllers. Includes frequent composition assignments and live performances.
MUS 3702 - Music Technology II: Audio Design and Processing (2) Creative applications of audio design, sound manipulation, and composition, including acousmatic music, diffusion and spatialization, and a look at media composition including film and games. Projects include sample library design, acousmatic composition, writing for new media, and diffusing works in a live concert. Prerequisite(s): MUS 3701
MUS 3711 - Advanced Recording Techniques (2) Application of advanced recording, editing, and sound manipulation techniques in video, sound and live audio. Prerequisite(s): MUS 3053 and MUS 3054
MUS 4210 - Analysis of Music Since 1900 (4) Compositional and analytical techniques for music of the 20th and 21st centuries. Prerequisite(s): MUS 2214 , MUS 2215
MUS 4320 - The Nineteenth-Century Symphony: History, Performance and Analysis (4) Nineteenth-century symphony from middle-period Beethoven to early Mahler. Aesthetics of absolute music and program music. Performance practice considered through historical recordings. Detailed analysis of selected examples. Satisfies the university general education requirement for the capstone experience. Satisfies the university general education requirement for a writing intensive course in the major. Prerequisite for writing intensive: completion of the university writing foundation requirement. Prerequisite(s): MUS 3332 , MUS 2214 , MUS 2215
MUS 4323 - Berlin’s Musical Cultures: 1900-1989 (4) Examines intersections between political and social crises and twentieth-century music with a focus on Berlin. Satisfies the university general education requirement for the capstone experience. Prerequisite(s): MUS 3331 , MUS 3332 , MUS 2214 , MUS 2215
MUS 4325 - Critical Theory Methodologies in the Global Arts (4) Examines applications of critical theory to geographically and culturally diverse visual and performing arts. Prerequisite(s): MUS 1332 and one course selected from MUS 1010 , MUS 1011 , or DAN 1375
MUS 4330 - Seminar in Opera and Drama (4) Relationship between opera and drama, and the literary sources used by composers for such musical works, through an examination of a number of representative works in the opera repertory from 1600 to 1945. Satisfies the university general education requirement for the capstone experience. Satisfies the university general education requirement for a writing intensive course in the major. Prerequisite for writing intensive: completion of the university writing foundation requirement. Prerequisite(s): MUS 3331 , MUS 3332 ; MUS 2214 , MUS 2215
MUS 4401 - Instrumental Methods for Choral Majors (1) Provides practical information related to the teaching of elementary instrumental music. Develops strategies for creative learning. Not open to students who have taken MUS 4402 . Prerequisite(s): MUS 3441 , MUS 2214 , MUS 2215 and major standing in music education.
MUS 4402 - Elementary Instrumental Methods (2) Provides practical information related to the teaching of elementary instrumental music. Develops strategies for creative learning. Not open to students who have taken MUS 4401 . Prerequisite(s): MUS 2441 , MUS 3332 , MUS 2214 , MUS 2215 ; and major standing in music education.
MUS 4403 - Secondary Instrumental Methods (2) Provides practical information related to the teaching of middle school and high school instrumental music, e.g., teaching strategies, repertoire, materials and techniques. Emphasis on developing musical understanding through the performance experience. Three hours per week field experience is required. Prerequisite(s): MUS 4402 , and major standing in music education.
MUS 4405 - Marching Band Methods (1) Provides practical information related to the organization and teaching of marching band. Topics include strategies and techniques for teaching, rehearsal, and student motivation. Introduction to show design and drill writing. Three hours per week field experience is required. Prerequisite(s): MUS 2441 , MUS 3332 , MUS 2214 , MUS 2215 .
MUS 4406 - Jazz Pedagogy (1) Preparation for teaching the fundamentals of jazz theory, jazz history, basic improvisation, and jazz ensemble rehearsal techniques.
MUS 4407 - Choral Methods for Instrumental Majors (1) Introduction to theory and practice of teaching and learning in the choral classroom with emphasis on teaching for musical understanding. Topics include literature, score study, lesson planning, assessment, and reflective practice. Prerequisite(s): MUS 3441 , MUS 3332 ; MUS 2214 , MUS 2215 and major standing in music education.
MUS 4408 - Choral Methods (3) Introduction to theory and practice of teaching and learning in the choral classroom with emphasis on teaching for musical understanding. Topics include literature, score study, lesson planning, assessment, and reflective practice. 30-hour field placement required. Prerequisite(s): MUS 3441 , MUS 3332 ; MUS 2214 , MUS 2215 ; and major standing in music education.
MUS 4431 - Teaching Music in the 21st Century I (3) Philosophical basis of learning and musical learning, their roots, historical contexts, assumptions and implications for education and music education practice. Satisfies the university general education requirement for the capstone experience. Satisfies the university general education requirement for a writing intensive course in the major. Prerequisite for writing intensive: completion of the university writing foundation requirement. Prerequisite(s): major standing in music education.
MUS 4432 - Teaching Music in the 21st Century II (3) Application of theoretical ideas learned in MUS 4431 in a secondary general music setting. Emphasis on the development of musical understanding through an interactive approach. Prerequisite(s): MUS 4431
MUS 4434 - Teaching Music to Learners with Exceptionalities (4) Teaching music to K-12 learners with exceptionalities. Includes 13 disabilities recognized for services, IDEA, Individualized Education Plan, Section 504, assistive technology, inclusion, self-determination, universal design, accommodations and curriculum modifications, Response to Intervention, collaboration in the school community, and music therapy. Some field observation required. Fulfills special education requirement for certification. Prerequisite(s): MUS 2441 with a grade of (B) or higher.
MUS 4541 - Piano Pedagogy I (2) Instructional strategies for teaching the beginning piano student, including methods, materials and the use of music technology. Various aspects of establishing and managing a piano studio will be addressed. Students will engage in paired microteaching and receive feedback from peers and teacher. Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
MUS 4542 - Piano Pedagogy II (2) Instructional strategies for teaching the intermediate and advanced piano student, including methods, materials, repertoire and the use of music technology. Students will engage in paired microteaching and receive feedback from peers and teacher. Prerequisite(s): MUS 4541
MUS 4543 - Piano Pedagogy III (3) Instructional strategies for teaching advanced baroque-classical repertoire, including score analysis, period performance practice, continued technical training, and musicianship development. Students will engage in paired microteaching and receive feedback from peers and teacher. Prerequisite(s): MUS 4542 (C)
MUS 4544 - Piano Pedagogy IV (3) Instructional strategies for teaching advanced romantic-contemporary repertoire, including score analysis, period performance practice, continued technical training, and musicianship development. Students will engage in paired microteaching and receive feedback from peers and teacher. Prerequisite(s): MUS 4543 (C)
MUS 4547 - Instrumental Teaching Studio (2) Instructional strategies for teaching instrumental music in a private studio, including methods, materials, and music technology. Prerequisite(s): junior standing.
MUS 4555 - Piano Repertoire I (2) Survey of piano repertoire from the baroque to classic (ca. 1600-ca. 1820). Prerequisite(s): instructor permission.
MUS 4556 - Piano Repertoire II (2) Survey of piano repertoire from the classic to the present (ca. 1820 to the present). Prerequisite(s): MUS 4555 or permission of instructor.
MUS 4561 - Vocal Repertoire I (2) Survey of literature for the voice with emphasis on historical style. Covers the Middle Ages through the 19th century, with emphasis on German song. Prerequisite(s): MUS 2163 (may be taken concurrently)
MUS 4562 - Vocal Repertoire II (2) Survey of literature for the voice with emphasis on historical style. Covers 19th and 20th century music emphasizing French, British and American song. Prerequisite(s): MUS 2164 (may be taken concurrently), and MUS 4561
MUS 4563 - Instrumental Repertoire I (1) Examination of instrumental repertoire with emphasis on chamber music, solo literature, and orchestral excerpts specific to the instrument of study. Prerequisite(s): junior standing.
MUS 4565 - Choral Literature (2) Study of choral literature from the Renaissance to the present. Examination of music from each period with emphasis on literature selection for choral groups, understanding and interpretation of the scores, historical accuracy in performance, and program building, with an overall eye toward practical usage.
MUS 4581 - Advanced Choral Conducting (2) Studies in advanced choral technique and literature with emphasis on problem solving and practical applications. Prerequisite(s): MUS 3582 or permission of instructor.
MUS 4582 - Advanced Instrumental Conducting (2) Studies in advanced instrumental technique and literature with emphasis on problem solving and practical applications. Prerequisite(s): MUS 3582 or permission of instructor.
MUS 4601 - Jazz Composing and Arranging I (2) Composing and arranging technique for small jazz ensembles, including study of jazz notational systems, lead sheet creation, engraving and orchestration for small ensembles. Prerequisite(s): MUS 3602 or permission of instructor.
MUS 4602 - Jazz Composing and Arranging II (2) Composing and arranging techniques for large jazz ensembles, including study of typical big band writing, formal structure, and contemporary trends in large ensemble writing. Prerequisite(s): MUS 4601
MUS 4701 - Orchestration and Arranging (3) Characteristics of instruments normally found in band and orchestra. Short writing projects for voice, chamber music, concert band, and orchestra along with sample library MIDI orchestration. Prerequisite(s): MUS 2214
MUS 4711 - Interactive Computer Music (2) Programming for live audio and MIDI manipulation in Max/MSP language. Includes software instrument design, realtime audio manipulation, laptop ensemble performance, and non-traditional and graphical notation. Students will work with an instrumentalist or vocalist to create an idiomatic interactive work to be performed at a capstone concert. Prerequisite(s): MUS 3701
MUS 4720 - Career Building for Musicians (2) Establishing oneself in the music industry, including music publishing and licensing, recording contracts, copyright laws, basic business practices and start-up, marketing and promotion, website design, social media outreach, artist branding, grant writing, press kits, and resume/digital portfolio building.
MUS 4900 - Special Topics in Music (1 TO 4) Current topics and issues in music performance and literature.
MUS 4950 - Pedagogy Internship (1) Internship teaching piano to students in a professional music studio setting under the direction and supervision of qualified piano instructors. Repeatable for up to two credits. Prerequisite(s): MUS 4544 (C)
MUS 4951 - Music Industry Internship (4) Field application of theories and practices in professional music production, recording arts, or music technology industries. Prerequisite(s): MUS 2702 , MUS 3711 , MUS 3702 , and MUS 4711
MUS 4994 - Senior Pedagogy Project (2 OR 4) Culminating project for the pedagogy program through which students apply what they have learned about performance and pedagogy and demonstrate their understanding of pedagogic theory and practice. B.M. Pedagogy students enroll for 4 credits. B.M. Performance and Pedagogy students enroll for 2 credits. Prerequisite(s): MUS 4544 (C)
MUS 4996 - Independent Study (1 TO 4) Normally for juniors and seniors. Prerequisite(s): permission of the music program.
MUS 4997 - College Teaching Apprenticeship (2) Supervised participation in teaching an undergraduate course in music, together with discussion of teaching methods and objectives. Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.
MUS 4998 - Senior Project: Music Technology and Recording (3) Advanced application of individual work in music technology and audio production. Prerequisite(s): MUS 2702 , MUS 3711 , MUS 3702 , and MUS 4711
Nuclear Medicine Technology |
NMT 4950 - Clinical Internship I (12) Didactic and clinical experience in clinical nuclear medicine including instrumentation, radio pharmacy, ligand assay, organ imaging and therapy with radionuclides. Prerequisite(s): program permission.
NMT 4951 - Clinical Internship II (12) Continuation of NMT 4950
NMT 4952 - Clinical Internship III (8) Continuation of NMT 4951
Nursing |
NRS 0011 - Mathematics of Medication Administration 1 (1) This remedial course focuses on the use of mathematics associated with safe medication calculation and administration in clinical nursing practice.
NRS 2010 - Pathophysiology (3) This course focuses on the altered processes of human physiology. An emphasis is placed on exploring changes of biological process of the body and the effects on homeostasis.
NRS 2011 - Pathophysiology (3) This course explores biological and physiological deviations that can occur throughout the lifespan. Pre/Corequisite(s): BIO 3520
NRS 2012 - Introduction to Professional Nursing (3) This course provides an introduction to the theoretical foundations of the nursing profession.
NRS 2014 - Health Assessment (4) This course prepares students to perform comprehensive health assessments. Laboratory experiences provide students with opportunities to practice assessment skills.
NRS 2020 - Pharmacology (4) This course provides an introduction to the principles of pharmacology, including pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and medication interactions. Prerequisite(s): BIO 3520 , NRS 2010 , NRS 2012 , NRS 2014
NRS 2021 - Nursing Informatics (2) This course introduces students to basic healthcare informatics’ topics, tools, and techniques and provides students with the foundational knowledge needed to use information management and patient care technologies to deliver safe and effective care. Prerequisite(s): Basic-BSN and Accelerated Second Degree = NRS 2011
BSN Degree Completion sequence: Pre/Corequisite(s): NRS 3511
NRS 2024 - Fundamentals of Professional Nursing Practice (5) This course focuses on the application of concepts foundational to professional nursing practice, including therapeutic nursing interventions. Prerequisite(s): BIO 3520 , NRS 2010 , NRS 2012 , NRS 2014
NRS 2031 - Pediatric Pathophysiology (1) This course explores biological and physiological deviations that occur in the pediatric population. It is designed to supplement a NRS 2011 equivalent course that does not include pediatric content.
NRS 2111 - Introduction to Professional Nursing Practice (2) This course introduces students to concepts related to professional nursing practice, including professional values and therapeutic communication. Prerequisite(s): admission to the School of Nursing.
NRS 2123 - Nursing Therapeutics I (1) This course involves theory and application in the laboratory setting of basic theoretical principles and therapeutic interventions used in professional nursing practice. Prerequisite(s): admission to the School of Nursing.
NRS 2131 - Health Assessment (3) This course focuses on the role of the professional nurse in performing a holistic health assessment/physical examination and use of effective therapeutic communication with individuals across the lifespan. Corequisite(s): NRS 2133 Pre/Corequisite(s): PSY 2250 , NRS 2111
NRS 2133 - Health Assessment Laboratory (1) This course involves application in the laboratory setting of principles related to health assessment. Prerequisite(s): admission to the School of Nursing. Corequisite(s): NRS 2131
NRS 2165 - Basic Clinical Competencies I (1) This course involves application of basic theoretical principles and therapeutic nursing interventions in clinical settings appropriate to preschool aged children to adolescents. Pre/Corequisite(s): PSY 2250 , NRS 2111 , NRS 2123 , NRS 2131 , NRS 2133 , NRS 2171 , and NRS 2181
NRS 2171 - Health Promotion I (3) This course explores wellness and health promotion from a nursing perspective during prenatal through adolescence. Corequisite(s): NRS 2165
NRS 2181 - Scientific Foundations of Professional Nursing Practice (2) The course introduces students to the scientific foundations of professional nursing practice, including use of the nursing process. Corequisite(s): NRS 2123 , NRS 2131 , NRS 2133 , NRS 2165 , NRS 2171 Pre/Corequisite(s): NRS 2111 and PSY 2250
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